episode 31

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All are worried for jen who is lying on the bed
Lisa looking at her like her life is depend on jen
Lisa pov- why she hate me so much i love her God please don't punish her because of me
Door opened and doctor come all look at her
Mrs jeon - doctor please check her she suddenly faint
Doctor - don't worry Mrs jeon i will see her you all please wait outside
Lisa- i am not living her alone check her
Bae - miss monobin i know you worried for jen but please try to understand
Everyone nod then Lisa sigh and leave the room everyone follow her

After sometime doctor come
Doctor - she come to her consciousness she is fine now
Mr Kim - doctor what happen to my daughter why she suddenly faint
Doctor -  she tell me she is on diet that's why
Mrs jeon - can we meet her
Doctor nod I am leaving take care of her said and left

Everyone comes to the room Jenny is sitting with blank look on face
Mr Kim - jen how are you feeling now are you ok ask worriedly
Jen- i am ok appa let's go from here
Mrs jeon - jen you are not ok please stay here you need rest
Jen- no I am leaving said angrily
Lisa- i will drop you come here said softly
Jen-  angrily i said stay away from me don't you get it said loudly
And leave from their mr Kim also follow her

Mr jeon- kook let's go we need to talk said in cold voice
Mr min and mr choi- you also
Mr jeon - bye Chan take care

Everyone left to their respective homes
All are very exhausted from today drama
Bae- Chan tell me it's just my dream said blankly
Chan - same dream i am also seeing with you bae
Don't worry we will see tomorrow let's go to sleep

After 2 days
Jen is sitting in doctor cabin
Jen- do what I say and get me rid of this
I hate this child that night when you said i am pregnant i am become mad
I don't want this baby abort it i will give you double, triple fees
Doctor - jen as your family doctor i will advise you to think again
Jenny - my decision is final
Doctor - ok i will get your appointment with gynecologist still then wait

Monobin mansion
Mam i am saying truth miss jen is in hospital
Lisa pov- since 2 days i am trying to contact with her but everytime her father cut the call now i am impatient i personally go there

Jeon mansion
Mrs jeon - kook i don't like that boy you will marry jen that's final
Kook- and i will only marry my love park taehyung
If my marriage is not fixed with tae i will kill myself
Mr jeon slap jungkook who stumbled
Mr jeon - what you think of yourself i have no problem with tae
But if he will agree then it's marriage is going to happen
Otherwise forget him
Mrs jeon - are you mad he is elder than you he is like your brother
Kook shout angrily he is not my brother he is my love
Jin- kook if you really love him then we will support you
Mr jeon nod and mrs jeon angrily left

Choi mansion
Mrs choi - we don't have problem with hannie son
He is angel i am really happy if he will be my daughter in low
Mr choi- but hannie is not ready for marriage what we gonna do
Scoups - don't worry dad i love him and i will win his heart mr and mrs choi smile to Scopus
Mr choi- you have really bad record in past in relationship
I don't tolerate if you hurt my hannie i will kick out you from this house
Scoups - no dad i will never hurt him he is my love and life now
Darkly no one is coming in our life he is only mine

Min mansion -
Yoongi is blankly sitting in room
With no emotions
His heart is paining in thought of jimin will marry Kai
Mrs min knock at door and come to the room
Her eyes started watering after looking at his only son is devastated
Mrs min - yoongi please eat something and sleep
Dad is agree to talk with Chan i am sure he is not gonna reject your dad
Yoongi blanly look at Mrs min - i don't know anything but he is only mine
He wants or not i will marry him with love or force said darkly

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