My head gets bashed in.

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"Get up you nasty whore!"

Immediately my eyes flew open and I bolted upright in the dingy rickety cot I call a bed.

I looked around before realising I was the only one left in the dorm room. Shit. I overslept.


The sound of someone's palm across my face echoes around the room I share with my other 30-something room mates.

Cupping my cheek , I quickly get out of bed and bow low at the man in front of me, keeping my gaze on the ground.

Rule number one: Bow to those superior to you.

My gaze began to wander, and I stared at the feet of the person in front of me, recognising the crusty musty toes stuffed in sandals a feet to small instantly.


The second in command to the devil himself.


He was the one who ran this "orphanage." It was actually a human trafficking ring.

A kick to my boobs snaps me out of my thoughts, and I bite my tongue in pain and try not to let out a sound, failing miserably as an audible groan escapes my lips

Rule number 2: You are not to make a sound unless you are told to or you will be punished."

"What was that sound?!" Steve sneered, drops of saliva flying around. Fearfully, I raised my head and looked at the wall behind his head.

Rule number 3: Do not look at those superior to you in the eye.

"I apologise for my rudeness and for sleeping. I will not make the same mistake again."

That was the stanza that was drilled into all of us here. Along with a set of rules we had to adhere to.

As the corners of his lips tilted upwards into what someone would call a grin, Steve grabbed my face and slammed my head into the wall behind me.

Pain wrecked my whole body as my skull throbbed painful, the room spinning. Again and again, he bashed my head into the wall the same way a toddler would bash a rattle into the wall.

But I made no noise, for it would only make it worse.

I began to go limp, and black spots danced in front of my eyes. As if sensing I was about to pass out, Steve stopped trying to bash my head in and threw me across the room.

I landed with a loud thump, and I groaned blood, pouring down my face, matting my hair down.

Don't cry, don't cry!!

As I struggled to get up, Steve made his way towards me, crossing the room in long strides. Picking me up, he made his way towards a mattered mattress and unceremoniously dumped me on it.

"Strip," he commanded.

My eyes widened, and I made the mistake of looking him in the eye.

His eyes were cold and soulless and full of a look that made me want to throw myself off the highest building, it made me feel slimey and disgusting and it felt like there were thousands of bugs crawling up my body.

My disobedience and hesitation did not go unnoticed, and I was backhanded.

My head whipped to the side, and tears filled my eyes, but i did not let them fall.

I won't!

Steve's rough hands began to grope my tattered blue blouse as I stared at the ceiling, not making a noise as his hands began to slide down towards the flimsy material of my pyjama bottoms.

He hastily tugged them off before doing the same with his own clothing. I turned my head to the side as a sob escaped my lips, and tears began to fall from my eyes as I accepted my faith.

This wasn't the first time, neither was it the second, third, fourth, or even going to be the last.

I just learnt it was easier to pretend it wasn't happening.


After Steve left, Brie, my best friend, ran into the room and hugged me.

"I'm sorry! I should have woken you up, Addie, i'm so sorry!" She sobbed into my shoulder.

Brie was a year older than me, but sometimes I felt like I was the adult.

"I'm fine, Brie." I tried to give her a smile, but I came out as a grimace. With her eyes still puffy, she led me to our dingy run-down bathroom and sat me down on a stool.

As she rummaged the cupboards for the first aid kit, I leaned my head back on the mold filled wall and stared at the ceiling, listening to Brie humming. My life wasn't always like this. I have a family.


I HAD a family. Dante brought me here when I was 7.

That was 9 years ago.

Even if I had a family, they probably didn't care enough to look for me.

"Addie? Addie?!" Brie was waving her hand in front of my face.

I guess I zoned out.

"Yeah?" She made a face. "I said, you don't have to worry today, just stay in the dorm, and if you hear someone coming, hide ok? Me and the others will take care of your shift, OK?"

I smiled.

"Thank you, Brie, you're the best," She nodded happily before she continued tending to my other wounds, helped me back to my 'bed' and left the room.

Staring at the ceiling, I sighed and began to finger the locket beneath my shirt.

It had always been with me since I can remember. It was a beautiful gold locket with a gold chain.

0n the inside instead of a picture, it had my name engraved in it in beautiful swirly letters.

Adeline Donovan.


I guess that was my last name.

Not that it mattered anyway.

My parents didn't want me, but I was glad they had at least left me something to remember my last name.

Tears began to fall from my eyes, and I brought my wrist to my mouth and bit down hard in an attempt to quieten my sobs.

The metallic taste of blood invaded my mouth, but I still didn't stop.

After a while of quietly sobbing, I withdrew my wrist from my mouth and watched as tiny droplets of blood dripped down my wrist and onto the cot.

A few minutes passed before I fell into a fitful sleep.


1102 words.


What did you guys think about the first chapter🤞

This is my first time writing, so I'm not sure if I'm any good.

Also, if you guys spot any grammatical errors, please help me correct them. Thank you, my lovelies.

XOXO LadyPhouka.^^


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