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The sound of gunshots jerked me out of my sleep, and for the second time today, I bolted upright in bed.

All around me, the other girls were scrambling about, the youngest ones crying. Mia, the youngest one of us all at age 7, crawled into my cot and buried her head in my chest.

"I'm scared, Addie," she whimpered as she cluthed my shirt. "Hush, little one, everything will be alright, just wait for me here, ok?"

Bundling her up in one of my sweaters, I searched the room for Brie and found her with Amelia, a 10 year old who was just recently brought in about 3 months ago. "What's going on?" I asked worriedly as I made my way towards her.


"I have no idea," she furrowed her eyebrows as she spoke. All of a sudden, the door to our dorm room burst open, and a bunch of weirdos dressed in all black with ballistic shields walk into the room, holding guns.

On instinct we all move towards the back of the room, bowing fearfully. The man in front scanned the room before lowering his gun and hastily talking into a rectangular device on his vest. I think it's called a walkie-talkie?

His gaze moved back to us and he motioned to one of the female officers who approached us, her gun back in its holster and her hands in the air as if to convince us she was not a threat.

"Hi," she said softly as she looked at me. I kept my gaze on the ground as I nodded my head to indicate I could hear her.

"My name is Rachel, and I'm part of the FBI. We are here to get you out, but can you please tell us if any of you are injured? How many are you here, your names, and ages, please?"

No one said anything for a while, so I decided to say something. With my gaze never straying from the ground I said "There's about 30 of us in here, the youngest 7 who is Mia and the oldest 17 which is Brie" Mia and Brie both stepped forward at the sound to there name, Brie's body language scared but determined while Mia's little body trembled vigorusly as tears pooled in her ocean blue eyes.

"Hush little one. Everything will be all right. Come with me." The Rachel lady held her hand out in front of Mia as she crouched down to Mia's height.

"We will find out who your parents are and get you home." Mia perked up at the sound of that, and she lifted her head up.

"Home?" She asked, hopefully, her eyes going wide. "Home," Rachel repeated.

"But first, we need to know all your names. If you are 12 and older, you come with me. Those below the age of 12 go with Sara"

Rachel motioned toward a nice-looking lady with such vibrant red hair. When she stepped into the weak rays of sunlight our dingy windows offered, it looked like someone set her hair on fire.

"Woah!" I heard Mia gasp as she openly gwacked at Sara, who gave her a warm smile.

Eventually, everyone got separated into their respective groups, got a 'medical check up' where they basically poked us with giant pins and stuff, and asked us weird questions. Bleh. I'm never doing THAT again.

Finally, we went into the building, and they started to call people and got their names written down, and parents and family members called. When it was my turn, I sat on a chair in front of Rachel.

"Hi," She said as she gave me a dazzling smile. Jesus, her teeth were so white they could blind someone! "Hi," I mumbled back, fiddling with my hands. "What's you're name sweetheart."

"Adeline," I muttered, staring at her nails. They were pretty.

"That's such a pretty name," Rachel said, smiling. She glanced at her notepad for a second before turning back to me, a coffee flask in hand. "Do you have a last name, sweety?"

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