The weird Lady

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It's been 2 days since the hospital incident, and they've all been treating me weirder than usual.

Last night, I walked straight into a door and got a nosebleed.

They took me to emergency.

Now, today, a strange lady was in my room when I woke up. Edward said her name was Samara and that she was here to help me get better.

To FIX me.

I don't think I need fixing, though.

It's been 3 hours, and Samara has been asking me so many weird questions.

"Do you have nightmares about what happened?"
"Do you frequently cut yourself?"
"How do you feel about yourself, blablabla..."

I have no idea what most of the words meant, so I just stared at her.

After a while, she let out a huff and gave me a tight-lipped smile that reminded me so much of Miss Ashely.

"I'll see you tomorrow Adie".

I flinched.

Whenever those men touched me, they called me Adie. I hated it! I hated it so much!!. I can still feel their hands all over me. Touching me. I made me want to crawl out of my skin. I felt disgusting. I WAS disgusting.

"Adie?" Samara asked, sounding confused. She took a step towards me, her hand stretched out, reaching for me.

Then she turned into them.

Their hand reaching for me.

"You're so beautiful, Adie."

"Fuck ..ugh...Adie your so tight"

"Come here Adie, and we'll make me feel good"

"If you stop struggling you'll love it Adie"




I let out a strangled sob, pressing my hands against my ears.

Make it stop. Make it stop!!
Make them go away! Please! Make them go away!

The hand reached for me, and I ran. Out the door, down the stairs, away.

Make it stop!

Make it stop!!

Make it stop!!!

I crashed into something. Someone.

Edward. But it wasn't Edward. At first, he was Edward, then he turned into Dante, then back to Edward.

He reached for me, but I backtracked only to face the boys. I screamed.

My legs gave out, and I fell to the floor, a sobbing mess.

Hands grabbed me, and I kicked and screamed. I was scared. I don't know what's happening anymore. It's like I was balancing on the edge of a nightmare and reality!

"Make it stop!"

"Make it stop, please,"

"It's okay, Adie, you're okay." Samara spoke softly.

I panicked more. Stop calling me that! I don't like it! Getting on my hands and knees, I crawled to the kitchen and hid under the counter, rocking back and forth with my hands over my ears.

3rd POV

"What did you do?!" Edward hissed at the tall brunette as she stared at Adeline her mouth slightly open.

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