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Adelines POV

"I'm Fabian, by the way,"

The tall guy with the suit that just came in a few minutes prior said to me as he made his way towards the kitchen, the 3 guys following after him like lost puppies.

They didn't know I was their sister.

Maybe it's supposed to be a secret.

Maybe they are just keeping me cause they don't have a choice.

I stood on the stairs, unsure of what I should do.

Fabian glanced over his shoulder before giving me a warm smile.

"I'm pretty sure you're hungry. What would you like to eat? "

I blinked at him in confusion.

"Pardon?" I mumbled as I kept my gaze on the floor.

What I'd like to eat!?

Back at the 'orphanage', we were even lucky if we got food at all that day.

"Yeah, what food do you wanna eat?"


"Umm, can I have a slice of bread, please?" I mummerd.


Pin drop silence.

Was that too much to ask for?

Back at the orphanage, it was one of the best parts of our meals, and we were even lucky if we were given bread. Stale or not.

Panic gripped my chest as I fiddled with the edge of my dress, my hands shaking slightly.

"I...if that's too much, I'm full anyway. I'm OK the way I am." I blabbered.

Please don't send me away.

"What do you mean bread? And stop fucking bowing"
Fabian asked, sounding annoyed when he said the last part.

"I'm sorry." I quickly raised my head but made sure not to look in his eyes and let my hair hide my face.

"And quit apologising!"

"Sorry... I mean... sorry....."

Fabian ran his hand down his face and let out an annoyed huff.

I gulped inwardly, as I felt his eyes burn holes into my face.

This was so uncomfortable.

Fabians sighed and ran his hand through his hair again before leaning against the counter.

The triplets practically ignored us and were on their phones, occasionally glancing up.

"I...i...if its OK with you may I use the restroom?" I mumbled, staring at my feet.

I heard Fabian make a sound of approval, and I turned around and shuffled out of the room as fat as I could.

I needed to get out of here.

My heart was hammering in my chest, and it was suddenly hard to breathe.

Everything was spinning, and I couldn't walk straight.

Stumbling into one of the bathrooms on the first floors, I gripped onto the cabinet sink and tried to steady my breathing. But it only came out harsher and faster.

Running one of my hands down my face, I let out one shakey breath after another, and finally, i regained control over my erratic breathing.

After a while of staring aimlessly into the mirror, I let out a small sigh, opened the door of the toilet, and made my way downstairs.

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