New Home

626 19 13

I'm scared.

The giant hollow metal called an airplane was what we were supposed to use to get to London.

Excuse me, but there is no way I'm going in there.

Ostriches can't fly, yet you're telling me somehow this... this.. metal is somehow supposed to support itself and us.

Ummm, no thank you.

I stayed rooted on the ground as Mega forehead briskly made her way towards the steps. Halfway there, she realised I wasn't following and turned.

She motioned for me to hurry, but I didn't move.

I couldn't move, I was scared. I wanted Brie or Rachel.

Mega forehead made a disgruntled noise, made her way towards me, and griped my hand harshly.

I flinched at the sudden movement and cast my gaze to the floor, willing myself not to cry.

"Walk faster," she hissed as she began to pull me forward.

I managed to stumble a couple of steps forward, but when we got to the front steps to board the plane, I froze.

I couldn't move, everything was spinning, and I couldn't breathe, my hands began to tremble, and my knees felt weak.

I felt so dizzy.The world was tiltling!

I cluthed my shirt as I began to hiccup.

I was so scared. A sob escaped my lips as my legs gave way, and I fell to my knees, the gravel digging into my skin as I tried to catch my breath.

Miss Ashely let go of my trembling hand and stepped back from me, a panic expression on her face.

She swiftly turned and practically ran up the stairs into the plane, leaving me alone on the gravel.

I couldn't breathe, and hot tears casaded down my face as I tried to normalize my breathing. Black spots began to dance in front of my eyes as I lay on the ground, my breathing irregular and rapid.

Muffled shouts and voices began to sound from all around me. Blurred images of people began to surround me as I finally succumbed to the welcoming hands of darkness.


"Get up,"

MIss Ashley's sharp voice cut through my not so peaceful sleep and jolted me back to reality.


I groggily opened my eyes before realising I was sitting on a white leather seat on a plane!

Oh lord!!

Before I had time to panic, Miss Ashley grabbed my arm tightly, her cherry red painted nails digging into my skin as she practically hauled me off the plane.

"Umm, exuse me?"

I tugged on Miss Ashely's jacket sleeve, causing her to glare down at me.

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