Hospital talk

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"Should we wake her up?"

"Shut up Ezren"


"Eww you weirdo! Why the fuck did you bite me?!"

Someone the size of an elephant was fell on top of me and I let out a pained groan.

"Oh shit you woke her up!"

"ME?! It was you, you fucking idiot!"

"All of you shut up! And for fucks sake stop fucking swearing!"


"You little!!"

There was a crash and a strangled cry rose and I sleepily rubbed my eyes, before sitting up

Getting up, I realized i'd been moved back unto the bed and I was currently surrounded by a bunch of bickering brothers, while Emiliano and Callum where having a full on brawl.

Callum was winning, obviously. He was suffocating Emiliano with a pillow and the poor boy was already turning red.

I tapped Fabien, who was looking at me with some kind of sad, knowing look, but I shrugged it off. 

"Is he gonna be okay?" I asked as I toyed with the edge of the duvet covering me.

Fabien gave me a light smile. "Yep"

There was a muffled thud and Emiliano, Callum, Ezren and Elliot were in an all out pillow war, with feathers flying out the pillows with every smack.

Fabien chuckled as he leaned against the wardrobe door  and watched as they made a mess. "They'll be just fine"


After the epic pillow war that lasted about 20ish minutes, Fabien herded the boys out of my room and told me to get dressed because we were apparently going somewhere today, then I went down for breakfast.

I was wearing a black hoodie and leggings. Elliot had insisted on picking out my outfit and when I had said no to most of the clothes he gave me because they showed some of my scars, he sighed and gave me the hoodie and leggings to wear, with a pair of Nikes.

By the time I got to the table, everyone was already there and had started eating.

There was an empty chair next to Elliot and Ezren, so I sat there.

Conversations began and I picked at my food, trying to finish it up quickly.

"Adeline, you remember when I told you we were going out today?" I nodded. "Well, we are going to a hospital for a check up" Fabien said with a tight lipped smile.

I froze.

I had been to a hospital before. Back at the orphanage. They had taken us to a hospital at the outskirts of town and then we were made to change to white outfits and then separated and taken to white rooms where we were kept for 4 days.

We were only given white food and it was maddening! 

Then came the worst part.

On the 5th day, people dressed in blue outfits carrying trays and trays of medical instruments came into my room and then, they strapped me down to a chair and started pushing needles into my skin, injecting me with different liquids. It was excoriating.

After a while of pain, they left.

Then they came back the next day.

And the next day.

And they kept coming back for days that I lost count.

"...line!, Adeline! ADELINE!"

Snapping out of my flashback, I stared at the concerned faces of everyone, who had gathered around me and mentally facepalmed.


Callum's  POV

Something didn't sit right with me about Adeline.

Before... before she disappeared, she was bubbly and fun to tease. But now, even though she's acting like she is alright, I knew she isn't fucking alright.

I have tortured people and I know PTSD when I see it. 

Leaning forward, I stared at Adeline, trying to gage her reaction.

She shifted uncomfortably and leaned into the chair slightly. She looked so small and fragile and so..... a twig.

She looked as if the wind could carry her away in the blink of an eye, or she could be crushed by the slighted mishandling.

"Are you alright?" I asked staring into her eyes.

They looked so dull and lifeless. They held so much sorrow and sadness, as if she had seen to much of the world's cruelty and hardship. Something someone her age shouldn't have to know yet.. or ever.

"Yes" she answers her voice hollow, as if she was reciting lines off a script. She gave me a small forced smile and I couldn't help but scowl.

I tried to smile at her, to put her at ease, but the panicd look on Ezren's, Elliot and Emiliano's face told me I was doing it wrong. ARGGGGGGGGGGGG!

She moved farther away and my scowl deepened.

Now she looked like she wanted to cry.


I had been diagnosed with Alexithymia when I was 11. Basically, I don't know how to properly express my emotions, Sometimes I have no idea WHAT I'm feeling.

Dad cleared his throat and started to talk to Adeline about why she was going to the hospital and stuff and I just glared at my waffles and angrily stabbed a blueberry.

Adeline flinched and I just stood and left the table. Fuck this!

Fuck feelings!

Fuck my Alexithymia!

Fuck all of them!



I'm backkkkk

How did u guys like this chapter?

I had no idea what to call this chapter so i just wrote that. ^^

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