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Thank you, thank you so much for 1912 reads. This means a lot to me. Thank you all so much


Adeline's POV

Before I knew it, the day for me to go to the hospital arrived, and soon we were piling into the car.

I felt so nervous.

My leg bounced rapidly as I sat in between Eliot and Emiliano. I was sitting next to the door earlier, but after I attempted to open the door and jump out, they put me between them.

Soon, we arrived at the hospital, and I felt my heart drop into my stomach.

Eliot grabbed my hand and squeezed it reassuringly. "C'mon,"

"Uhhhh,"  Emiliano shifted nervously. "I'm gonna stay here," he practically dived back into the car. I wish I could also do that.

Edward rolled his eyes and walked back to the car.

Ezren chuckled and told me, "Emi's afraid of needles."


After a while, Edward came back with a sulking Emiliano in tow.

Then we entered the building.

Apparently, Fabian owned the hospital, so when we got in , we immediately ushered to a room and a man with a name tag that read Dr Oliver Jacobs, welcomed us and told me to wait in a room. Unsure whether I was supposed to sit or stand, I stood still and just  stared at the equipment in the room. It reminded me of the hospital we were taken to in the orphanage. I wanted to hurl.

Suddenly, the door opened, and Dr Oliver walked into the room beaming, his blond hair bouncing as his blue eyes shimmered in glee. Grabbing a hold of my hand, he began to eagerly shake it while introducing himself.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Adeline, I'm Dr Oliver Jacobs, I don't now if you'll remember me but I was the doctor who took care of you when you were 2 and you had a fever, you were so sma......bla bla bla..." I just stared at him blankly.

Edward walked in, chuckling. "OK, Oliver, we get it." He patted Oliver on the back, and Oliver beamed, still holding my hand. "Oliver here is a good friend of mine. He's also one of the best doctors we have here, so he's just gonna do a check-up and stuff, OK?"

I nodded.

"Words Adeline"


Dr. Oliver gave me a blue gown to change into and told me to sit down on the hospital bed. "Okey dokey, Adeline, I'm gonna need some blood," He said cheerily as he put on a glove and brought out a needle.

My eyes widened. "You're gonna be fine, just a pinch, nothing more." I bot my bottom lip and nodded, turning away. He used a cold substance to clean the inside of my elbow and wrapped a clear tube around my bicep. "On the court of five, ok?" I nodded. "5...4....3...2....."I felt a prick."1, all done!" He grinned. I grinned back. His excitement was contagious. After that, he made me stand on a scale, measured my height, and then took an x-ray.

The he stated going on and on out of Emiliano's fear of needles, and told me stories about all of them. Including how Edward was scared of butterflies. I giggled at that part.

Then the x-ray came back, and his whole mood changed. He ran out of the room, the paper flying in his hand, and a few minutes later, he was back with a lady whose brown hair was tied back into a bun and had pretty brown eyes. They were both huddled over the paper and whispering with a strange look on their face.

"Hello sweetie, my name is Dr Samantha, and I'd like to check a few things, is that alright?" She smiled. I nodded.

Dr. Oliver left the room, and Dr Samantha asked me to take off the gown I was wearing. Slowly, I took it off, and she let out a loud gasp.

I bit my bottom lip to keep it from trembling as she looked at all the words that had been carved into my back, stomach, and thighs. The reason I hated looking in the mirror. The words that were not only carved into my body but into my brain. The reason no one would love me once they found out about it. I was disgusting. A waste of space and resources.

Dr Samantha wrapped her arms around me, and I broke down. Tears began to fall, and I sobbed into her shoulder. My legs gave way, and I was leaning on her as she patted my back and whispered soothing words into my ear. Telling me it wasn't my fault even though it was, telling me everything was alright even though it wasn't, telling me everything was going to be alright even though I knew it wasn't going to be alright.

3rd person POV

"There are multiple fractures on her pelvic. Some of her rib bones have healed improperly and abnormally. Her skull is also fractured, and there are signs of internal damage. We are going to need to run more tests and maybe another blood test. " Dr Edward said grimly as he avoided the shocked eyes of the Donovan family.


"Dr. Samantha is with her right this minute, and's taking a SAFE test."

Edward Donovan sat down in disbelief as he tried to process the words one of his best friends just uttered.

A SAFE test.

A SAFE test.

For his daughter.



Fabian ran his hand through his hair as he stared at the wall opposite him. Rachel told him his sister was safe. That she was OK. Did Rachel lie to him?! Why?

Callum blamed himself. The day Adeline got kidnapped, she had asked him to walk with her. But he told her no. And made her cry. If he had walked with her, none of this would have happened.
"I'm going out," he mumbled before walking out the room, grabbing a lighter from Emiliano.

The triplets had no idea what to do. Their baby sister might have been..... No! It had to be a lie. It had to.

A while later

Dr Samantha was in disbelief. After a check up, she had given Adeline some sleeping pills so that she would be able to fall asleep because the poor girl had been so agitated and nervous. Sighing she took off her glasses and step out the ward room, only to be bombarded with questions by the Donovan family. 

"What's wrong with my daughter?"

"Is she alright?"

"Is she going to be alright"

"Where's the cafeteria?"

"Can we see her now?"

"Do we have to get her anything?"

Dr Samantha held up her hand and they all stopped talking. "She's sleeping" she whispered softly and quickly ushered them into her office. "We ran a couple of tests and... and"

"And WHAT?! Spit it out!" Callum snarled getting impatient, his hand anxiously tapped against his thigh.

Dr Samantha gulped nervously "She has been raped. multiple times. We also found some strange substances in her blood and we are still running some tests on those. Dr Oliver has also told you about the fractures so I won't dive into that.  I wanted to inform you that it would probably be best if you got a therapist for Adeline." 


No one said a words as they stared at Dr Samantha in silence. 

Edward Donovan swallowed thickly before nodding. "Would we be able to take her home today?" 

"Yes, When we find out what the substance in her blood is we will inform you." Dr Samantha stood up and held her hand out for Edward to shake, and he shook it robotically. "Good day, Sir."


Authors Note:

Hello everyone,

Thank you so much for 1912 reads. Its means a lot to me. I haven't had time to proof read this yet so it might have a lot of errors but thank you so so much for your votes and comments. They mean a lot to me.

Until next time.

LadyPhouka.  😊.

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