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*Warning: Mention of abuse, killing and self-degration*

Adeline's POV

             I was in the orphanage. 

There was someone in front of me, undressing.


One of the Dante's men.

I stared at him as he gave me a lopsided grin. "Lie down won't ya" He said his voice raspy from the cigarettes' he smoked almost every day.

When I didn't comply, he frowned and pushed me backwards onto the mattress behind me. Strangely I didn't yell for help. No one would come to help. Even if someone came, they would join in and hurt me more.

Instead, a strange calm washed over me and I gave him a small smile as he hovered above me.

Mac blinked, alarmed, usually I would have been screaming my head off, but he shook his head and began to eagerly pull of my cloths.

Just when he was about to pull off my underwear, I grabbed the knife I had glimpsed from under the bed and plunged it into his shoulder.

Screaming he scrambled off me and violently began cussing as he held his injured shoulder. With a growl he approached me and I stabbed him again, and again and again and again.

Soon he stopped screaming and I was left with a bloody knife in hand, and a dead man at my feet.

Then I began to laugh, it started as a giggle and ascended into a full blown manical laugh, which ended in sobs and tears began to stream down my face.

I was a monster.

I killed someone.

I'm a monster, a cold-blooded monster.

No one will love a monster.

No one.

I woke up to the feeling of someone shaking me awake.

Screaming, I began to throw hands and when my fist connected with something solid, I came back to reality

With a gasp, I sat up and realized I was in bed and my entire family was in my room, with Edward sitting on my bed and rubbing his jaw, looking both in pain and amused.

"You throw a mean punch figlia piccola " Edward said chuckling, as he rubbed his jaw.

*baby daughter* 

"I'm sorry" I cried as I moved towards the headboard clutching the duvet in my hands, trying to hide from their prying eyes.

"No need to apologize. Are you alright now?" Fabian said, his eyebrows furrowed as he frowned. "You were wailing and didn't respond when we tried to wake you up" He said when I looked at him confused. 

I froze. Oh my God. I woke them up. Glancing at the alarm clock near my bed my eyes widened when I realized it was 3:47am

"I'm sorry" I blurted as I quickly stood up and bowed, trembling.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Edward raise his hand and reach towards me and I couldn't help but flinch away. Everyone frowned but said nothing "No need to apologize Principessa" Edward said gently. 

"Go back to sleep, you need it" Callum said gruffly as he leaned against the wall. Everyone nodded in agreement and I slid back into bed.

After a while, they left and once I was sure the door was closed, I got off the bed, grabbing only one pillow and a thin blanket. And then, I lay down on the floor and closed my eyes, trying to forget the painful memory and reminder of what I am.

A monster

I didn't deserve a nice bed, or nice food. 

I'm a monster.

And monsters don't deserve anything nice or good in life.

*Fabian's POV*

Something wasn't right.

Sitting down on my bed , I held my head in my hand as i stared at the wall in thought. Flinching, throwing up after eating such a poor amount of food, timid, nervous, jumpy, always apologizing, trembling......

All the signs were there, but I just didn't want to admit it. I couldn't bring myself to face the truth.

My little baby sister might be have been abused.

With a sigh, I laid down on my bed and ran my hand through my hair.

I had had a patient with the same signs as my sorellina about a year ago, a young 7 year old girl who later committed suicided a few weeks after. Upon examining her, my team and I discovered she had been abused since she was 17 months old and had severe depression starting maybe at the age of 4.

It was one of the saddest case I ever had to work with, and to think my baby sister probably went through that. Flipping onto my stomach, I picked up my phone and made an appointment for Adeline at my hospital so I could get her checked out, most likely tomorrow.

With a sigh, I closed my eyes and prayed I was wrong and just being a paranoid older brother.

Then I closed my eyes and slept.


827 words

Wow, this is like the shortest chapter, I have ever written. 

Anyway, Hi everyone.

How was your week?

I hope you all like this chapter.

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Thank you to those who voted and commented on my other chapters, it really means a lot.

See you in the next chap (^^)/

Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee \(^w^)/

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