Who is she?

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Elliot's POV

Imagine walking into your house to find a random girl with a bucket in hand cleaning your staircase.

I just stood there puzzled.

Is she a new maid?

Or Callum's hookup for the night?

Either way, she looked too thin and fragile to be any of those.

"Who the hell are you?"

Emiliano questioned, his voice making the girl visible cower.

She bowed and stayed in that position, her body quivering before Ezren spoke up, his voice cold and monotone.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

She stopped bowing but kept her eyes glued to the ground.

What is wrong with her?

"Hey," I took a small, cautious step towards her. She recoiled slightly, although her feet stayed glued to the ground.

I stayed still and tried my best not to startle her. She kinda reminded me of a doe.

Scared and skitterish.

"Who are you and what are you do -" Emiliano was cut short by the slamming of the front door indicating Fabian was home.

And not happy.

"What's with all the noise?" He glowered as he stormed into view.

He looked dishevelled and had dark circles under his eyes.

"Did you guys set another house on fire? I swea-"

He paused when he spotted the girl.

"Adeline?" He whispered, eyebrows furrowed at the girl.

The girl's head flew up, and she quickly bowed again, deeper this time if possible.


Ez and Emi turned to Fabian

"You know her or something?" Ez asked as he ran his hand through his hair.

Fabians stared at him in disbelief.
"Know her? Oh for fucks sale! This girl is our sis-.. you know what, never mind"
He exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air and accidentally hitting a vase in the process.

The gir.... I mean Adeline flinched at the sound of the vase shattering on the floor.

"Ok, spill what is it?" I gave Fabain a blank look

"Where's dad?" He asked, balantly ignoring my question as he ran his hands through his hair. "And Callum"

"Still not back," I answered as Ez and Emi began to bicker about the best car brand.

Fabain sighed again before turing to us."When dad gets here, he'll explain everything."

And with that he turned and ushered Adeline into the kitchen, leaving us all gaping at him before trailing behind him.

*back track to after Adeline leaves Racheal's make shift office*

Fabian's Pov


I smiled as I heard her voice through the phone

"Hey," I answered back stupidly as I fiddled with my pen on my desk.



Of all things, Hey?!

Before I had time to beat myself up, RacheL spoke again.

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