Movie pt 2

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3rd person pov

     After an eventful evening between Fabien and Rachel, Fabien was looking through the file Rachel had given him before she fell asleep, and to say he was furious was an understatement.

Marching up to his father's room, he avoided the usual curtsy of knocking and barged in.

Edward mistaking Fabien for an intruder already wiped out his gun and was pointing it at Fabiens' right eye before realising who it was.

"Maledizione, mi hai spaventato a morte, " Edward grunted, putting away his gun.

(Fucking hell you scared the shit out of me.)

Fabien rolled his eyes before slamming the folder onto his father's bedside table.

"Thanks for the sound effects. My day was missing a dramatic flare,"

Fabians sighed at his fathers antics. Sometimes, he wondered how he managed a mafia.

"Adeline was fucking sold to those people by someone who went by the name of Natalie Garmade. Rachel told me she did a check on this person but that person fucking lives in fucking Asia, and that she suspects one of the maids did it. But I decided to check all the time the maids took sick leaves or went on vacation and guess who's time corresponded with the time of Adeline's disappearance"

Edward glared at his son. "This isn't a fucking story where you end on a fucking cliffhanger Fabien, who the fuck did it?!"

"Fucking Ashley. Ashley Untril. The Ashely who fucking works for us and is currently living under this fucking roof!"

Edward eyes narrowed in anger before he wordlessly picked up his phone and dialed a number. "Desmond, take Ashley to the 'special room'. I'll meet you there."


Guys, quick note about this chapter

This still happened on the same day as the last chapter, except this is after the others had gone to bed.

What do you guys think?

So yea, Ashley sold Adeline (゜ロ゜).
But why? (  -_・)?

We're you surprised about Ashley involvement?

I know I was.



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