
382 21 10

3rd person

"What do you mean Ashley didn't give you the file?!" Rachel was pacing the room, her hands behind her back as she walked the length of her fiance's office for the 10th time.

Fabien sat, shirtless on his bed as he stared softly, smiling subtly at her. Standing, he walked up to her and hugged her from behind, stilling her movements. She tensed a little, but when he kissed her below the ear, she practically melted into his arms.

"Take a seat, darling," he whispered as he led her to the hammock chair he had installed in his room just for her. Guiding her into it, he placed a mug of hot chocolate in her hand "and relax."

Rachel sighed, and she gave him a small smile before taking a sip out of the mug. "Why don't you tell me about what exactly happened to my baby sister?" Fabien asked gently.

Rachel looked at her fiance, and she couldn't help the few tears that dropped from her eyes. She didn't know what Fabien might do because the state they had found the girls in were so horrible, She couldn't imagine recounting it to him. The man who had spent resources upon resources trying to find his baby sister. How hopeful he looked every time he got a call that they had found her and how heartbroken and lifeless he looked every time he learnt it was a false lead. And now, he had found her, but she was broken, broken beyond repair.

"Hey, hey, what wrong?" Fabien was concerned. Why was she crying? "It's fine, Rach. I know about the rapes," He said softly.

Rachel cried harder. He didn't know yet, and when he found out, he was going to be so heartbroken. She decided it was better to let him enjoy the time he had with his sister a little more. Then she will tell him.

Wiping her tears, she replied, "I just missed you, that's all." She lied as she cupped his face and kissed him. She barely knew his sister but she felt so sad for her, She had gone through so much pain at a young age. She kissed Fabien harder. She felt so sad for his family and all the pain they went through. She kissed Fabien harder, almost like she was trying to comfort him in advance.

Pulling away, she rested her forehead on his as she looked into his eyes. "I love you, Fabien," She whispered. Smiling up at her, he replied, "I love you too, my beautiful angel," before pulling her into another kiss.


Adenine woke up, confused. She could hear the soft breathing of someone else, and she jumped in fright when she realised she was laying her head down on Emiliano's lap. Siting up straight, she avoided his eyes "Sorry" she muttered.

He probably hates me now, I drooled on his leg. I'm so disgusting.

Emiliano stood up, pushing off Eliot, who had also fallen asleep on his shoulder.

"It's all good," he replied with a cheeky smile. "You hungry?"

"No." Adelines stomach let out an embarrassingly loud growl, and her face turned red.

Elliot let out a loud laugh while Emiliano grinned. Holding out his hand "C'mon let's get you something to eat before your stomach causes an earthquake."

Still red in the face, Adeline hesitantly took his hand, and Emiliano pulled her into the kitchen. Sitting her down on one of the kitchen stools, they quickly whipped up 3 Pancakes, scrambled eggs, and 1 sausage. And by they, it was mostly Elliot.

Adelines drooled at the sight of the food, but she didn't touch it. Even though she'd been with them for almost 2 weeks now, she still hadn't broken out of her habit of waiting for permission to eat.

Elliot's heart broke as he watched his sister look up at Emiliano, waiting for permission to eat.

Emiliano gave her a small smile and gestured towards the food urging her to eat. She did. Even though the food was small, Adeline couldn't finish it, and she stared at her plate.

Elliot realised and giving her a small smile, he gently took the plate from her. He didn't want her to think she had to finish it all. Even though she needed to eat a little more, he didn't want to pressure her.

"Wanna go watch a movie?" Elliot asked.

Adeline expression brightened, and she nodded her head. She had never seen a movie back at the orphanage, but she did have a distant memory of a movie. It was about a girl and a frog.

Elliot chuckled at her expression and led her to the home cinema, after ordering a grumbling Emiliano to get some snacks.

"Do you have a movie you want to watch?"

Pursing her lips, Adeline's eyebrow furrowed in thought, "I.. I don't know if it's a movie can we watch the one about the girl and the frog"

Elliot nodded, he knew the movie she was talking about. "Sure yea," he grinned as he put on the Princess and the frog.

Emiliano soon joined them, and soon, so did Callum and Edward.
They all wat he'd as Adeline stared in fascination at the movie, gasping ever so often.

She cried when Ray died and gasped in delight when Tiana and Naveen got married.

At the end of the movie, Adeline sat still her eyes wide in fascination. "Can we watch another one?"

Edward nodded, and they watched Beauty and the Beast, then Mulan, then Tangled, then Aladin. If not for the fact it was 3am, Adeline would have made them watch more, but Edward ushered them to bed and gave Adeline a kiss on the head.

"Good night, sweetheart."

"Good night, Mr Edward."

Edwards heart clenched at his daughters words. He wanted to hear her call him dad, just like she used to.

Giving her a smile, he softly closed the door to her room.

When Adeline was sure he had left, she got out of bed and crawled under the desk on the opposite side of the room, near the window. There, she had a pillow and a thin blanket.

She preferred that to laying on the soft bed, she was sure she didn't deserve.

Closing her eyes, she fell asleep peacefully for the first time in a while.



It's me

Sorry for not updating for a while, but I hope you like the chapter.

Thank you so so much for 4.86k reads, 174 votes, and 45 comments. It really means a lot.

I will try to update by next week.

Also, I had no idea what to name this chapter lol.

See you in the next chapter

LadyPhoukaofSummer \(^-^)/

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