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I passed through the police officers, making my way out of the convenience store. I enjoyed the view of three police officers, holding my biggest, recent nemesis, in handcuffs, lowering his head to get into the police car. What a nice sight to look at.

Why do you hate him so much, you'd ask. He hasn't done anything to you. You're going way too far.

Oh, am I? I thought to myself, when a small giggle escaped my lips. The police car just passed by me. That bastard was looking at me through the car's window.

Serves you right! I smiled and waved him goodbye once again. I could imagine just how irritated he must have been at that moment.

I hate him because of the way he's looking down on people. And to top it off with his harsh words... It's more than enough of a reason for me to hate him. It's simple as that.

And to think he's got so much confidence, when he's just a brazen, spoiled prick... Like, who does he think he is? He is no different from the others.

He'd always humiliate me. Make me feel insecure. Upset me. He would always make me cry. Even now... It's like he's saying one thing, but doing the opposite. It's been like that since the beginning. It's so, fucking, messed up.

As to am I going too far? Well, maybe. He kept on following me, when I clearly refused him to. And that's crossing a boundary. I just did the right thing. Don't blame me.

Not that I'm not enjoying this... I do. And a lot, at that!

However, I know just way too well the consequences of what I did. I know them pretty well. And they don't scare me. They used to, but not now. I'm over it.

From what I heard he'll be in for like three to four days? I'm not quite sure. It's not that much, but probably enough for him to be furious. Especially when he comes back. He'll miss the entrance exams, but he'll probably have to do them some other time.

Entrance exams are all I have to focus on now.


I finally went home. It's been a long walk home, because the place I've been to last, was pretty far from my neighbourhood. All I wanted was to take a long everything- shower and get to studying.

Sadly, I didn't have the opportunity to study a lot at the cafe. I wonder why...

Gathering with a group of friends to study, wasn't the best option to go for.


I finally took the long needed shower and plopped straight into my bed. I tried to relax for a bit and calm myself down after all the stress I was through. I couldn't even get the chance to see my parents or talk to them. Perhaps, they were already asleep. But as for me, looking at where it's going... I'll probably have to pull an all-nighter, considering exams are actually tomorrow morning and I don't know a thing. Great!

I rustled in my backpack to grab my workbooks. I prepared all my notebooks on the bed and plopped my laptop next to them.


Oh my gosh! It's already 6am!

I fucking pulled the longest all-nighter in my life! I haven't stayed all night ever in my life. If mom and dad see me they'll be worried sick! I better get my shit together and make my way out quickly, before I scare them.

I looked at the mirror, while brushing my teeth, and wondered if that was the Evelyn Emerson I knew and lived with. Probably not! The Evelyn I know, doesn't look as nasty.

Jokes aside, I truly do look terrible...

I grabbed my uniform and got it on quickly. Collected all my books and stuffed them in my backpack. Got my shoes on and hurried my way out without even saying a word to my parents. This feels so wrong! If only I studied with everyone else yesterday...

Why did I got so distracted? Ugh, this sucks!

I nearly ran down the streets to school. Even if there were thousands of exams waiting for me, knowing that I won't see that unpleasant face today made me light-weighted. And also, the all-nighter did help a lot. I felt pretty confident about those exams. I think I'll do fine on them. I studied hard, after all. From now on, I'll always give it my best. Even if it's not in this high school anymore...

I finally set foot in the school's corridors. I'll be feeling nostalgic soon. Or maybe not? I've got only bad memories in here, anyways.

I can't believe I'll be doing an exam, that's going to be super important for me, in like 30 minutes. I'm just not ready yet!!!

No. No, no, no, no. I shouldn't be thinking that way. I've been studying the whole night. I didn't get a blink of sleep for nothing...

I just stood right in front of the homeroom, feeling anxious, fiddling around, doubting myself, my body feeling stiff as if it's frozen up. I should just shake all the negative thoughts off of my head. They do me no good.

After some time, people finally started gathering around, causing me to make up my mind and head in.

Before I got myself to enter homeroom, I saw Theo on his way to his class. As soon as he noticed me, he waved with a bright smile, a bit far from me. I waited a bit for him to reach me and we greeted each other. What a sweet guy, truly. I was somehow surprised how he recognised me from so many people around. Strange...

I took my seat and started panicking even more. I tried to shake it off, by simply looking at the kids coming in and out of the classroom. I saw Hazel coming in.

"Good morning, Hazel." I greeted her, a bit shyly.

On the other hand, she looked cheerful. "Hey Evelyn." She politely greeted me back and gave me a small smile.

A bit after her, came Jack. As soon as his eyes met mine he immediately teleported next to me.

"Good morning, Evie!" He said in high spirits, loudly enough to cause everyone staring. Not that I care much.

He was squeezing my shoulders as if massaging me. It was like trying to relieve my pent up tension. He's got me all figured out already.

"Good morning, Jackie." I returned the greeting with a similar one. "Ouch!" I said suddenly, when he squeezed me a bit tighter than expected.

"Oh crap, I'm sorry!" He said surprised, his eyes innocent.

"Don't act like you didn't do it on purpose." I said laughing softly, smacking his hand off of my shoulder.

"No, I really didn't-" His words were cut short, as if with a knife, by the cracking of the opening door of our classroom.

My hand, that was still in the air, after smacking Jack's, fell to my desk suddenly, causing a thud sound.

Guess who it was. It was King Ethan Wilson.

I averted my gaze immediately, as I saw his face.

Jack went completely silent and went to his seat in an instant, as if the teacher has come, though there were 7 minutes left before class starts.

My whole body started sweating. I got the chills by my cold sweat, running down my back. I gripped my hands into fists. Guess he HAD TO attend with all of us for the exams and there was no other option for him to attend them.

Which I doubt. I mean, it's Ethan Wilson we're talking about.

I signed and rubbed my eyes with one hand. Am I getting sleepy? Bad things come one after another.

When I removed my fingers from my eyes, my face was facing in his direction. He was turned back, looking at me. I've never seen anyone look at me with so much... hate. I deserve it. So does he. I looked away.

The teacher finally came in the room, causing everyone to shut up and return to their seats.

You'll do this, Evelyn! I've got this.

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