Ch. Two - Sakuras Arrival

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After a long journey by herself, Sakura arrived at the Akatsuki hideout. It wasn't a huge secret where their hideout was since no one was stupid enough to barge in and try to fight them, but it was well hidden. At the base of an ordinary mountain lie many boulders here and there, which all seemed very common. You wouldn't expect the entrance to the S-Ranked dangerous criminal group to be just behind one of them unless you were a ninja of the leaf who had been on their trail for years now.

Sakura wasn't exactly sure what to do now though.. She had been too determined and rushed off to stop and think of how she would manage to join the Akatsuki. She couldn't just break in and demand a spot, she had to have a valid reason or she could easily be killed on the spot.

'Well,' she thought to herself, a bit lost.
'I came all the way here.. Might as well try!'

Approaching the correct boulder, Sakura concentrated all of her chakra into her hands and used all of her strength to move the huge rock out of her way. She could have just smashed it, but that would seem as if she were trying to break in. And all she was left to do.. Was knock. So that's what she did. The eighteen year old singular female knocked on the entrance to the Akatsuki lair.

It creaked open right after she knocked, making it seem that they had already been aware of her presence, which they most likely were.
Entering with extreme caution, Sakura boldly called out to anyone within.

"Hello..? Is anyone here..? I come in peace, I would just like to speak to Pein!"

The door shut behind her and she was engulfed in the complete darkness inside. Suddenly, red torches started to light up the long stone hallway, leading to a huge open area. Sakura was surprised to find the inside of the base was all smooth stone.
A man sat in a large chair surrounded by 10 slightly smaller chairs. Two of these seats were filled, one by a man with bright orange hair and one just the the right of him by a women with purplish blue hair. Pein and Konan.

"Enter." His booming dark voice filled the air and sent chills down her spine. Standing tall, she approached the two and tried to speak but was quickly cut off.

"A leaf village ninja? Is this some sort of infiltration? Not very smart on your part. I could easily kill you with a simple snap of my fingers." He said threateningly, raising his hand as if he were about to snap his fingers.

"I-I want to join you!" She pleaded desperately, forcing herself to not close her eyes in fear.

Raising an eyebrow surprisingly, Pein starred at her for awhile.

"Join us? You want to join us? Why would I ever believe such nonsense, and even if it were true, what would someone like you have to offer for the Akatsuki?"

"You would believe it because it is true, and you are a smart man. You can tell by me coming here on my own, which you know to be true since Zetsu patrols the grounds, and you know my words to be true just by looking into my eyes.
Plus, you have no one else present except for Konan and yourself, meaning you see no threat. It is true, this is what I have come for. And what I could offer? My highly skillful medical ninjutsu. The Amatsuki does not currently have a medical ninja, do they not? I could be that medical ninja."

The longer she spoke, the more confidence she had. She wasn't killed already, meaning they didn't expect her of actually trying to infiltrate. Pein also looked pleasantly surprised by her knowledge of the members of Akatsuki. Starring off into the darkness, he sat in silence for awhile before turning back to her with an expressionless face.

"Alright. I accept your offer. But if there is ever even the slightest doubt in my mind of your loyalty to the Akatsuki, you will be killed without hesitation. Do I make myself clear?"

Nodding eagerly, Sakura smiled and let out a sigh of relief.

"Good. As you may know, the members of my organization travel in groups of two. You will be assigned a partner and you will not complain at all about who you are with. They will show you to your room and give you your Akatsuki cloak, which must be worn at all times outside of our home."

Sakura kept nodding along happily listening to all of the rules Pein was throwing her way. At the moment he accepted her offer, all traces of doubt faded away and was replaced with overwhelming joy. She couldn't believe she was actually in!

"Zetsu." Pein called out, the creepy plant man appearing out of the wall behind him. "Go fetch the boy and tell him we found him a partner."

Zetsu shrunk back into the stone and disappeared. Not even ten minutes later, Sakura heard a door being opened from the left side of the huge room. She could hear footsteps echoing as someone approached slowly and her heart began to race.

"This is your new partner. She's a medic and is very knowledgeable. You are to show her to her room and deliver her cloak," Pein went on as the boy strutted into the light slowly and calmly, his eyes never leaving Sakuras face. "is that clear, Sasuke?"

Still not looking at Pein, Sasukes dark red eyes never left Sakuras emerald green ones. His face was as stoic as ever, and his monotone voice made her heart ache.

"Crystal clear." Was all he said as he turned and walked back into the darkness, slow enough for Sakura to follow and not be left behind.

This was it! All that risk and worry had eventually paid off. Sasuke, the love of her life who she hadn't gone a day without thinking about in the past 5 years was now her partner once again. She could see him every day and talk to him once again and never have to leave his side! She didn't think it could get anymore perfect, but of course, nothing lasts forever. Of course something had to ruin her idea of living happily ever after with Sasuke in the Akatsuki until she could convince him to return to Konoha with her.

Her extreme happiness was sadly short lived, and only lasted until the next morning, when her world was full of obstacles once again.

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I do not own Naruto or any of their characters!

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