Ch. Three - New Friends

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Sakura was so nervous on her way to her room she mostly kept quiet and just stared at him. He walked with such grace, he didn't look phased at all by her arrival.

"S-Sas-" She tried to get out, although she wouldn't know what to say afterwards.

"We're here." He interrupted, stopping in front of one of many similar doors.

It surprised her how he knew right away which was hers, and as he opened the door she saw her new little hobbit hole. It was as large as her living room at home, which wasn't saying a lot but it was spacious enough for her. It held a bed, a little night-stand, a full length skinny mirror, and a desk with a lamp. The floor was compact dirt as well as the surrounding walls and ceiling, unlike the stone hallways.

"Are.. all of the rooms similar? How'd you know which was mine?" She asked quietly, walking over to smooth out her comforter with her hand.

"All partner rooms are across from each other." He remarked, starring at her as if they were perfect strangers.

Sakura didn't think his voice could become anymore monotone, so why did it still give her chills and make her heart skip a beat? Maybe it was the fact Sasuke Uchiha would be sleeping right across the hall from her every night now..
He turned to leave as she desperately reached out to him and grabbed his arm.

"S-Sasuke!" She pleaded quietly, not exactly sure what she was pleading for.

He starred at the ground for a moment before looking over his shoulder at her. "What?"

"Aren't you.. at all happy to see me? We aren't enemies anymore Sasuke, we're partners again!"

There was a long silence between the two. Sasuke sighed and removed her hand from his arm, glaring at her.

"You didn't want to join. You only did it to be with me, and that's not right. This isn't something to be taken so lightly. You're now a S-Ranked criminal Sakura! You're willing to do that just to see me?! I don't understand. This is dangerous! You should let me talk to Pein and convince him to let you you return home." His sudden outburst was more than surprising as he saw him clench his fists and tense up in frustration.

"No, I won't go home! Even if he 'allows' it. Five years I've been searching for you and I'm finally able to see you every day again! I won't let this chance slip through my-"

Sakura was cut off by Sasukes soft lips roughly pressing against hers. He held her head in his hands as the kiss seemed to drag on and on, lasting for second, minutes, or hours she couldn't tell the different. As soon as she regained her composer enough to kiss him back, he pulled away and calmly walked out of her room.
Opening the door across the hall he spoke to her softly before entering, not even turning to glance in her direction.

"That's what you wanted, wasn't it? You can leave now.. Go home."

And with that he shut his door firmly behind him.
Sakura stood dazed and confused in her doorway until angry tears started to threaten to pour out.

'He did that just so I would leave?! What an idiot! No, I refuse. I won't go!'

Flustered and fuming with anger, she turned and slammed her door shut behind her. That's when she noticed her Amatsuki cloak hanging on the wall to the far right. Trying it on, she walked to the mirror and checked herself, seeing how it fit. It was loose and easy to move in, and was also very comfortable, although it made her cringe slightly at the image before her. She removed her cloak and climbed into bed.

'It's alright,' She thought, trying to force enthusiasm. 'I'll be fine here. At least I know I'm safe since my new teammates are all extremely.. dangerous.. S-Ranked criminals. Right?'

And with that final thought, she turned and drifted off to sleep.
The next morning she awoke to a loud knocking on her door. An unfamiliar voice shouted at her to ready herself for breakfast and she groaned, rolling over and trying to ignore them.

"Don't wanna be late on your first day, right newbie?" The voice mocked, gradually getting quietly as they walked away from her door.

Dragging her feet out of bed, Sakura readied herself and exited her room, accidentally running right into two figure walking by. Looking up, she saw two men. One with a long blonde ponytail and the other with shaggy red hair. Deidara and Sasori.

"Oooh welcome, welcome! What an honor it is to have such a beautiful young lady join this sausage fest of an organization!" Deidara called out, grabbing her hand and kissing it while shooting a wink up at her which made Sakura feel as if she might puke.
"If you're scared of the dark or maybe, monsters in the night," he emphasized a little quieter. "feel free to stop by my room anytime! I'll hold you until those fears wash away."

Sakura slowly pulled her hand away as Sasori glared at his immature and perverted partner.

"Such child-like behavior. Stop embarrassing me." He shot his way with almost no emotion except a hint of annoyance.

"Yeah yeah yeah, sorry Master Sasori. Ah, Sakura! Join us for breakfast?"

"Ummm.." She started, a bit nervous as she then saw Sasukes door creek open. "Sorry, maybe another time but I promised Sasuke id join him my first morning, aha ha ha.." She faked a laugh and rushed to Sasukes side, clutching his arm and he looked up and started walking without a glance at either of them, but forcefully tugging Sakura along since she was holding on tight to him.

Sakura heard Deidara coo behind them in a sad yet amused way. "Oh, how disappointing. Don't worry love, I feel like we will become great friends. In due time."

Breakfast was in the same large open room to which she first entered, except there were tables and chairs set up with food awaiting everyone on a long counter she missed coming in. The room was also much brighter. While eating, alone, Sakura and Sasuke sat in silence until the forth time he caught her starring at him.

"What?" He asked a bit flustered.

"I'm not leaving."

He sighed angrily and looked back down at his plate, pushing his left over food around with his fork.

"How can you stay if you're too afraid to even eat with anyone else? And you act weak. You act like some damsel in distress so everyone is starring at you as if you are their next meal. It's irritating." He finished by standing up, walking over to get rid of his garbage and set his plate back on the counter.

Sakura followed him quickly. "So I'm a bit nervous, so what? I'm not a damsel in distress! I can take care of mys-"

"Fine. Then I won't eat breakfast with you alone anymore. I'll go back to eating with my old table. You may join or you may find your own friends." And with that, he stormed off back in the direction of his room.

Before Sakura could say anything, two firm hands laid on her shoulders from behind and leaned down to whisper fake sympathy into her ear.

"Aw, what a shame. Young love can be so difficult at times. Well, you could always sit at my table Sakura dear! And if there are no chairs left, I'll happily let you sit on my lap."

Sakura knew immediately it was Deidara, but before she could even move, she felt him roughly jerked away from her and Sasori walked by with him in hand, shaking his head and mumbling "What an embarrassment".

Deidara looked back at her and waved, shooting another wink in her direction. She knew immediately that the choice was going to turn out more troublesome then she first realized..

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I do not own Naruto or any of their characters!

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