Ch. Four - Surprise Visitor

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Sakura paced around her small room, anxiously biting her finger nails and trying to think of her next move. It seemed to be troublesome getting on Sasukes good side. What was his deal anyway?! Wasn't he happy at all about seeing her..?

Sakura determined that didn't matter much at the moment and had to deal with the matter of Deidara first. Obviously, she didn't trust him. He was just another pervert, what was the big deal? She dealt with pervs back in Konoha all the time.
The only different is that Deidara is an S-Ranked criminal pervert who is extremely skilled and could probably kill her in one blow if he really tried. No biggie.. right?
So what could she do to get him to respect her and understand she wasn't one to mess with?

Sakura sat down on her bed and held her head in her hands groaning out of frustration when she heard a knock on the door. At first, she just froze, fearing the possibility of it being the male blonde bimbo awaiting her. Sakura was not one to let herself look weak though. Pushing her fears aside, she stood and confidently opened her door. Before she could even register who her surprise night visitor was, she felt them push past her and sigh loudly. Turning, she saw Sasori standing in the middle of her room with his arms crossed starring at her.

"You know, this is your fault." He said coldly, glaring at her unpleasantly.

"My fault..? And what would that be?" She retorted, filling that one sentence with all the sarcasm she had.

"My idiot partners sudden infatuation with you." He continued, stepping closer and closer causing her to back up and accidentally push her door closed.

When she turned to open it, she was pressed tightly against the hard wooden door, trapped by Sasori's muscular body. She could feel his warm breath on the back of her neck, sending chills down her spine. His hand quickly covered her mouth as he leaned in closer.

"I mean, I can obviously see why he's so interested. But it's still your fault. You were too weak to deny him from the beginning, leading him to believe you would become a fun toy. You really have no one to blame besides yourself," he added as a whisper into her ear, smirking to himself. "and in my opinion, that calls for some punishment. You can't just flaunt yourself around without expecting something to happen." And as he spoke that final sentence, Sasori pressed his hardened member against her from behind, causing her to bite her lip and glare at him, struggling to free herself.

She then felt his free hand travel slowly down her side and squeeze her ass, rewarding him with a sad whimper. This seemed to egg him on because he pressed harder into her, moving his hand to the front of her body to squeeze and play with her left breast.

Feeling hopeless and pathetic, all she could really do was close her eyes and force herself not to cry. Sakura refused to cry in front of this horrid man. When she thought she would for sure be taken advantage by Sasori, her door was roughly pushed open and a tall figure walked in. She saw a flash of raven colored hair before Sasori released her, causing her to fall over onto her face.

She quickly sat up expecting to see Sasuke but instead stood a tall man, clearly older than her, with long dark hair and eyes that held sharingan as well. He was very similar to Sasuke, but was clearly not him. Sakura put two and two together and realized it was Itachi, slightly embarrassed with herself that she didn't realize sooner.
Sasori stood and starred at Itachi blank faced.

"You know, it's rude to just barge into someone's room like that." He said coldly, clearly upset he was interrupted.

Itachi took two calm steps forward until he was only a few inches away from Sasori, who showed no emotion at all other than the slight twitch of his finger that showed his nervousness.

"You know, it's quite rude to force yourself upon our new teammate." Itachi replied, a devious smirk creeping upon his face. "I wonder what I should do to punish you, Sasori."

Sakura sat there in silence, looking back and forth between the two for awhile until finally jumping to her feet and stepping between them.

"Now now guys.. Itachi, I appreciate you saving me and all, and yes Sasori is a grade A piece of shit, but let's not do anything drastic, shall we? Its only my second night here, I don't want to cause any problems.." She finished quietly, pleading with her eyes for them to calm down.

Sasori rolled his eyes and put on a fake smile for Itachi, bowing slowly and then casually walking out. On his way out he mumbled almost incoherently to the remaining Akatsuki. "My apologies."

Sakura sat down on her bed with a sigh, feeling dirty and exhausted. Running her hand through her hair, she looked up to properly thank her hero to find that she was once again, alone in her room. Shaking her head slowly, she stood up and decided a nice long shower was most desired at that moment, and afterwards she would head straight to bed. Today was long enough as it was, no need to drag it on any further. She just hoped tomorrow would be better, and maybe she would see her little hero and be able to thank him face to face.

Grabbing her shower essentials, she headed out the door and stopped suddenly, realizing she didn't even know where the showers were. Knocking shyly on Sasukes door, she forced him to lead her there. Once or twice she tried starting up a conversation, but he barely even looked at her. When they reached the showers, she turned to thank him and saw him already retreating back to his room.

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I do not own Naruto or any of their characters!

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