Ch. One - The Escape

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{AUTHORS NOTE} For the sake of my little FanFiction, bare with me in belief that all of the Akatsuki are still alive and Sasuke is apart of them still.

It was a dark night. The wind rustled through the trees in a menacing manor as Sakura dashed from tree to tree in pursuit of the love of her life; Sasuke. He was always right out of reach, always one step ahead of her, gradually getting farther and farther away. Her pleas were lost in the raging winds around them and she struggled to keep him in sight on such a dark night with only the light of the full moon to guide her. Her eyes burned with tears. Sasuke, the man she had been chasing for years and years now, was right here. And she couldn't catch him. His Akatsuki cloak gracefully followed his lead and Sakura gritted her teeth in frustration.

"Sasuke! Sasuke please, please stop!!" she cried out in desperation.

She could barely hear her own words but at that moment, Sasuke glanced back at her with his sharingan piercing right through her. He smirked and only quicken his past as a branch caught Sakuras foot and down she went, plummeting towards the distant ground, too distort to even scream or try and save herself. All she could do was watch the love of her life leap out of her grasp once again. Right before she hit the ground, Sakura shot up in bed, panting and wiping cold sweat off of her forehead.

'Just a dream..' She thought to herself, starring at her lap for a moment in sad realization.

Clenching her fists in anger, she drug her feet out of bed and stood starring out the window over her home town of Konoha. She loved her town dearly and cared very much for all of the citizens there, including the many friends she had made throughout the years. But Sakura wasn't a girl to take losing so well, especially when it came to losing Sasuke. She had to do something, and fast, before it was too late. So she devised a scheme that was so insane it might just work.

Grabbing her bag and filling it with only the essentials, and also a piece of notebook paper and pen, she quickly headed out before anyone could notice. She had to be with Sasuke, one way or another. Even if that meant joining hands with the group of people she hated most in this world. The Akatsuki.
Checking her surroundings thoroughly, Sakura crept from tree to tree, careful to be as quiet as possible as to not cause attention or wake anyone.

It was still quite early in the morning to where the sun had barely started to peak out over the horizon. Though it was early, Sakura knew there were people alert and on patrol at all hours, but she also knew she couldn't just leave with no explanation or it would cause a panic among her friends. Grabbing the pen and paper she took from her house, she quickly scribbled a note down and delivered it to the one place she knew would be a reliable source to blabber off to the hokage later on, to whom would trust Sakura and calm everyone down. She would have just delivered her not to the hokages office herself, but that was way too risky. And this person wouldn't wake up for any noise at all; her long friend Naruto. The two were very close and she loved him dearly but he was the most unaware ninja in all of the leaf village.

I've decided my medical ninjutsu will never surpass that of my masters if I do not start taking my training more seriously. You have always been such a determined hard worker, even for an idiot like yourself! So you've motivated me to do the same. I'll be leaving this morning for a week long training exercise by myself. Stay safe and out of trouble!

Slipping the note under his door she scampered off into the forest in the direction of the Akatsuki hideout, able to do nothing but hope for the best.

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I do not own Naruto or any of their characters!

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