Chapter 14 - Whats He Doing Here?!

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Holy crap, a new chapter..

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~Sakura's P.O.V~

I awoke startled, being roughly shaken by a very awake Sasuke. Groaning, I rubbed my eyes tiredly as I peaked through my fingers at him, squinting at the early morning light.

"Sakura, you need to get up. We need to go away for the day." He said, quickly walking away to grab some things.

"What? What do you mean?" I replied groggily, lazily slipping my legs over the side of the bed and yawning.

"I was out making rounds this morning when I saw an Akatsuki." He called back calmly, walking downstairs.

I stopped dead in my tracks. An Akatsuki?? Here?

"W-what?? Who was it? Why are they here??" I asked panicked, quickly getting dressed and heading down to meet Sasuke.

"I'm not sure, but I don't think we've been discovered. We just need to be safe and leave the area for the day." He continued, grabbing a basket and filling it with different snacks. "I thought we could take this opportunity for me to show you a little spot not far from here."

Curious as i was, i knew it would be pointless to ask Sasuke for details. He was the most stubborn man i knew and would not be swayed so easily. So, abandoning my stubbornness as well for once, i nodded and helped him pack a few more items before we headed out. 

My raven haired tour guide led me through a few miles of trees and meadows, traveling only an hour or so before we reached a wall of decently sized hills forming a circle. Climbing the hills were easy for a ninja but any normal person would have more than a difficult time trying to reach the center. Inside was a wide open area with only a few trees for  shade. There were hundreds of beautiful flowers, and a small stream trickled out from the side of the rocky hill only making the area seem more complete and at peace. I took a deep breath, catching the strong scent of pollen and fresh air. Oh how i loved nature, and it was always so much better when Sasuke was with me. Stealing a glance at my lovely runaway, i wondered what he was thinking at this moment. Before i would fathom any words, he caught my eyes and smirked, causing my face to heat up dramatically.

"Well," He started a bit more cheerfully than usual. "Would you like to have lunch now and play later, or play now and lunch later?" He asked, his smile sending shivers up my spine.

My face grew even redder at the thought of his idea of 'play'.

"U-uhm, well, playing may build up an appetite, so.." I explained, slightly embarrassed causing me to keep my eyes on the earthy floor.

"Good, i was hoping you'd say that." He explained, coming over so his face was only inches from mine.

Sliding his hands down my sides to rest on my hips, he tightened his grip and stared into my eyes for a long moment before suddenly throwing me into the air. Almost instantly he threw multiple kunai at me, causing me to barely dodge and land awkwardly on my feet.

"H-Hey! Warn a girl before you randomly attack her, huh?? What was that for?" I complained stubbornly, disappointed our play time led into a different direction than i assumed.

Sasuke chuckled darkly and ran his eyes up and down my body, making me slightly insecure for a moment. "What? You expect to live a leisurely house wife life with no training? I have to keep you sharp, in case anything were to happen to you when i'm not around."

I rolled my eyes and huffed. "You act as if a week off from training would have that large of an affect on my abilities. Don't underestimate me Sasuke Uchiha." I finished, shooting him a sharp glare that only made him smirk at me and raise a hand as if to say, 'bring it on'.

After a few hours of going at it, i was panting and covered almost head to toe in dirt. Sasuke, on the other hand, was not as nearly tired as i nor as messy. Granted that my skills lie mostly in healing and strength, but i swear this boy has no limit to anything! He's incredible. 

Walking over to me, he patted my head gently, surprising me. "How about we eat now?" He offered, to which i gladly accepted. 

I laid out a blanket i had brought underneath one of the few trees as Sasuke reached into the basket to distribute the snacks he had packed. We munched away, talking about our new surroundings and the beautiful scenery it offered. Sasuke said we'd soon have to go to town for more supplies, and i was quick to admit how excited i was to be living alone with him, even if it wasn't a permanent thing. After a short while, Sasuke's head shot up and looking off into the distance. Seeing his body tense up, i focused on the area and hear footsteps coming our way. I didn't have to tell him, for he already new and started packing our things. Before we had time to leave, a figure was standing in front of us, blocking our path. A tall man with spiky dark blue hair and light blue skin stood smiling at us. 

"Kisame." Sasuke hissed out, clenching his fists.

"Well hey Sasuke, fancy seeing you two here. Mind if we chat?"

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I do not own Naruto or any of their characters!

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