Ch. Twelve - The Cabin

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Well it's Saturday! I might end up posting two new chapters tonight cause I'm honestly so excited! I have a lot of ideas for farther on and I couldn't wait to write more!

Buuuuut some are kinda naughty so if you don't want to read any of that, you can skip the entire next chapter and you won't miss out on any of the main story, okay? Feeling a little devious tonight!

Oh and I'm gonna switch up the POV a little, try some new stuff out cx

Btw if you recognize this cabin, you're rad af! <3

Okay okay, I'm done talking now! Enjoy!

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~Sasukes P.O.V~

Sakura had left earlier for the Leaf, and I knew she would be gone for awhile, so  obviously I'm not going to just sit around and wait for her. I guess I should go out and find us somewhere safe to stay the night. Plus I have to find us new clothes, can't walk around in our cloaks anymore. We had to pack light so all we brought clothes wise was something to sleep in.

Grabbing her cloak she left behind and slipping mine off, I folded them up and headed west towards the Land of Rivers. It was close and I had someone I could talk to in the Takumi Village for help.

When I arrived only a couple hours later, I went to the nearest store and bought both of us a few pairs of clothes. I prayed I got her size right and headed farther in town until I reached a normal little house with the red roof.

Knocking on the door only once before it flew open and I was dragged inside, I internally sighed when Nioshi slammed the door shut again and peered out his front window nervously.

Nioshi was an older man around fifty. He had surprisingly snow white hair for his age however, and he was incredibly tan. He was somewhat short, and the fact he was always hunched over made him seem even shorter. He had incredibly bushy eyebrows and long sideburns. He was an average looking old man, but I knew him better than that.

"Are you crazy Sasuke?! Are you trying to get me killed! You're a rogue ninja, I can't be seen associating with you! If someone notices, I'll-"

"Oh calm down you old geezer, I won't be staying long. I just need a favor. You owe me, remember."

Nioshi was a man I once helped escape Orochimarus Laboratory. I helped him escape simply because he was a rat who was good with information, so I could use him. He was sneaky, but as paranoid as any other prey surrounded by predators. Nioshi was always afraid his dirty deeds would catch up to him, and he'd have to go into hiding.

"I know you have safe houses set up all throughout this land and others. You've spent years planning out escape routes and hideouts, all I need is one."

He turned away from the window slightly and eyed me curiously.

"You're on the run now Sasuke? Hmm, isn't that interesting." He looked out the window again casually and stared up at the sky. It was quiet for a long while before he turned and started yelling again, waving his finger angrily and walking past me to the kitchen.

"Even more reason you shouldn't be here! You need to leave immediately. I cant help you boy, it'll come back to haunt me! I'll be arrested for harboring criminals, or worse, the Akatsuki will find out!"

I was shocked. "What?! But Nioshi! You-"

"I don't want to hear another word from you Sasuke! Get out of here, I don't want to see you back here again, you got that?! And I really don't want to see you south of here at my cabin in the woods either, got it?"

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