Ch. Nine - My Little Pinkette

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"Go on a date with me."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

The next morning flew by Sakura in a daze. She felt like she was in a dream, afraid she may wake up at any moment to realize earlier had never happened.
After Sasuke had left her room, she laid on her bed and just stared at the ceiling. She couldn't fall asleep. Not with those simple six words running through her mind again and again. She loved how serious he was, and how his eyes never left hers when he asked or while he awaited his answer.

It shocked Sakura so completely that she actually stumbled backwards slightly. It had felt like a tiny earthquake was erupting throughout her body. Sasuke was asking her on a date..

The same Sasuke she has known and been clearly in love with for years and years, and the same Sasuke who had rejected her at every turn..
That's what her problem was.
It felt too good to be true, which is why she must be dreaming.

Even when he showed up at her door twenty minutes early then needed to accompany her to breakfast, she still felt like she was walking on air. Sasuke Uchiha asked her on a date!

Of course while they ate, he was silent, unbelievably expressionless, and short with conversation like always. But Sakura noticed the way he was sitting a little bit closer to her than usual, and how his eyes seemed to search the room every once in awhile, watching out for Itachi. Sakura felt bad she ignored his good morning greeting when he first arrived at breakfast but she knew Sasuke would be upset if she answered him, so she just smiled nervously and secretly nodded in recognition. She admitted she started to grow some feelings for the man, but her heart belonged to Sasuke and she didn't want to ruin it over a small crush.

After they finished their apples and toast, Sasuke walked Sakura back to her room and told her he had things to take care of, but he would be back in a couple hours to pick her up. Sakura blushed and nodded eagerly, smiling lovingly up at him in response. She felt like if she spoke, her voice would crack and she didn't want to embarrass herself more than usual.
Nodding once, Sasuke turned to walk down the hall. Once Sakura opened her door though, she heard Sasuke call back to her.

"And don't open the door for anyone."

- - - - -

About an hour later, Sakura had recovered from her butterflies enough to begin getting ready for her date. Grabbing her bathroom essentials, she hummed happily and went to take a quick shower. Sasuke said not to answer the door, but he didn't say she had to stay in her room. Plus, she still felt like she could smell Itachi on herself, so she needed a shower.

As she closed her door behind herself, she heard a deep voice call out from a few feet behind her. The familiar sound of it made her jump slightly.

"Sakura." Itachi said emotionlessly. "Did I scare you?" He continued almost teasingly.

She laughed awkwardly and twirled a piece of hair between her fingers, turning to face him and staring off to the right a bit. She shook her head no and swallowed hard when she saw him take a few steps closer to her slowly.

"Why do you seem so nervous then?" He asked quieter then before.  She could picture the obvious smirk on his face.

"B-Because I just wasn't paying attention, ok? I was deep in thought and heading off to shower." She replied, trying to force herself to sound confident but internally cursing when she stuttered.

She looked to the ground and soon saw his feet stop right in front of her. Raising his hand slowly, he brought her face up to look at him.

"Why are you avoiding me, my little pinkette?" He asked mockingly.

Before she could even answer or pull away, another familiar voice spoke out bitterly from behind Sakura.

"Itachi, removes your hands and back away."

Sakura saw Itachis eyes flicker up to look at his approaching younger brother with amusement filled eyes.

Smiling slightly, he nodded and dropped his hand away from Sakuras chin. Raising his arms in defense as he stepped back a few feet, a fake sorry spread across his face.

"As you wish brother. I had no idea you had chosen a new pet. My apologies, I thought you were still with Karin." Itachi spoke slowly, letting his eyes linger over Sakura while he uttered Karins name.

Sakuras heart sank to her stomach at the same time Sasuke pushed past her to roughly shove Itachi up against the wall by the collar of his shirt. His sharingan was activated and filled with hate.

After a few moments of their little staring contest, Itachi sighed, clearly getting bored.

"Well, are you done? You know as well as I that you can't cause anymore trouble after the Sasori incident or the Suigetsu problem. Pein would be incredibly disappointed."

With an angry growl, Sasuke tossed Itachi aside who easily maneuvered himself gracefully so he wouldn't fall or stumble.
Laughing quietly to himself, Itachi bowed to Sakura and turned to leave, waving goodbye to Sasuke over his shoulder.

The two remaining ninja stood in silence. Sasuke was clenching his fists and then suddenly punched the wall where he had been holding Itachi. The strength of his punch shook the entire wall as a hole more then a couple inches deep broke through the stone, sending dozens of cracks off in different directions.
Sakura stood there silently, staring at the ground and wondering what to say. Sasuke was the one to break the silence however.

"Why were you talking to him?"

Anger shot through Sakura like a bullet through a gun.

"What?! That's what you have to say? Nothing else, not even explaining to me  what he meant by 'with Karin', you just jump to why I was talking to him?!"

Sasuke quickly backed Sakura up against the opposite wall and glared angrily down at her.

"Because that doesn't matter. I'm no longer with her. What matters is you disobeyed me. I told you not to answer the door, and there you were right outside your door  with him as I came back!"

Sakura pushed against him even though she was too weak with one arm to make him budge, motioning to her other arm full of shower supplies.

"I didn't answer the door, I was clearly off to take a shower! He just happened to be down the hall and saw me come out, I didn't disobey you! Plus, I'm my own person, I can make my own decisions! You. Don't. Own. Me." She finished angrily, almost shouting at him.

Sasuke abruptly grabbed her face and forced her still while he leaned in close. He seemed to be composing himself well, but his eyes burned almost brighter than they had when he burst into her room early that morning. His face was now only centimeters away from hers as he spoke darkly.

"I guess I just have to show you how wrong you are, Sakura. In fact, I do own you."

Grabbing the front of her shirt, he opened her door quickly and shoved her inside violently, making her drop everything in her arm and fall to the floor. Stepping inside, he slammed the door shut so hard she could have sworn it cracked.

- - - - -

I do not own Naruto nor do I own any of their characters!

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