Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: Gone

 After the dance Aurora went back to her depressed ways and everyone seemed to notice so Klaus called Elijah and Kol to come help

"Princess, could you open the door" Kol asked

Elijah and Kol had come back to the Mystic falls after they heard what happened. Klaus had called them since he knew she would come out for them and she did

Slowly she opened the door and all the Mikaelsons Caroline and Bonnie stood there with smiles on their faces. Aurora was wearing tracksuits, a crop top and her hair was tied in a ponytail with a ribbon. Everyone came into the door at once and sat her down on her bed as she stared at her fingers.

"Aurora, love tell us what's wrong" Klaus whispered softly

She sighed deeply before speaking "I left Stefan" She revealed

"What why!?" Caroline exclaimed

"He promised me he would never hurt you guys again but he still did, he crafted white oak stakes. He was going to take you away from me" Aurora sobbed at the last sentence and Kol brought her into his chest as Klaus patted her back

"Aurora, don't take your happiness for us, if i were in Stefans position i would've done the same thing" Rebekah said "He loves you and you love him back, don't take it for granted"

Elijah kneeled down to become eye level with her and took her hand "Rebekah is right, Princess, we won't be mad if you go back to him it's your choice and we don't control that"

"Unless Nik threatens to dagger you" Rebekah added which made everyone including Aurora

Wiping her tears away she got up "Give me some time, don't worry guys" they all smiled at her and slowly left the room

Aurora felt better now and she decided to give Stefan another chance but now she has to fix herself up because she looked like a mess.

Caroline admired how Klaus cared for Aurora, maybe he wasn't actually that bad so she decided to thank him for helping her friend

"Hey, Klaus" she grabbed his attention by grabbing arm

"Yes, love" he asked

"I wanted to say thanks for cheering Aurora up like that, i think it's really cute how you treat her like a little sister. I admire that"

Klaus smiled at her words, he was really happy that Caroline admired him and of course Aurora will always be a sister to him

"Thank you but it wasn't just me, Elijah's nobel words Rebekahs speech about love and Kols comfort i think she would've done fine without me"

Caroline laughed and shook her head at his words "Don't say that she would've wanted you there"

"I never said this aloud but i think me and Kol are her favourite" he chuckled

Caroline chuckled with him as well and when she started walking away she planted a kiss on his cheeks making him go really red


While Aurora fixed up her pink ribbon she got a call from Stefan, she hadn't picked up any of his calls but from what Caroline said he was a mess and Damon and Elena had no idea why

"Stefan" She greeted

"Aurora, it's so good to hear your voice, i missed you an-"

"-why are you calling" she asked

"Alaric was turned into some original vampire hunter and he's going to kill all of us, he's also outed us to the council and..." Stefan was hesitant on how to tell her "Klaus is our sireline, so if he kills Klaus we will all die"

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