Chapter 30

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Chapter 30: Telekinesis

After nearly a thousand years of living, would I never imagine to one day become an angel with powers. I also never realised I would actually sacrifice myself for Kol. But one thing I need to do is meet up with Miss doppelganger-Elena-. She tried to kill Kol but killed me instead (I also have other issues with her) but she lost her brother and now has no one left and is suffering the hunter's curse. I heard she came to my funeral but after everyone was gone, which means she feels bad-right?

I really like her but vampirism did something to her and she's not the same Elena I knew when I first came here. However I will still help her because she needs someone.

She finished writing and hid her journal in its new place ( since Stefan found it last time) which was in one of her many designer bags. She then got dressed and went downstairs where Caroline, Bonnie and Rebekah were, the three girls refused to leave her alone in her house. Though the Salvatore's and Mikaelson's didn't want to leave her it was a girls night and the number one rule in a girl night is, no boy.

"Guys" Aurora spoke nervously

"Yeah?" Bonnie replied for all the other two. All the attention was on her and she was thinking about sneaking out as they were not going to trust her near Elena

"I'm going to meet Elena" she blurted out

"Oh no you're not!" Rebekah refused immediately

"Why not, she lost her brother and she has no one. She also has the hunters curse" she tried to reason

"Yeah well she tried to kill our brother and ended up killing you. No" Rebekah refused again

"Any help?" She asked her other two friends to convince Rebekah to let her go

"Aurora, Bex is right, and she might try and kill you again since she's got the curse" Caroline said siding with Rebekah


"Elena was my best friend but what she did and the reason for it is just selfish. If she can be selfish so can you" she responded

Aurora just scoffed, they were just going to leave Elena in the dust "Are you guys serious! she was your best friend that is suffering. Come on!" she frustrated

"Sorry but you're not going anywhere, especially with your new powers. We are all gonna take turns in helping you control it" Caroline smiled

Aurora bit her lip upset, Elena Gilbert lost everyone that cared for her and she couldn't help. Though she did kind of deserve it which made her guilt slightly wear off.


"Okay, ready?" Damon asked

I nodded my head and he threw a stake at me, I lifted my arm and pointed my hand to the stake and concentrated but the stake didn't stop moving so instead I had to catch it.

"It's not working!" I yelled rubbing my forehead "Why isn't it working" I complained

"Practise makes perfect" Kol reminded

I just stuck my tongue out at him like a child making him laugh.

"Aurora, concentrate really hard on what you have to do" Bonnie advised "That's what I do"

"Let's do it again" Klaus ordered

This time Elijah threw the stake and I tried again putting full concentration on stopping the dagger and the dagger started to slow down but it still didn't stop.

"Okay, that's progress" Rebekah smiled

Again and again she tried but the dagger only slowed down nothing more. So they put someone else in the position to get a dagger thrown at. It was Damon who had his hands tied up and stood where she last stood, Rebekah happily took the role of throwing it. She harshly threw the dagger towards Damon who was quite far away but with Rebekah's precise aim she could tell it was going to hit his heart.

She raised her arm and concentrated only on the dagger and for it to stop, but as it was Damon's life on the line (and she cared about him) she focused on nothing but stopping she didn't care if anyone was watching and she couldn't because she had them blurred out in her mind making the only thing visible was the dagger and Damon. After a quick minute and hours of training she managed to finally stop the dagger as soon as it was going to hit his heart.

Her focus was finally off the target and she screamed and jumped happily as the dagger was stopped in mid air. She jumped in Stefan's arms and he hugged her tightly. Once getting out of the hug she saw the stake was floating in mid air so she raised her towards the stake and focused on it going down; moving her hand along to guide it.

The dagger fell to the floor and she had a big grin on her face "Aurora, you've really gotten better" Bonnie said impressed

"Obviously, my life was on the line" said Damon sarcastically "I knew you weren't going to let me die" he smiled

Aurora rolled her eyes at him "Yeah, yeah. Don't think I didn't see the sweat coming from your forehead"

Everyone started laughing and he gave her a dirt. Then out of nowhere he threw a dagger at her and she screamed putting her hands in the air expecting the dagger to hit her. She expected to feel the pain but it never came, looking up she saw the dagger floating in mid air.

"Did I do that?" she asked with wide eyes

"Yeah" Damon nodded

"Are you crazy!" Caroline screamed "What if she couldn't do it, you know how long it took her to actually slow it down?"

Aurora was confused, the first time she stopped it she used all her concentration but this time she just put her hands up.

"Someone throw it again" she ordered

Stefan picked up the stake and was walking towards a tree when all of a sudden he turned around and threw it at her.

Immediately she raised her hand and the stake stopped before it came close to her. She put it down on the floor and then she realised why it was so easy. She needed to unlock her powers to use it, Damon's life being on risk probably helped her unlock that's why she managed to stop it.

"So you unlocked your telekinesis powers" Kol spoke up

Aurora turned to him and smiled "I did"


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