Chapter 20

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Chapter 20: Taken

Rebekah is daggered again by Niklaus and he won't tell me where he is hiding her. Not only that Stefan helped, I'm really pissed but I will find her it's not like they can do anything to me especially now that Kol is back. He'll make sure Klaus doesn't touch a single hair on my head but if she is nowhere to be found i will call Elijah.
Klaus will not get away with this and Stefan but we've got more problems, Stefan will definitely tell Elena about the cure to vampirism and i know she will try and get it to cure herself but since Damon and Stefan would want to cure her misery there's a high chance they would do anything for it. It still hurts, when i hear Elena struggling like that as it's all my fault, i'll never forgive myself for taking her human life away from her. I was so stupid. I could've taken her and Matt at the same time but my mind was focused on Klaus's death.
Still she cannot get the cure and i will make sure she doesn't, she cannot wake Silas or it will be the end, hell will break loose on this earth.
I will make sure that i stop any plan from waking Silas, not so Elena can stay a vampire but so no one will suffer his torment.

She finished writing in her journal and hid it under her mattress since she wasn't at her own home. She quietly went to the basement to check if that's where Klaus left Rebekah, she looked around and checked for any loose floor boards but to no avail she wasn't there.

Grumpily she went back upstairs and was greeted with Stefan. "What are you doing here?"

"Visiting my amazing girlfriend of course" he then handed her a single fresh white rose that was wrapped in brown paper with a creme chiffon material and a white ribbon. Roses were her favourite but she always like receiving a single one.
She could tell he was trying to get himself back on her good side but she decided to be oblivious to his plan and take it as an advantage.

She smiled at him and took the rose twirling it around her fingers, she then kissed him on his cheek and let her lips linger on his skin. Pulling away she gave him soft sad eyes and took his hand with her free one "It really hurt me that you daggered Rebekah. I don't know if i could forgive you, unless you tell me where she is?"

"I can't, i'm sorry, but we have other problems Klaus is gone to dig up a grave for the sword and Conner is gone- we need to find him"

Aurora just groaned "I don't care about Conner, why is it that problems keep piling up?"

"Aurora listen, Conner has werewolf venom and if he's out there he can get any of us and Klaus is on the other side of the world. How would we get cured and Damon right now is trying to track Conner down so please just help" he begged


She gave in to help Stefan and was informed that Conner was at the grill with hostages (including Jeremy, Matt and April) that would die at sundown. Apparently Conner had told all her friends of the problem so they decided to meet at the Salvatore Boarding house to form a plan on how to save them.

Stefan and her walked in together and saw Caroline, Tyler waiting for them
"Hey guys" she spoke

"Good your here. So does anyone have a plan?" Tyler asked

"My mum has squad cars blocking the streets, they're saying it's a gas leak." Caroline said 

"I've got my hybrids" Tyler commented

"Some of us could go and distract him while Stefan sneaks them out. But we cannot kill him" Aurora planned

"And what if that doesn't work what are we supposed to do?" Tyler questioned

"It will work. Only if we go through it properly, and i've got Kol"


One of the hybrids walked into the grill looking around but suddenly an explosion caused him to burn then Conner came in and shot a stake through his heart.

All the way at the back Aurora watched in shock- he really knew how to put up traps
Stefan was telling April and Matt to leave through the vents. "Stefan be careful, he probably has traps everywhere" she whispered

"Don't worry i will" he then cautiously walked out of the kitchens trying not to be seen but unfortunately he was caught and wooden bullets were fired at him; luckily he wasn't hit and he hid behind the bar. Then Aurora saw Conner push Jeremy onto a pressure plate that was connected to a bomb.

"Conner, you don't have to do this" Stefan yelled 

"Stefan?!" Jeremy called out

Stefan looked to him through a gap and saw what he was standing on "Just put down the gun and come with me" Stefan said

"Sure. Come out, i'll hand over the gun" Conner spoke

"Think about this. No one has to die. I'll tell you everything you need to know"


"Listen to me, if you die right now then your whole life, all this killing, It would be for nothing.
I can give you the truth. Just put your gun down and let Jeremy go"

Suddenly Elena came bursting in begging to let her brother go "Please, let him go. He's the only family i have left"

"Elena leave" Jeremy demanded

 Kol was not here yet and she didn't think he would come anytime soon so slowly she came out without Conner realising and grabbed a knife to just injure him "You hear that, your girls here and i will kill him in front of her if you don't come out in the count of three. One...two..."

Stefan came out but Elena sped over and grabbed Conner which got him to trigger his gun and shoot Jeremy. Elena started tackling him grabbing him by the throat, while she was doing that Aurora saw Jeremy almost collapsing so she sped over and pulled him away grabbed Stefan and protected them from the explosion with a table

"Jeremy!" Elena called letting go of Conner

Seeing this he tackled Elena and held a dagger above her chest while she tried pulling it away. Aurora came speeding in and pushed Conner off her and Stefan sped him out of the grill. Both girls went over to Jeremy and Elena fed him her blood so he could heal.

"Elena take him home and make sure he rests" she ordered 

Elena just nodded and took Jeremy away and Aurora left to the Mikaelson mansion and into Kols' room and found him laying on his bed scrolling through his phone "Where were you Kol?" she asked annoyed

"What's that princess" he asked

"I called you to help us, where were you!"

"Oh sorry love, got a bit busy" he replied

Aurora got his pillow that his head rested on and hit him several times before he begged her to stop "I'm sorry, i'm sorry. You can't blame a guy for forgetting"

"Well i can so-" she got cut off by a phone call from Stefan

"Hey Stef what's up"

"Aurora, it's Elena. She killed Conner"

𝓜𝔂 𝓐𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓵- Stefan SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now