Chapter 16

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The next morning, Becky didn't join Freen and Richie in the cafeteria. For Freen, it was a relief because Becky won't hear any rumors about her and Richie.

There were false rumors circulating, claiming that Richie and Freen had slept together while Freen was still with Gulf, alleging that this was the reason for Gulf's infidelity. Freen knew these rumors were baseless, as she discovered Gulf's betrayal even before meeting Becky. She couldn't fathom who was manipulating this information and putting the blame on her. Why did people meddle in their relationship? It was their issue to resolve, and the students were out of the context.

"Freen, are you sure you don't want to eat in your dorm? These rumors are spreading like wildfire. Even students from other departments know about it," Richie expressed concern, gazing at her with sad eyes.

Freen didn't want to hide, especially when she knew the accusations were false. To reclaim her reputation, she needed to confront Gulf. She was convinced he was the one behind these rumors.

"No, I'll stay here. I'm sure Gulf would come here and beg me to forgive him. I've known him for more than two years. I know how he would gaslight me and pretend to be a good guy," she said, scanning the surroundings. People were glaring and rolling their eyes, but she ignored them. She didn't need to prove herself, but for her studies to be more peaceful, she felt compelled to.

"You're right," Richie agreed, looking in the direction Gulf was approaching.

"Let's wait." She smiled and crossed her arms.

"Freen," Gulf began when he arrived.

The students murmured, their attention fixed on the unfolding drama. Gulf's popularity seemed to sway opinion in his favor, despite the incomplete story.

"What?" Freen raised her left eyebrow as she looked at him.

"I know you're mad after seeing me with someone. But please, don't ruin our relationship. You know that I love you, okay?" Gulf sat beside her, reaching for her hands, but she quickly slapped them away. "Freen, you're the first one to cheat, but I forgave you."

"Stop lying, Gulf. We both know the truth. Do you think I'm dumb?" Freen huffed and gritted her teeth. "You cheated on me a year ago, before I went to Richie's party. Before anything happened that night. You also have the reputation of being a playboy, right? Why don't you just tell them the truth and leave me alone?"

"I forgave you once, Freen!" Gulf's voice rose, causing her to chuckle.

"I didn't ask for it. I broke up with you after that night because I felt guilty. I couldn't sleep because of that mistake. But then I realized, how could you sleep after lying to my face?" Freen asked, sneering. "You dirty liar. How can you pretend to be the good guy when, in fact, you didn't do anything good throughout our relationship?"

"That's below the belt, Freen. I made you happy," Gulf retorted as the students began discussing him.

"And I made you pass your first year. Do they know that?" Freen asked. "I was the one doing your homework because, although you can, you're too lazy to do it. Those speeches you gave after winning in nationals? I wrote them. You were praised because of those, right? You were just using me, Gulf. I'm over it." Freen stood up and walked out.

Gulf chased her, but Richie stopped him. "Let go of me!"

"Let go of her first. You didn't deserve her," Richie said sternly.

"Why? You're waiting for her to be single so you can be her boyfriend, right?" Gulf laughed and punched Richie on the face, but he didn't flinch.

Richie stood there, looking at him devoid of emotions. "Done?" he asked.

"Tell me, you're the guy who slept with her, right?" Gulf asked.

Richie smiled and chuckled. "So what? Are you envious because she didn't want to sleep with someone who has a tiny weenie?"

"You—" Gulf was about to punch Richie again when someone stopped his hand.

"Don't hurt him," Becky warned, letting go of his hand. "Once he's had enough, you'll find yourself putting ice on your eyes. Got it? Save that pretty face of yours for your other girls." She patted Gulf's shoulder and pulled Richie out of the cafeteria, leaving Gulf frustratedly kicking the chairs.

"You really want the Engineering Department to ban you?" Richie asked Becky when they reached the dormitory building.

"Freen's on the rooftop. Go after her," she said, ignoring her brother's words. "She needs you."

"Becky." Richie grabbed her arm and looked at her. "Do you know the person she slept with?"

Becky fell silent. Although she knew, she wouldn't tell him. Besides, Richie would be disappointed in her, and he might distance himself from Freen, which Freen wouldn't appreciate.

"Answer me, Becky." Richie looked at her in the eyes, and now she knew she couldn't escape the question anymore.

"She didn't sleep with anyone, Richie," Becky sighed. "Nothing happened that night."

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