Chapter 34

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Becky couldn't help but smile as she gazed at Freen, who was sleeping peacefully. Overwhelmed by the sight of Freen's adorable morning demeanor, she decided to return to bed and savor the moment. Freen's face exuded childlike innocence, as if she had just enjoyed a full day of undisturbed sleep. Even in slumber, Freen sported a radiant smile, prompting Becky to chuckle softly while delicately tucking a few stray strands of hair behind Freen's ear.

As Freen stirred and slowly opened her eyes, she found Becky smiling down at her. Reacting instinctively, Freen pulled Becky into a warm embrace, burying her face in the latter's chest. The comfort was undeniable, but the reality of Deli possibly returning home at any moment interrupted the tranquility.

"Quick, get up!" Freen scrambled out of bed, searching for her clothes. "Where are they?" she asked, pulling back the blanket to reveal that Becky was already dressed. "Did you grab my clothes from downstairs? If my aunt sees them—"

"She didn't," Becky reassured with a chuckle as she slid off the bed. "I woke up early and tidied up the kitchen and living room before your aunt arrived. Deli came back early this morning; she's resting."

Freen sighed, returning to bed and shooting a playful glare at Becky for attempting to deceive her. However, her expression softened as she recalled the events of the previous night. Gesturing for Becky to come closer, she bestowed a gentle peck on her lips.

"Where are we headed today?" Freen inquired, still cupping Becky's face. "Should I take a shower now?"

"Hm," Becky nodded. "I'll whip up something for Deli, and then we'll head out. I already let her know we're catching a movie."

"Okay." Freen kissed Becky once more before heading to the bathroom.

Observing Freen's phone on the bedside table, Becky noticed it vibrating. Attempting to call Freen proved futile due to the loud shower, so, deeming it important, Becky decided to answer on Freen's behalf.

"Freen, this is Heng. Richie gave me your contact. Are you free today? I'm planning to catch a movie," Heng invited. "Hello?"

Without a response from Freen, Becky pondered the identity of Heng. Unfamiliar with the name, she wondered if he belonged to a different department. His deep voice, unheard during Freen and Richie's party, suggested a closeness that intrigued her.

"Freen? If you're busy, it's fine. See you soon!" Heng concluded, hanging up.

Returning Freen's phone to the bedside table, Becky descended to the kitchen to cook, disregarding the unfamiliar Heng. Her only rivalry was her brother, and she paid no heed to potential admirers.

"Ready?" Freen asked, adorned in a simple white crop-top and jeans. Despite the simplicity, Freen radiated undeniable charm. "Let's go."

"Yeah." Becky slung her bag over her shoulder, and they ventured out. "By the way, should I bring my car?"

"Why? Want to ride my motorcycle?" Freen arched an eyebrow.

Becky tilted her head. "Can I ride you?"

"My motorcycle," Freen corrected, flicking Becky's forehead. Laughter ensued as they made their way to Freen's garage to retrieve her motorcycle.

Freen secured a helmet on Becky, and they set off. With Becky's arms wrapped around Freen's waist, she felt a sense of exhilaration, even though the helmet obscured her view.


Upon reaching the mall, they purchased tickets and popcorn. From a distance, Freen noticed Heng, catching her eye. She waved at him, and he hurried over, sporting a sweet smile. Becky, curious, asked, "Who is he?"

"Oh, sorry," Freen turned to Becky. "He's Heng, a transfer student in our department, staying with your brother. Heng, meet Becky, Richie's sister."

Becky, dissatisfied with the brief introduction, wondered what to anticipate. Should she claim to be Freen's lover when they weren't? Shaking off the thought, she greeted Heng with a smile.

"I called earlier, but no one answered," Heng informed Freen. "Richie gave me your number. I was about to invite you to this movie. Can I see your seat?" Heng scrutinized their tickets, wearing a frown.

"You bought the ticket too early," Freen chuckled. "By the way, are you alone?"

"Freen, let's head inside. The movie's about to start," Becky urged, attempting to pull Freen away. However, Freen signaled for her to wait. Becky felt out of place, left to eavesdrop on their conversation. They seemed close, and Becky couldn't shake the feeling of being replaced during the weeks she was away.

Opting to leave rather than listen further, Becky heard Heng ask Freen before she exited, "Would Richie be mad if I asked him if I could date you?" The words struck a chord, not for the question itself, but because Freen merely laughed it off.

Becky entered the cinema, occupying her seat alone. Conflicted emotions swirled within her. Was she jealous? She had no right to be.

"I'm sorry about that," Freen apologized as she settled beside Becky, offering a smile. "Are you mad?"

"No, I'm thrilled," Becky responded sarcastically. "Feel free to chat more with him. I'm fine watching alone here."

"I'm sorry," Freen said, taking Becky's hand and intertwining their fingers. "Let's watch. I won't do it again."

As they immersed themselves in the movie, Freen's contemplative mood persisted even after the credits rolled.

"If the girl had realized she loved the guy sooner, he wouldn't have left and found someone else. Now she's crying because he's marrying someone else?" Becky sighed.

Freen reflected on their own situation. Could such circumstances arise for them as well? What if Becky found someone else due to exhaustion from waiting?

"But if the guy truly loves her, he would wait, right?" Freen queried.

"Not everyone can wait, especially without assurance. Love is complicated, Freen. We can't expect someone to wait for us, especially if we were the ones who hurt them first," Becky answered, the complexity of love weighing heavily in the air.

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