Chapter 65

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The morning light filtered into my unit as I returned, the weight of my actions sinking in. How could I have let my guard down like that? How could I betray her trust?

Seven years. Seven years I waited faithfully for Freen. In all that time, I never let myself love another. I never gave anyone the chance to accuse me of infidelity. Yet here I was, shattered by my own actions. I had slept with the one person she despised the most.

I couldn't forgive myself.

I wouldn't forgive myself.

I had become everything I never wanted her to see in me. I was the villain, the toxic presence poisoning our relationship. How could I face her now? How could I utter the words "I love you" when I had betrayed her so deeply?

"Hello?" Richie's voice answered instead of Irin's. Tears choked my voice as I heard my brother's concern. He had cared for Freen as much as I did. How could I burden him with this?

"I messed up," I sobbed. "Richie, I messed up." The cold floor offered no comfort as I broke down.

"What happened?" he asked, but I couldn't bring myself to speak. Guilt and anguish gripped me. I regretted everything. Every single moment.

"Can I come home?" I pleaded.

"Of course. But talk to me. Did Freen hurt you?" His voice grew stern.

"No, it's the other way around," I confessed.

"Then no. Running away won't solve anything," Richie's tone hardened. "You've waited for her for seven years, Becky. Don't let one mistake destroy everything."

"You were right," I admitted defeat. "I'll tell her I slept with the neighbor."

"What in the world are you saying, Rebecca Patricia?" Richie's voice thundered. "Talk to Freen or I'll do it for you!"

I knew my brother wouldn't stand by me if I was in the wrong. I had to face Freen. I wouldn't beg for forgiveness, but I owed her the truth. Perhaps we weren't meant to be after all.

I messaged her, and she arrived within minutes. Seeing her tear-filled eyes only intensified my agony. She regretted her actions, yet instead of forgiving her, I had betrayed her. This wasn't revenge; it was foolishness. One mistake couldn't undo another.

"Bec." She reached out for me, but I recoiled. I was tainted. She deserved better.

"I didn't call you here to mend things. Our relationship has been broken from the start, and I've only made it worse," I confessed, my fingers trembling. "Let's end this once and for all."

"B-Becky, Love resigned. You didn't have to do this," she pleaded, grasping my hands, but I shook my head. "Why? Don't you love me anymore?"

Her words cut deep. "I do. I always will," I choked, unable to meet her gaze. "But I made the wrong choice. A choice you wouldn't forgive."

"What? Tell me, Bec," she urged, her voice trembling.

"I thought we could find happiness together, Freen. I believed we were meant to be," I whispered, tears streaming down my cheeks. "I'm sorry."

"Bec?" Milk's voice interrupted, and before I could react, she barged in, pushing Freen aside. "What are you doing here? Are you here to hurt Becky again?"

"Milk, please," I pleaded, but she was consumed by anger.

"This isn't your concern." Freen tried to calm herself.

"This concerns me now!" Milk retorted. "Something happened between us last night."

Freen's shock mirrored mine as she turned to me, and I pushed Milk away. "Is it true?"

"Tell her, Bec," Milk urged.

"I will, but leave! This is between us!" I yelled, pushing her out and locking the door. I felt helpless as everything spiraled out of control, my worst fears unfolding before my eyes.

"Is it true?" Freen's voice trembled, but I couldn't bring myself to answer. "Lie to me, Becky. Please, just lie to me!"

"I can't!" I cried out. "It's true. And that's why I can't forgive myself. That's why I'm ending this."

Tears welled up in Freen's eyes as she silently wept. "I tried to fix us, but maybe you're right. We should end it. I love you, Becky. But maybe we're just destroying each other."


Returning to the ranch weighed heavily on my heart. Irin and Richie knew everything now, and Richie's anger was justified. I had become the jerk, the architect of my own downfall. In one reckless moment, my entire world crumbled, including my own sense of self.

"What really happened, Bec? Richie won't talk to you, but if you explain everything to him, I'm sure he'll understand," Irin said, trailing me to my room.

I dropped my belongings and sank onto the edge of the bed. I had envisioned returning here with Freen, building a future together filled with happiness. But it was all a delusion, a fantasy I needed to let go of. I had to confront the reality of my actions, carry the weight of my guilt for the rest of my days. Seven years of waiting, squandered. Her trust, shattered. I had wounded the person who loved me beyond measure, who had sacrificed her pride just to be with me.

"It's my fault, Irin. No one else's. Just mine," I admitted, the weight of my confession heavy in the air.

Irin joined me on the bed, her hand soothingly rubbing my back. "I know it's tough. Love can be painful, Becky. Don't believe those who claim that love shouldn't hurt. In love, we learn from our mistakes, even if it means hurting others along the way. But you know what's beautiful about love?"

She looked at me, her eyes brimming with empathy. "Love isn't always a feeling, Bec. Sometimes, it's a choice. Despite everything, you keep going back to her, and that's what makes it love. Now, it's your choice. Will you wait for her again? Second chances may seem daunting, but if you believe in Freen, if you're willing to give her that chance, then wait and see. She might surprise you."

"You don't know her like I do," I countered. "She didn't betray me. She didn't cheat. My mistake was far worse."

"I don't claim to know her as you do, but her actions speak volumes. It's clear she loves you deeply and won't easily replace you. Time heals all wounds, Bec. Give her that time," Irin reassured me with a gentle smile before leaving me to ponder.

I would give her time. Because deep down, I knew I couldn't love anyone else but her. If it wasn't her, it was no one.

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