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Three years had passed since everything fell apart between Freen and me. Three years of silence, of unspoken words hanging heavy between us. She didn't reach out, and neither did I. It was as if we had erased each other from our lives. Yet, her presence lingered everywhere. She excelled in everything she did, ascending to the position of vice-chairman alongside Heng, the chairman. I couldn't help but feel a swell of pride for their accomplishments. Perhaps our breakup had paved the way for our individual growth. We had learned invaluable lessons, matured in ways we never could have imagined. Sometimes, letting go was the only option.

But beneath the facade of acceptance, hope still flickered within me. I still waited, silently yearning for her return. She was my last, my only love. I'd rather grow old alone than settle for anyone else.

"She's here," Richie's voice broke through my thoughts as I adjusted my outfit in the mirror. Today was his wedding, and Freen's presence was inevitable. "I'm sorry I didn't consult you before sending out the invitations," he added, likely referring to Freen's inclusion.

"It's fine, Richie. She's your best friend. Of course, she should be here," I reassured him with a smile.

"I'm proud of you, Becky. You've grown up," Richie remarked, a hint of nostalgia in his voice. "You're not the same Becky who used to pester me about Freen every time I returned from the city," he chuckled, giving my shoulder a playful pat. "You should join the festivities. Everyone's been asking for you."

With a nod, I followed Richie downstairs, the weight of anticipation settling in my chest. The reception was in full swing, guests dressed in their finest attire. Amidst the crowd, one figure stood out—Freen. She looked impeccable in her suit, commanding attention effortlessly. I wondered what she had been up to before arriving. Work, most likely.

"Finally, you're here!" my coworkers greeted me, offering a drink which I politely declined.

"Have you seen Miss Freen? She looks stunning!" Lego exclaimed, gesturing towards Freen who was engrossed in conversation with Richie's business associates. "Don't you want to talk to her?"

"I'll stay here," I replied, smiling weakly.

However, one of Richie's business acquaintances motioned for me to join their group. I obliged, albeit reluctantly, feeling the weight of Freen's presence beside me. Had she forgiven me after all these years? It seemed unlikely, yet hope lingered in the depths of my heart.

"You look lovely," she complimented me as I approached.

"Thank you. I'm glad you could make it," I replied, returning her smile.

"It's Richie's big day. I wouldn't miss it for anything," she chuckled, seamlessly transitioning back into conversation with the others.

"Anyway, Becky, congratulations on your wine business. I've heard great things about it. Your wines are exceptional, especially the Velvet Reserve Merlot. Could you reserve a bottle for me?" the woman beside me requested, her name escaping me despite our multiple encounters.

"Of course, I'll make sure you get one," I replied with a smile, though the exchange felt awkward with Freen standing beside me.

"Anyway, we must speak with Irin. Excuse us for a moment," the woman said, leading her friends away, leaving Freen and me alone.

"How have you been?" she asked, turning her attention to me.

"Fine, thank you. Better than ever," I replied with a small laugh, reaching for a glass of wine. "Do you still enjoy Velvet Reserve Merlot? I can reserve one for you."

"I've actually stopped drinking," she revealed, waving her hand dismissively.

I nodded slowly, taking a sip of my wine. "How about you?"

"I'm doing well. Better than ever. I hear nothing but praise for your wines from Heng," she replied warmly. "Your success speaks volumes. Perhaps our breakup was a blessing in disguise. We've both grown stronger, more resilient."

"Yes, but I lost you," I sighed, unable to mask the ache in my voice.

"But you gained so much more," she reassured me, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder before excusing herself to mingle with other guests.

I couldn't help but eavesdrop on her conversations, craving her proximity.

"I'm glad Richie finally tied the knot. Otherwise, he'd end up like Becky, forever alone," one man joked, prompting laughter from the group.

"Freen, why are you still single? You're almost thirty. It's time to settle down," another teased.

"Actually, I'm waiting for someone. But don't worry, I'll be getting married soon," she replied, catching my attention. I turned to look at her, puzzled, only to find her smiling at me. Then, she pulled out a familiar necklace, revealing the ring I had bought her three years ago. I had forgotten all about it, but she had kept it all this time.

"Looks like we might have another wedding on the horizon," the woman laughed, ushering the group away.

Freen chuckled softly before turning to me with a smile. "Did you really think I'd find someone else?" she asked, her eyes filled with warmth. "You've always been my best option, Becky. I waited ten years to have you back, and I'd wait another ten if I had to."

Tears pricked at my eyes, threatening to spill over and ruin my makeup.

"Ten years is a long time. But at least I found a way to marry you," she chuckled, pulling me into a tight embrace. "I love you more than anything, and thank you for giving me the time I needed to realize that you were always the one. From now on, you won't be a secret. I'll proudly proclaim to the world that the woman standing before me, whom I waited ten years for, will finally be mine."

"I haven't said yes yet," I reminded her softly.

"And I won't accept no," she replied with a smile, cupping my cheeks in her hands. "Thank you, Becky. Time truly does heal. But you, you are my everything. Remember that."

With our hands intertwined, we turned our attention back to the front as the festivities for the newlyweds commenced, our hearts brimming with hope and love for the future ahead.

Secretly Yours || FreenBecky [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now