Chapter 27

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Four days of vacation proved insufficient for Freen to erase Becky from her thoughts entirely. Despite her resolve, she remained convinced that Becky would uphold her promise. If, by some chance, Becky left during Freen's absence, Freen was confident that Becky would return for her.

After her classes, Freen headed to the cafeteria, ordered some food, and settled in their usual spot to wait for Engfa and Richie. However, they were nowhere in sight, likely delayed by their professor's overtime.

"Hello, Freen," Love greeted as she sat beside her, devoid of a food tray. Finished with her meal, Love seemed eager to strike up a conversation. "There's an upcoming event on Friday. Have you heard about it?" she inquired.

Freen shook her head. "No, why?"

"If you don't have a date, I can find one for you. Just give me a call," Love offered with a smile, handing Freen a card containing her contact information before returning to her table.

It became apparent that Love wasn't alone; her friends were discreetly observing Freen, quickly averting their eyes when noticed.

"Did you hear the rumors about you two?" Engfa asked who came from nowhere, taking a seat across from Freen. "People in the department are gossiping about you and Richie, like meddling in your life will earn them rewards," she scoffed.

"What rumors?" Freen questioned, furrowing her brows.

"You're now a campus celebrity for supposedly dating Richie, Freen. They've also labeled you as the first engineering student caught violating curfew and the girl who rejected Gulf when he wanted you back. Now, your name is known throughout the department," Engfa explained with a sigh.

"I'm not dating Richie," Freen clarified.

"Freen!" Richie called out, managing a sweet smile despite catching his breath.

Engfa, observing their interaction, couldn't help but wonder if their return home had paved the way for reconciliation. Freen motioned Richie to sit beside her, conscious of the curious gazes around them. The rumors persisted, but Freen and Richie knew the truth.

"I have news for you," Engfa announced, cutting into her food. "You two are nominated for the 'couple of the year' at the acquaintance party. You're already the face of the Engineering Department, and our department voted for you. I, of course, abstained," she added with an eye roll.

Freen smiled, understanding Engfa's subtle approval of Becky. "Acquaintance party? I didn't even know there was one," Richie admitted, looking at Freen. "Did you?"

"Nope. I just found out. Maybe they were anticipating it. When is it?" Freen asked Engfa.

"On Friday. So, you two better get dressed. The invitees include the council, transfer students, and first-year students," Engfa replied.

"You're coming with us, right?" Freen teased.

"Of course. As if I have a choice. And besides, you two need to go together. You can't just bring anyone since you're nominated. This party involves different departments, and I don't want to lose to the Business Studies students," Engfa explained.

Freen crumpled the card Love had given her and put it in her pocket, glancing at the two. Richie chuckled about the students from Business Studies.

"They're so competitive, if you only knew," Engfa grimaced.

Freen listened to their conversation about the students in Business Studies and discovered that Engfa's ex was from that department.

The trio returned to the dorm, deciding to rest for the night. Tomorrow, they planned to review for a quiz in the library. Unable to sleep, Freen went to the balcony for some fresh air.

"Are you there?" Engfa asked.

"You're not smoking, right?" Freen inquired, wanting to enjoy the night air without Engfa's smoke.

"No," Engfa chuckled. "But I've been wanting to tell you something."

"What is it?" Freen asked. "I noticed you were kind of awkward with Richie earlier."

"Can I share something?" Engfa began. "I saw Richie weeks ago, days after your 'punishment' with Becky. He was arguing with his sister. I couldn't hear them, though; I was far away."

"You didn't hear anything?" Freen questioned.

"Not a word, but I sensed something. Someone was leaving. I saw them at the airport, Freen. They had bags," Engfa disclosed.

"So, Becky did leave?" Freen asked, holding back tears. She didn't anticipate this, and it hurt. They had talked about it, and Becky did not want to tell Freen where she was. Freen felt betrayed.

"I'm not sure. But I don't want you to hold onto hope. I want you to be prepared for any outcome," Engfa advised. "I'm going to sleep. I'm sorry for telling you this at midnight."

"Goodnight," Freen whispered, letting her tears flow. It felt like the world had dealt her another heartbreak. Maybe it was time to stop hoping for someone who might never return, as Engfa suggested.

Waiting for someone unwilling to come back felt like fighting a losing battle.

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