Chapter 51

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I found myself torn between prioritizing my own well-being and my deep affection for Freen. Before leaving England for the province, I made a solemn vow to shield my heart from the agony of past romantic failures. But fate had other plans, as I found myself falling for Freen with a fervor stronger than ever before. It's funny how life surprises us; I never envisioned anyone other than Freen by my side in the future. While previous heartbreaks prompted me to seek solace in the arms of another, Freen was unlike anyone I'd ever known. She compelled me to ponder deeply about love, giving me a reason to hold onto it even when the odds seemed insurmountable. Despite the physical distance and dwindling hope of her return, Freen's presence illuminated my life, bringing both joy and pain.

"What is love, really?" I pondered aloud, grappling with its elusive definition. Is it the willingness to give everything to someone? Or perhaps the inability to remove them from our thoughts, even in the face of uncertainty? As a younger version of myself, I never anticipated the profound impact love would have on me. I convinced myself that happiness was not meant for me, that I was undeserving of such a gift.

"Are you sure you're staying here?" Richie inquired as I escorted them to the airport. "If you plan to reunite with Freen, shouldn't she be the one chasing after you?"

"I understand she needs to focus on her company. It's her father's legacy, after all. And her aunt was a former investor. She's determined not to let go of that legacy," I responded with a bitter smile, planting a kiss on Richie's cheek. "Please, remember to send me an invitation to your wedding."

"We will," Irin assured me, returning the kiss. "Take care of yourself here, okay? Reach out if you need someone to talk to."

"I will," I reassured her, offering a comforting pat before urging them to catch their flight.

From that day forward, I embraced life in the city, giving Freen and our budding relationship a chance. I trusted that her reasons for staying were valid, and I was unwilling to abandon what we had started.

As I drove to my new condominium, my phone buzzed incessantly with messages from Lego, undoubtedly informed by Richie of my prolonged absence. That kid had an uncanny attachment to me.

"Hello?" I greeted him, hoping to quell any brewing resentment. "Why are you bombarding me with messages? Remember, only contact me for urgent matters or business."

"But Miss Becky, what about us? You promised to join us for the next harvest," Lego protested, his voice tinged with disappointment.

"I'll join you soon, Lego. Not now. I'm still settling in," I assured him, though in truth, I had ample free time. With that, I ended the call and resumed my journey to the building.

The condo's proximity to Freen's company made it an ideal choice for her employees, including myself. Freen's residence was nearby, affording me the convenience of visiting her whenever I pleased.

Struggling under the weight of multiple grocery bags, I was approached by a girl clad in black attire, her demeanor as enigmatic as her appearance.

"Need a hand?" she offered, her tone curt yet oddly sincere.

"Um... Yes, please," I accepted gratefully, torn between caution and necessity. "I'm Rebecca Armstrong. Are you a resident here too?"

"I'm Pansa, but they call me Milk," she introduced herself, effortlessly hoisting the remaining bags. Despite her petite frame, she possessed surprising strength. As we walked together, I couldn't help but marvel at her resilience.

After assisting me, Milk departed without waiting for gratitude, mirroring my own reticence to accept help.

Once inside, I prioritized unpacking before indulging in a well-deserved meal. However, my plans were interrupted by the unexpected sight of Freen standing at my doorstep, bearing food offerings.

"What brings you here?" I queried, scanning my surroundings for any sign of divulgence.

Freen grinned mischievously, brandishing the paper bags in her grasp. "Dinner's on me tonight."

"You never answered my question," I persisted, puzzled by her sudden appearance. "How did you find out where I live?"

Ignoring my inquiry, Freen breezed past me into the kitchen, effortlessly arranging the food she had brought.

"Did Richie spill the beans?" I pressed, leaning against the counter as I observed her culinary efforts.

"Guilty as charged," she admitted unabashedly, her demeanor radiating warmth. "You've got a lovely place, Becky."

Unfazed by my skepticism, Freen extended an invitation to stay, citing the distance to her own home as justification.

"Richie mentioned you live nearby," I reminded her, though her proximity didn't entirely assuage my reservations.

"Ah, but wouldn't you rather have me here?" Freen teased, her playful demeanor belying her earnestness. "Imagine coming home to your devoted wife after a long day at work."

Suppressing a laugh, I countered her advances with a hint of reluctance. "I haven't forgiven you yet, Sarocha. Marriage is a bit premature, don't you think?"

Undeterred, Freen persisted with unwavering confidence. "Consider it a preview of things to come. Besides, who wouldn't want to wake up to this face every day?" she quipped, gesturing theatrically.

Despite my reservations, I couldn't help but relish the familiarity of her presence, the comfort of her banter reminding me of what I had missed.

As we sat down to eat, I couldn't shake the feeling that, despite our tumultuous history, Freen was where I belonged.

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