Chapter 55

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My sprain healed in no time thanks to Freen, who stayed with me for the past few days. Today, she got busy meeting her new secretary to see if they were a good fit for the role. Feeling restless cooped up in the condo, I decided to head to the mall. After being indoors for days, I needed some fresh air.

At the mall, I indulged in some window shopping, not planning to buy anything, but just enjoying the sights and sounds. Randomly, I spotted Freen on a television screen, looking gorgeous as ever. I hadn't realized she was endorsing her own product. Was that okay? Would they exaggerate to sell it? Could her audience trust her?

"Are you interested in buying a new phone, ma'am?" asked the sales lady. "This is the latest model."

"Ah, no, thank you," I declined. "But is this brand the best-selling one right now?"

"Yes, ma'am. Pinitkanjanapun Electronics products are considered top of the line. Feel free to try them out," she offered, gesturing toward the phones on display, but I politely declined.

As I pondered my next move, I noticed a wine shop nearby. I missed my vineyard. I wondered if my wines were stocked here.

Entering the wine shop, I spotted my wine among the best sellers, though most were only five years old. I smiled at the shelf, feeling a pang of nostalgia for the countryside. So different from the city.

"Why are you here?" a familiar voice asked, and I turned to see Milk. "Do you have an interest in wines?"

"I actually own a winery," I confessed. "And you?"

"I own this wine shop," Milk replied matter-of-factly, her expression unchanged. It seemed like making her smile was an impossible task. "Do you need anything?"

"Just checking if my wine is here," I said, pointing to my brand on the shelf.

"This is yours?" Milk examined the bottle and nodded approvingly before putting it back. "Not bad."

"You really don't handle compliments well, do you?" I chuckled, looking around at the shop's décor. It was ordinary, nothing special.

"Why should I give compliments if some people don't know how to respond to them?" Milk raised an eyebrow, hands in her pockets.

"You have a point," I conceded, though I didn't quite understand. "So, do you need a salesperson? I know my wine well, and I could use a job."

"I thought you owned that brand?" Milk pointed to my wine. "Why do you need a job if you're already earning without doing anything?"

"I'm bored. I need something to do besides waiting around," I explained before catching myself. "But only if you're interested. If not, no worries."

"You think I'd hire you just because we're neighbors?" Milk asked, skeptical. After scrutinizing me, she relented. "Bring a resume next time we're at the building."

"Can't I just start now?" I pouted playfully. "Please?"

Milk rolled her eyes. "Fine, but don't expect much."

I almost hugged her in excitement, but remembered our distant relationship just in time.

"And don't expect a high salary," Milk added as I took my place behind the counter.

As customers began to trickle in, I found joy in assisting them, recommending wines and sharing my expertise. Sure, I promoted my own brand, but I also respected their preferences.

The hours passed quickly, and I realized I'd sold more than fifteen bottles. I hoped it was enough for Milk. Some wines were pricey, so I wasn't sure about her profit margin.

"Thank you for today," I said genuinely, finally able to express my gratitude. It had been a fulfilling day.

"I should be thanking you," Milk admitted, a hint of shyness in her tone. "Most customers think I'm rude, so they avoid shopping here."

"Don't you need a salesperson, though? You're in a mall," I suggested.

Milk shook her head. "I prefer working alone. But I guess I'll stick with you when we're here."

"Why?" I asked, amused. "Because I know how to sell wine?"

Milk nodded, somewhat embarrassed. "Would you like to have dinner with me? My treat. It won't affect your salary."

"Sure, I love free food," I agreed, following Milk.

Since the mall was closing soon, we decided to eat at my place. Milk didn't want to go to her place, fearing I'd be put off by the decor. What was it anyway? Vampires? Ghosts? I wasn't easily scared.

We ordered pizza, chicken, and beer, and I relished the meal, feeling celebratory about my new job in the city. It was my first job here, and I couldn't wait to sell more tomorrow.

"Where did you learn to make wine?" Milk asked as she cracked open a beer.

"Irin, my brother's fiancée. It's her family business, but she taught me so her knowledge wouldn't go to waste when she decided to pursue a different path," I explained.

"You have a brother?" Milk inquired.

"Yep, he's back in the province. He's an engineer, always on the move, so I'm not exactly sure where he is," I replied.

"And who was the girl who visited last time? Your ex?" Milk asked, taking a sip of beer. "What's her name?"

"Freen, the CEO of the company near this building," I confirmed. "You know her?"

"I know of her, but I forgot her name. She's the reason some people here stay indoors. They feel embarrassed," Milk explained. "She and her fiancé tried to buy everyone's units, offering too much money. When they refused, the guy's dad came and dug into everyone's background. It was humiliating, but they didn't succeed. They backed off, letting us live here peacefully, but the stigma remains. So, I'm curious why you chose to live here, knowing the building's history. Some says that this is the building of unfortunates."

"It's the closest building to Freen's company," I replied, dismissing the topic and focusing on the pizza. I wasn't interested in dwelling on the past. Freen was a good person; it was probably her fiancé's father who caused trouble.

"I'm leaving," Milk announced suddenly, standing up.

"Okay," I said, waving goodbye.

She hesitated, as if waiting for something. I glanced around, searching for what she might want.

"Why?" I asked.

"Nothing. Your foot is fully healed," Milk said before turning and leaving my apartment. What was that about? Did she expect me to see her off?

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