Chapter 21

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It was early in the morning when Dew knocked on Freen's dormitory and handed her a letter. It stated that a council had spotted her late at night, violating the curfew. Freen was to be punished, and her first stop was the dean's office.

As Freen approached the office, she overheard a heated argument between two individuals inside. It seemed like two deans were engaged in a dispute.

"Wait here for a moment," Dew instructed, entering the office. However, the argument continued, lacking any trace of professionalism.

"I told you, Mr. Becroft, this girl falls under my department. You shouldn't impose your rules on her; I can handle her punishment," the other man argued.

"But she visited our department and stayed until midnight. What am I supposed to do? Let her be punished by someone as incompetent as you?" Mr. Becroft retorted.

Dew closed the door to shield Freen from the ongoing dispute. Freen leaned against the wall, playing with her fingers. She wasn't afraid of punishment; she knew she was at fault.

"Are you here for punishment too?" Becky asked, spotting Freen leaning against the wall.

Freen stood up straight, surprised to see Becky there. Perhaps she was the other student facing punishment for staying past midnight. Freen suppressed a smile, awaiting Dew's cue to enter the office.

It appeared Mr. Becroft won the argument, as the other man exited. He motioned for Freen and Becky to sit, glaring at them.

"Becky Armstrong, you've been staying in Freen Sarocha Chankimha's dorm room most nights. Do you know that's prohibited? Don't you have your own dorm?" Mr. Becroft queried.

"I like sleeping with her," Becky nonchalantly replied, avoiding eye contact.

Freen bit her lip to stifle a laugh.

"And you, Freen? Why did you allow her?" Mr. Becroft turned to Freen.

"Becky was too tired to go back to her dorm, so I decided to let her in," Freen answered, exchanging glances with Becky, who seemed disinterested in the proceedings.

"Last night, a council member spotted the two of you roaming after curfew. You've violated two rules of this department," Mr. Becroft sighed. He handed them a key.

"Since you want to stay together until midnight, this is your punishment," Mr. Becroft said, locking eyes with them. "Two kilometers away, there's a forest. You'll find the punishment cabin there, and this is the key. No return for two days. No food, but the forest has many trees for gathering. There's also a lake for fish. You're safe from animals, but there's no meat. Leave now, or I'll extend it to three days."

Becky stood up, but Freen hesitated.

"Make it five," Freen whispered to the dean.

"Sarocha!" Becky yelled, and Freen grimaced. She took the keys, and they left, guided by Dew.

Freen returned to her dorm to gather necessities. Two days seemed short, but with Becky, it could feel longer. If only she could extend the punishment to five days, preventing Becky's return to London.

Becky and Freen arrived at the cabin per the dean's instructions. Inside, they found surprising amenities—kitchen, restroom, but only one bed.

"I'm going out. I can't stay here with you," Becky declared, placing her bag on the bed before leaving.

"Don't be late. You're not familiar with this..." Freen began but sighed as Becky hurried away. "Place."

Freen organized their belongings and discovered canned goods, contrary to the dean's claim. She cooked for Becky, anticipating her return.

However, Becky didn't come back until five in the afternoon, under darkening skies. Freen paced nervously, and when it started to rain, she grabbed her small umbrella and went looking for Becky.

"Bec!" Freen yelled, searching everywhere. She walked for almost half an hour before finding Becky sitting under a tree, drenched. "Let's go back."

"I don't want to. I'll stay here," Becky replied. "I can manage for two days. Don't worry about me."

"You'll get sick," Freen warned.

"It's my problem, not yours. Go back," Becky said, hugging her knees and turning away.

"Why are you doing this to yourself, Bec?" Freen asked. "Is it because I want to stay friends with you, and you can't accept that?"

"I told you, I'm not forcing you to like me. I just want to be away from you so I can move on," Becky stated. "Even though you weren't mine to begin with."

Freen sat beside her under the tree, rain pouring down. She leaned on Becky's shoulder, contemplating.

"I'm done contemplating, Bec," Freen whispered without looking at her. "I can't give you the label you want, but I promise not to look at any other man or woman."

"What do you mean?" Becky looked at her.

Freen grinned, gently pressing her lips on Becky's. "I don't want you to go. It means I like you too. I want you to stay with me."

"You're just making me change my mind." Becky turned away, causing Freen to chuckle.

Freen held Becky's chin, making her look at her. "If you leave, it's inevitable for me to look at others. Do you want me to fall for them?"

"Are you threatening me?" Becky furrowed her brows.

"Are you threatened?" Freen chuckled, looking at her lips. "I want to kiss you over and over until you change your mind."

"You're weird, Freen. Are you taking drugs?" Becky glared.

"It's better than drugs, Bec." Freen pulled her for another kiss, smiling when Becky responded.

This time, she wouldn't be scared. She wouldn't let this girl slip from her grasp. If she couldn't give her the label now, she would eventually. Because this girl beside her was amazing—better than anyone else, she was sure of it.

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