Chapter 45

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The next day, I chose to stay in my room instead of going out to avoid running into Becky. I was aware that she didn't want to see me again, but I couldn't just leave abruptly. I needed time, and so did she.

"Miss Freen?" I heard a knock on the door, so I slid off the bed and opened it to see who it was. The head maid stood there, carrying a food tray for me. She placed it on the bedside table and gestured for me to eat.

"It's fine. I don't want to eat." I smiled at her, but she didn't leave. "Uh... what do you want?"

"Miss Irin told me to make sure that you will eat your food. She's worried," the head maid said, continuing to stand in front of me.

"Okay, I will. But don't stand there." I motioned for her to sit on the couch as I started to eat. She was so obedient. "Uh... do you still remember me?" I asked to keep the conversation going.

"Yes, Miss Freen. I often saw you here when you were a kid," she answered without looking at me.

"Did I change a lot?" I inquired.

Upon that question, she looked at me and tilted her head in thought. "Not at all, Miss Freen. You only look more mature now, but nothing has really changed aside from your face."

"I mean, my personality. Can you still see the old Freen in me?" I asked, looking at my food.

"To be honest, no. The old Freen used to smile a lot. She liked roaming around this house because she enjoyed the paintings and such. Although she didn't like people, the old Freen still talked to us. But now, you don't. You're always on the ranch, and when you're here, you isolate yourself." The head maid explained. "May I ask what happened to her?"

"Nothing." I replied and smiled. "I don't know." I heaved a sigh.

"But you're not the only one who changed, Miss Freen," the head maid said, looking outside.

I followed her gaze and saw that she was looking at Becky, who was enjoying herself in a mini pool. She was smiling while talking to Irin outside.

"What happened to her?" I asked.

"One time she came home crying. She cried all day and night. It took her weeks until she finally went out of her room and joined her brother. Her parents got worried and told her she should move forward." She explained. "However, she refused. She kept on telling them that the person who left her would come back. She would wait until then."

"She waited?" I probed.

"Her mother insisted she stop. It was hurting her, especially since she had a heart disease. The sole reason why her parents didn't want her to go back and forth to London." She smiled at me. "It's hard to have a daughter that was love-deprived and had a heart disease."

"I didn't know she had one," I said, and my eyes began to tear up. "It must have been hard for her."

"Yes. It hurts to see her being so down. She was just trying to survive each and every day. She couldn't live her life properly. She went back to school and met Irin, and that's how she started to change. I thought she liked Miss Irin, but then I found out that Miss Irin was Mr. Richie's fiancée." She patted my shoulder and motioned for me to eat. "You're trying to escape from your food. Eat up."

I smiled and continued eating. I didn't know that Becky had a hard time while I was away. Even if she told me that she had a disease, I couldn't persuade my father to let me stay. If only I wasn't torn between them, I wouldn't have left her behind.

"If you get bored, you can go to the garden. We'll be planting flowers later." The head maid informed me and took the tray after I finished eating. "But if you want to stay to read books, you're free to go to the library. Mr. Richie ordered new books since Miss Irin is a bookworm too."

I only nodded at her and looked outside. But when I looked, I saw Becky looking at the window and then averted her gaze. Was she worried about me too? I hope she wasn't. My conscience would kill me.


I went to the garden to help the head maid. But she wasn't alone. I mean, I knew that she was with someone, but I didn't expect that it would be Becky.

"Miss Freen. Are you okay?" The head maid approached me and guided me on where to plant the flowers. "I'll leave for a while. Miss Becky is good when it comes to them. You can ask for her help." The head maid left, leaving me and Becky alone.

I only looked around since I didn't want to go near Becky. I wasn't avoiding her. She was avoiding me, and I just respected that.

"Work your ass off." She told me. I turned around to see what she was doing, and I saw her planting. I could remember the first time she helped me. Not just in planting but with my problem with my ex-boyfriend. How she handled my aunt's scolding when she found out that Becky was dating Gulf.

"Becky," I called her. "I'm sorry."

"Plant." She prompted. "Your sorry won't undo anything, so save your time. Also, I don't want to hear it." She looked at me. "You never mean anything you say, Freen."

I averted my gaze and just planted flowers. No matter what I did, she wouldn't forgive me. But I would do everything. Even if I couldn't have her back anymore, I would still try my best for her to hear my apology. That would be my goal here, before I leave. I would ask for her forgiveness until then.

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