Chapter 36

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Freen left the room but instead of going to Richie's room. She only slid the notebook inside and went to the pub to meet Engfa. Engfa messaged her that she needed to talk to her about the council because Dew picked her as the representative which she obviously refused.

"Why? Don't you want Becky to stay at your dorm? Besides, she likes to sleepover there." Engfa drank the glass and looked at Freen. She was somewhat tipsy.

"I don't know, Engfa. I don't want to hurt Becky more." Freen sighed. "My aunt wants me to date her brother."

"Then what are you going to do?" Engfa asked and rested her chin on her palm. "It's your heart versus your aunt."

"I came here to ask for an advice, you know?" Freen rolled her eyes. "But what can I get to a drunk person?"

"Don't ask me." Engfa chuckled. "The last time I followed my heart and disobeyed my family, my lover cheated on me, leaving me with nothing."

"So are you saying I should follow my aunt and leave Becky?" Freen furrowed her brows and sighed.

"I'm not." Engfa shook her head. "Becky is different from my ex. However, can you disobey your aunt and date Becky instead? Freen, Becky is still young, so as you. Perhaps you two needed time. What if this time isn't for the two of you? What if after years you meet again and that time is already right? Think about it, Freen. You have so much time ahead."

"I can't leave, Becky." Freen bit her lower lip. "I never been this happy before. My whole life was like a continuous cycle, until I met her. She changed me, Engfa. She helped me. I can't imagine myself growing up without her."

"You're in a difficult situation, Freen. But you need to choose. If loving Becky will give you happiness then go. But if choosing your aunt's request will give you a peace of mind, then you should choose what she wants." Engfa patted Freen's shoulder. "Talk to Becky, Freen. She will understand."

Freen's eyes welled up. How could she tell Becky that she would date Richie? The latter would be hurt. And seeing Becky hurt was the last thing she wanted to see.

"Damn." Freen sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. She didn't know what to do. It was bothering her.

Suddenly, her phone rings, pulling her from her thoughts.

"You're bringing your phone now?" Engfa asked in disbelief and chuckled.

"Yeah. Deli told me to." Freen replied and stood up. "Wait a minute. I need to answer this."

Freen went outside the pub to reduce the noise on the background and also to not let Engfa hear the conversation. It was a call from her dad and Engfa knew that she wasn't in good terms with her dad.

"Hello?" Freen asked. "What's going on, Dad?"

"Freen. Someone called me from the hospital and told me that your aunt is there. She had a heart attack. You should go now!" Her father told her, causing her to run faster and went to the parking lot.

Little did she know that Engfa followed her outside and ran with her. Freen ignored Engfa and decided to fasten her pace. She needed to go to hospital right now. Her aunts needs her.

"Fuck!" Freen yelled when she realized that her motorcycle keys weren't with her. This was the first time she finally utter that curse.

"Come with me." Engfa pulled her and get her into the car. She drove faster and Freen told her which hospital it was. Although Engfa was confused why do they need to go there, she still followed Freen's instructions. Based on Freen's reaction, it was an emergency.

When they finally reached the hospital. Freen's heart pounded in her chest as she sprinted through the hospital's sliding glass doors, her breaths coming in short, ragged gasps. The sterile scent of antiseptic hit her nostrils as she navigated the maze of white-walled corridors, her footsteps echoing off the linoleum floors.

The emergency room was a chaotic symphony of urgency. Nurses rushed by with purpose, doctors barked orders, and the steady beeping of monitors created a dissonant background noise. Freen felt a lump form in her throat as she approached the reception desk, her eyes darting anxiously.

"I-I need to find my aunt, Deli! Deli Martinez!" she stammered, her voice quivering with worry.

The receptionist, a woman with sympathetic eyes, quickly scanned the computer screen. "Room 203, sweetheart. They're doing everything they can. Go straight down this hallway, turn left, and it's on your right."

Without wasting a moment, Freen followed the directions, her sneakers squeaking on the polished floor. Each step seemed to reverberate with the weight of her concern. As she reached the door marked "203," she took a deep breath and pushed it open.

Inside, the room was bathed in the sterile glow of fluorescent lights. Aunt Deli lay on the hospital bed, connected to a myriad of machines, wires, and tubes. Freen's heart sank at the sight of her normally vibrant and lively aunt looking so fragile.

A doctor, clad in a white coat, turned to Freen with a grave expression. "You're family?" he asked gently.

Freen nodded, her throat tightening.

"We're doing everything we can for your aunt. She had a heart attack, but we got her here in time. She's stable for now, but we'll need to monitor her closely," the doctor explained.

Freen's eyes welled up with tears, but she nodded again, trying to stay strong. She approached Aunt Deli's bedside, taking her aunt's hand in her own. Deli's skin felt cold, and Freen could see the worry etched on her face.

"Hey, Aunt Deli," Freen whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "You're going to be okay. I'm here with you."

As Freen sat by her aunt's side, the minutes dragged on, each one feeling like an eternity. The beeping of the machines provided a disconcerting backdrop to the silent prayers echoing in Freen's heart.

Her father was in a business trip that was why he couldn't come here. Who would understand her situation now? How could she take this all if there was no one to hold on.

Freen went out to breathe for a while. She needed fresh air to take all this in.

"Freen..." Engfa called her name and hugged her tightly.

"Engfa, I don't know what happened. She was fine. The past months she had been forgetting something but that's not a symptom for this heart attack. I know there's something wrong!" Freen cried her heart out and held onto Engfa tightly. "My aunt... she's strong. She knows what to do. What happened?"

Engfa couldn't say a word because she didn't know how to comfort Freen. The only one she knew who could her pain was Becky. Should she call Becky?

"Freen. You need to calm down. Your aunt is fine, right? Should I call Becky to join you here?" Engfa asked.

Freen stopped for a while. Becky would help her to feel comfortable but right now wasn't about her. So, Freen shook her head and sniffled.

"Call Richie instead. Please."

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