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  Airi flopped onto the couch, letting out a relieved sigh. "It's good to be back. I much rather my comfy bedroom and living room than a bag on the ground."

  Miyu agreed, flopping onto the floor.

  The two sisters lived alone in a small two bedroom apartment. It wasn't fancy nor in the best area, but it worked for the two.

  As a full-time employee and part-time employee/college student, the two had their hands full.

  Neither found it easy to ask for help. Since being orphaned, they worked hard to support themselves. At freshly eighteen, Miyu refused to let the twelve year old go to an orphanage and got into the workforce.

Being raised by her older sister, Airi was quick to pick up many of her qualities. The two are close, but both headstrong.

"When do you go back to work?"

Miyu sighed. "Tomorrow. You?"

"I have school tomorrow and work Tuesday." Airi informed while dramatically stretching. "Hey, you remember that guy- right?"

The older scoffed. "I thought you'd never ask. I still get chills when I think about it. I was starting to think that only I saw him."


Three days later

With a huff, Airi tucked her hair behind her ear as she cleaned the restaurant tables. She could feel her body ache, yet she had no other choice but to push through. Working the closing shift was stressful as her young co-workers would often disappear before helping with cleaning and closing up.

A male walked into the doors. "I'm sorry, sir, but we are closed -" she stopped in her tracks, feeling her body stiffen.

Who was this man? She wasn't sure.

  Whoever he was; he gave off a bad vibe.

That much was obvious by both energy and sight. Scruffy hair and an unkept beard, disheveled clothes, and even a strong smell of cigarettes. Not to forget the nasty glare he gave.

"A glass of water?" He grumbled in a deep and hoarse voice. The girl just nodded her head, running to the back as quickly as she could.

  She got the man a glass of ice water, setting it on the table in front of him. "Free of charge since we already closed the register." She nervously chuckled.

  He thanked her, walking right out with the restaurants glass cup. She released her breath, calling Miyu as she walked home as usual.

  Miyu hated the youngers later working schedule. However, also attending college.. Airi didn't have much of a choice.

  "Hey butthead, how was work?" Miyu chuckled on the other line. With a huff, she told the older the small details of the day.

To others, it may seem like a boring conversation; and it was. However, the two sisters had a special bond and knew it was purely for comfort on both ends.

It was getting late into the night. Anything could happen to a young and pretty woman on the street.

"Ugh, I have to pass by this drunk man." Airi scoffed, holding her breath as she quickly walked passed.

Miyu rolled her eyes, knowing how dramatic the younger was. To her dismay, Airi let out a small sniffle.

"H-he got up.. and started walking behind me."

Miyu sat up on the couch, her heart starting to race out of her chest. "Speed up. Is he following you? Try to make a quick turn. Where are you?"

"He sped up too. I'm gonna run!" She stated in fear, her footsteps echoing through the phone.

"Airi, Where are you?!?" Miyu repeated, throwing her jacket and shoes on with the phone between her ear and shoulder.

A scream was heard as the footsteps stopped, along with a thud. Miyu stared at the phone in horror as she called out her sister's name;

When suddenly the call disconnected.


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