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"She won't listen to me! I don't trust that girl!" Akari huffed, crossing her arms. "What happened to 'best friend always knows best'?"

Yukari rolled her eyes. "What's wrong with Jinae? She seems like a sweet and caring girl! Kimiko, back me up."

The twins looked at the zoned out Kimiko. They shared a look before calling her name again. Yukari frowned. "You okay?"

"I don't know about Jinae.. and Airi swears he's a good guy.. but I'm a bit worried about Seungmin." She admitted, fidgeting with her hands. "He is just.. awkward. Like he doesn't belong."

"Y'all are just jealous because Jinae and Seungmin get to see them more often than you guys these days." Yukari grabbed another soda, cracking it open.

Akari abruptly stood and slid on her shoes. "I am not jealous. I will prove to you- that girl is bad news, just watch."

  As the door slammed behind her, the other two just sat in shock. "What.." Kimiko started.

  Yukari motioned to the door. "The fuck was that?"


"Woah, what's with the pissed off bitch face? Your energy today is terrible."

Akari huffed, pulling the mask off of her face. "My best friend is dating this girl named Jinae and she isn't human. I don't know how else to tell her and my other friends without exposing the existence of such thing and blowing their minds! Ugh!!!" She grumbled in anger, dropping her bow and arrow.


Akari nodded.

"Raven hair, soft yet evil eyes, thin lips?"

After another nod, the man got up from his seat on the low hanging tree branch. "She killed my best friend some years ago... She is a ruthless killer, Oni."

Akaris eyes widened as she began to freak out. "A-and now she is d-dating my b-best friend! What should I do Shimajo?!?"

With a nonchalant shrug, he raised a brow. "First off, it's Majo and you know it. You are pissing me off with that shit. Do you want me to kill her? I don't mind getting my payback."

"Wait- that's genius! Once she is dead I can swoop in and comfort Airi!"

The demon rolled his eyes. "You sure you ain't just trying to trick your bestie into looking at you differently?"

"Not at all! Please take care of Jinae for me, she is a threat and probably plans to kill both sisters.. wait! Do you know someone named Seungmin? He claims he is in some sort of witness protection program."

The man instantly nodded with a chuckle. "That kid? He is a low rank mage. Intimates with his teleportation. Isn't much of a threat and he probably won't hurt your friend. He doesn't get involved with things unless necessary. You want him dead too?"

Akari, also known as Oni, thought for the moment before shaking her head. "Just keep an eye on him for now. He may not be in the way at all."


The clock struck 4am as Seungmin silently arrived to the cottage. With the intention of checking on her, he was surprised to see her standing in the kitchen.

  She had yet to notice him. Staring down at a glass of water in her hand, she was completely out of it.

  He slowly approached as his heart stung. She didn't even flinch until he reached out, lightly pushing her arm to put the cup down.

  She wanted to speak; yet she couldn't. Their eyes held a gaze as hers was dull.

  He took a step closer to her, pulling her in to rest her head on his chest.

  No words were exchanged for quite some time. She followed his breathing, feeling so out of it that she questioned if it was even real.

Seungmin moved a hand up to hold her head, keeping his voice low to not startle her. "Can I make you some food?"


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