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Adrian straightens his shirt, feeling the fabric of the cloth against his body, comforting him amidst the night. The crispness of the fabric echoed the tension in the air. He wets his hand with a transparent gel before spreading it across his hair, before tucking it neatly. Looking into the mirror and feeling his face all fresh and tight from the facewash, he smiles for a split second before it dies out. Tightening his metal strap to his watch, his eyes fell on the time.

9 P.M.

Right on time. My eye twitches as I start to miss the presence of my wife. The house feels kinda and empty and devoid of life without her. I miss listening to her talk about random cases she's working on or something funky that happened at work.

'I wonder when she'll come home'

I start to worry about Anita, seeing how bad she was seething when I told her earlier this evening about how I was going out with some friends for the night. She left home shortly afterward for a 'walk', storming off with an angry expression on her face, which is now starting to burn into my mind. Anita was...let's just say, not pleased with the idea.


"HUH?", Anita looked at me with a confused expression, before glancing away thinking about something. I guess she realized even her hubby needs a social life or else I'd go crazy.

"Fine. But I want names, okay?", Anita resumed while snapping her head to me.

Smiling innocently, I provided her with every one of their names.

"Hm. All males? Are you seriously expecting me to believe you? Do you think I was born yesterday or something?", Anita scoffed while sitting on the couch, sipping on warm tea that I made for her.

"N-No, honeybug. I'm telling you the truth. It's all men. We're just probably gonna go get some food and then some drinks at a club. That's all there is to it.", I comforted her with a soothing voice and her cute nickname, two of Anita's many weaknesses.

She exhaled a deep sigh while folding her arms, still having an unconvicted defense.

"Yeah, yeah. Fine, whatever. Go have fun with your rowdy gang."

The thought of her beloved being around other gorgeous girls irked Anita. She knew she couldn't control Adrian like a puppet, which she always wanted to do. But fighting over as trivial as this and ruining both of their nights was also not favorable to her.

The teacup shook as she brought it to her face, as her insecurity started to seep in. She just couldn't shake off the image of the disco strobe lights flashing and the thought of some woman flirting with Adrian. The front of her head starts to feel like a needle is slowly being pierced into her brain, almost causing her mental pain, as her mind strives off somewhere, thinking about another woman being with her beloved.

'What if he...'

No. Fucking. Way.

Anita shook her head quickly. She looked me up and down looking at how gullible and innocent I looked before snapping her head away from me, making a 'hmph' sound


Adrian noticing the subtle change in Anita's demeanor, starts re-assuring her.

"Hey, hey. I won't be too long, okay? I promise to come home before 2 A.M. I've already cooked pasta along with some garlic bread for dinner."
"...Just make sure to keep leftovers in the fridge, okay?", Adrian asked with genuine concern, hoping she'll comply.

My Yandere wife won't leave me alone!!~Where stories live. Discover now