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The roads on this quiet night were empty. The winds sounded like howls, rushing through the vacant streets, the trees lined up by the lanes swaying calmly. A single car made it's way through the highway, it's whirring engine piercing the silence.

"You made a huge mistake, Adrian.", I whispered in a voice that sent shivers down my own spine. The hatred in my voice must have been prominent as I was answered with silence in the car while keeping my eyes on the road. In the stillness that followed, there was only the sound of Adrian's uneven breathing and the distant hum of the city outside.

"You shouldn't have talked to that girl at the bar.", I whispered, leaning my head to his side.

'I..It was..j..just s-small', he muttered under his breath, using all of his strength to somehow justify him talking to another girl at the bar at one point deep into the dance, and cheating on me. I know it was just playful flirting, but no.You had to reciprocate, didn't you?!

What a man-whore.

I chuckled darkly as I ignored Adrian's mumbled protests and drove us back to our house. The night was shrouded in darkness, the moon barely peeking through the heavy clouds above. Adrian's hateful grumblings only fueled my determination, his words of annoyance falling on deaf ears. He even tried to reach for the the door, but his hopes were shattered once he realized he didn't have enough strength in his body to even unlock the door. He was cooked beyond belief. He stared daggers into me as he realized he was at my mercy.

The rest of the ride back home was quiet, save for the sound of Adrian's heavy breathing and occasional curses. I could feel the weight of his anger pressing down on me, but I refused to let it hold me back from my plan. Talking with another female is already a crime in my book, but flirting back just out of spite of being friendly?

I should just cut your disgusting tongue off.

You're lucky I'm going to give you a much less harsh punishment, honeybee. Your only saving grace is that you can plead that you were drunk.

As we pull into the driveway, I finally turn off the car, and glance over at him, with a disappointed face. His eyes more or less show his thoughts now. His anger has faded, only to be replaced with fear. It's time to bear the consequences.

"You've crossed a line, Adrian. You've disrespected me and our marriage.", I said with a steely tone, my anger bubbling just below the surface.

Adrian's eyes widened in fear as he tried to stammer out an apology, but I wasn't interested. I was seething with rage, my fists clenched in anger as I unbuckled my seatbelt. The tension in the car was palpable, the air thick with a sense of confrontation.

With a sudden burst of fury, I reached out and grabbed Adrian's collar, yanking him towards me.

"You will pay for your betrayal.", I snarled, my grip tight on his shirt. Adrian's eyes widened in terror as he realized the extent of my rage, his attempts to pacify me had been falling on deaf ears.

Eagerly, I yanked Adrian out of the car, his body limp and disoriented from the drink I had spiked. My tapping foot betrayed my impatience as I punched in the passcode to the penthouse. I couldn't wait to make him pay for talking to another girl, and tonight was the perfect opportunity.


Guiding him towards the basement entrance downstairs, I could sense his growing unease, as his body leaned on me for support. His legs were apparently too weak from the drink. His steps faltered as he realized where we were headed, but it was too late for him now.

"You remember what I told you about talking to other women, right?", I asked with a cruel smirk, my grip tight on his arm.

Adrian's eyes flickered with fear and understanding as he stuttered out a response.

"Y-yes, I-I won't do it again.", he promised, his voice trembling.

"Too late for that now.", I laughed sadistically at his words.

With a sudden burst of strength, I pushed him down the stairs into the dark basement below. Adrian let out a cry of surprise and pain as he tumbled down the stairs, landing in an ungraceful heap at the bottom, and through the entrance of the basement. He groaned in pain as he tried to sit up, but my firm grip on his head kept him pinned down.

"You thought you could get away with flirting with another woman, hm?", I spat, my anger boiling over.

"You disgust me."

I kicked him hard in the ribs and Adrian cried out in pain. This was just the beginning of his punishment.

"You're mine. Only and only mine...,", my voice was laced with a dangerous edge.

"No woman can even think about talking to you, much less have you. Get that through your thick skull of yours.", I said while poking harshly at his temple.


The basement was a harsh contrast to the warm glow of the upstairs living room. A single lightbulb flickered as if to add to the eeriness of the situation. Adrian looked around in confusion and fear on the ground, his eyes wide with panic. He knew that he was in trouble, and he didn't want to be here. The sole source of light cast an eerie glow around us as I grabbed Adrian roughly by the hair and pulled him upright.

"This is what happens when you disrespect me.", I snarled into his ear.

With one hand holding onto his hair and another gripping tightly onto his shirt collar, I dragged Adrian towards a makeshift bed at the corner of the basement.

My heart was pounding with the adrenaline, the excitement, and the thrill of asserting my dominance. I knew what I was doing was wrong, but the desire for revenge had consumed me.

I quickly secured Adrian on a makeshift bed, chaining his hands to the cold metal frame, feeling a twisted sense of satisfaction at his helplessness. His face was contorted in a mixture of fear and grief, his eyes pleading for a way out. But I wasn't going to forgive him easily.

As I stood there, staring down at him, I could still feel the heat of my anger coursing through me. I knew that I had been pushed too far, and I couldn't let him get away with what he had done. Now, it was finally time to make him pay.

P.S: This is the continuation from Ch.24's flashback. I did want to extend it further back then, but realized it would have gone for 3-4 more chapters, so I stopped it abruptly, wanting to focus on the present time of the story instead.

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