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With a hungry look in her eyes, Anita slowly began to stroke Adrian's cock as she gazed up at him. Her tongue slid out to lick her bottom lip, leaving it glistening with saliva. The anticipation was killing her.

"Mmmm... you're so big and hard for me," she purred, running her thumb along the underside of his shaft as she teased the head with her fingers.

She leaned forward, pressing her plush lips against the tip of his cock and gently pulled away as if in a slow teasing kiss. The soft sound of skin meeting skin echoed in the room, followed by the wet smack of the saliva and precum mixing together. She held his gaze as she took his entire cockhead in her mouth, sucking softly and swirling her tongue around the sensitive flesh. Her cheeks hollowed out as she took more of him down her throat, bobbing up and down with quick movements that matched his growing excitement.

"h..hah..f..fuck..", Adrian groaned as she expertly teased him, driving him wild with desire. Every time she pulled back and looked up at him with those seductive eyes.

He felt his control slipping as he watched Anita's lips wrap around the head of his cock. He was on fire. Every cell in his body was screaming to run away. Far away from her. But the desire to breed with her far outweighed the fear in his being.

His hands found their way to her brown hair, gently mussing it up as he guided her head deeper. She moaned around him, taking him all in, her lips stretching just enough to accommodate his girth. Her tongue slithered on the underside of his dick, sending shivers down his spine. It felt so good. So fucking good.

She released him with a soft pop and stood up, looking at him with hooded eyes. Her breath was warm against his skin where her mouth had been.

"I want you inside me," she whispered huskily, her voice low and sultry.

With one swift motion, Anita pushed him back onto the bed and climbed on top of him, making him grunt with frustration. He tried to crawl away, but Anita's firm grip held him tight in place. Her naked body hovered above his, her breasts swaying gently as she bent over to kiss his neck. The scent of her arousal mixed with the sweet perfume she wore, driving him mad with need. Her hands went to the button of her jeans and she slipped them off, revealing toned abs, and a perfect ass.

Looking down at a vulnerable blushing Adrian, Anita suddenly felt a burst of desire that threatened to consume her. She wanted nothing more than to use him. To be ravaged by his dick. Conceive his kids.

Her full breasts brushed against his chest with every movement, sending shivers down his spine.

She straddled him and then lowered her perfectly sculpted ass onto his lap, grinding against his hardness as she met his gaze. Her eyes burned with lust as she gripped the head of his shaft and guided it to her entrance. Right as the tip kissed her labia, she flinched a bit.

"W-Wait!!", a sharp voice cut through the air.

Anita glanced up to see a worried Adrian. Her brow furrowed in disdain. Adrian's cheeks had a red tinge as he slowly glanced away.

"We should use protection...", he mumbled, barely audible to Anita over her pounding heart.

Listening to this, Anita's rage slowly rose like the mercury inside a thermometer before it finally exploded with glass shattering everywhere.

"NOOO!!", she yelled out abruptly, making Adrian flinch.


She spat out, her voice echoing off the walls. Her vision turned red ,and she slammed down on him, taking him all in one swift motion. Not risking anymore time, she moved up and down rapidly all while holding onto his body, squatting over him. Adrian was clutching onto to the sheets, with his grip tightened overtime. He couldn't help but clench his teeth, both in lust and rage. She growled at the feeling of fullness, arching her back as she impaled herself on him fully. Their hips slapped together in a primal rhythm that left them both breathless.


Collapsing on his body after a minute or two, I instinctively started kissing his pretty lips. His lips stayed shut as were his eyes.

"Y-You show that you don't like this,babe. But your dick-", I move my ass up and down, feeling the it scrape my walls,
"This right here, it tells a different story."

Adrian's heart pounded in his chest as he felt Anita's ass grind against him, the sensation sending shivers down his spine. He could feel himself growing harder inside her, even as he tried to fight back the urge to lose control. The knife in her hand trembled slightly, and he could see the determination in her eyes. As she whispered filthy words into his ear, Adrian gritted his teeth, trying to hold onto the last shreds of dignity he had left.

"F..Fuck you. Fuck.You. I-I hate you..", he muttered. His voice was cold and was dripping with hatred.

His voice becomes even deep when he cries, I giggle to myself.

I resume moving my ass up and down as his breath starts to hitch. I can tell he's suppressing some cute moans down his throat.

"You're mine. Mine. Mine ,mine, mine. Alllll mine~"

I coo as I lay my head on his chest seeing him try not to struggle to let his lust take over.

"I..I hate you...I'm gonna divorce you..t..take everything you have...a..and leave you alone."

Anita froze


There's a standstill as Anita stops moving. Adrian slowly opens his eyes to find an expressionless wife on top of him. They both just stared at each other as the ticking of the wooden clock filled up the atmosphere, as opposed to the lewd sounds just moments before.

Anita's lips curled up into a gnarly smile as she slowly brought the knife upto Adrian's throat. He gulped anxiously with his eyes not breaking contact with hers. Anita's grin stretched ear to ear, as a psychotic expression took over her face.

"What was that? I didn't quite catch you there, honeybee. Say that again one more time.", she growled through her gritted teeth.

Moving my ass up gently, I resume moving my hips, while trying my hardest not to let my moans out.

"I'll kill you. I'll fucking kill you, you hear me?", I whispered with a deep tone.

My heart was beating out of my chest. It ached. Not in a good way, but it felt like it cracked open, just a little bit. Adrian wasn't even looking at me anymore. He's looking to the side..a..and his chin is quivering..?

My Yandere wife won't leave me alone!!~Where stories live. Discover now