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Taking a deep breath, I pocketed my phone after Anita's ominous warning. I let out an exasperated sigh, cutting off that line of toxic thinking. I needed a break from Anita's obsessive spiral, at least for a little while. Trying to shake off her threats, I headed across campus to meet up with my friends Jessica, Mia, and Jay at the student union like we did most afternoons.

"What's good, man?" Jay greeted me with our customary handshake as I approached the table they had claimed.

"You look even more stressed than usual."

I forced a weak smile.

"Nothing..I'm good..", all while Mia and Jessica reiterated the same question.

I smiled faintly, immensely grateful for my friends' constant support. At least I could count on them to help keep me sane.

Mia rolled her eyes, while Jessica clasped her hands in front of her meekly. My friends exchanged supremely doubtful looks, but seemed to know better than to push me further on the subject. Instead, Jay seamlessly changed the topic to the material taught in our class and strategies for acing them. Mia and Jessica would probably be able to help us with the surprise tests since they were senior to us. I gratefully joined in the conversation, grateful for the brief retreat from Anita's grasp over me.

In the back of my mind, however, I could slowly feel the knot of tension and dread building again. Glancing at my watch, i realize I hadn't updated her on what I was doing. Fearing her obsessive side, I immediately pulled out my phone under the table and opened my chat with Anita.

"Hey babe, still on campus hanging with friends for a bit but I'll be home in a few hours."

I hit send, hoping that would pacify her for the time being. Sure enough, a response bubbled up nearly immediately.

"That's wonderful. Enjoy your time with friends while it lasts. Get home quick and be safe, okay? Don't forget to cook dinner!~. Make something spicy. Curry? Chicken? Ah whatever, just surprise me. And make sure to clean the bathroom today like we agreed on okay, babe?'

Damn. Maybe she isn't so bad after all. Looks like today's gonna be-

"Oh, and for your punishment for ignoring me earlier, I want you to welcome me home nicely. With just an apron on."

I felt my face flush slightly at her overly sexual message.

"Don't forget who you truly belong to...who worships you and is eager to ravish every inch of your body. I'm gonna punish you for ignoring me like that. I'm your wife and you should respect me."

A surge of adrenaline ran through my body, while my heart started to beat harder. It almost felt like a flight or fight situation. I felt a chill creeping up my veins, as they started to feel ice cold. Before I could think better of it, I quickly typed out a reply.

"Maybe hold off on the sex for tonight, honeybug? I'm pretty wiped from classes and could use the sleep after I'm done doing chores and cooking and everything...", I try to play the act of a tired husband.

The speech bubbles indicating Anita was typing, froze on the screen for an agonizingly long period. I could imagine her chest moving up and down with short breaths and a furrowed brow. Finally, her response came through in a single, punishingly blunt message:


My stomach twisted into a knot. Of course she wouldn't allow me the option, not after the how I 'ignored' her. Anita would demand sex from me tonight, regardless of what I wanted.

As casually as I could manage, I pocketed my phone again and re-engaged with my friends' conversation about tips for the surprise tests. I plastered a smile across my face and my spoken words came across hollow, my mind already spiraling ahead to the situation waiting for me back at home with Anita.

There was something I had to do to stop her..just anything. And then it hit me. I immediately cleared my throat and said with an enthusiastic voice to my friend group,

"Can we hit the pub after we're done?"


"There's my innocent studious husband.", Anita snarled through her gritted teeth, with obvious sarcasm.

I was slightly taken aback by how she was home earlier than usual. Or was I the one that came late? Drinking and shooting the pool with the friends just..took some weight of my shoulders, at least. I didn't even realize how quick time went by.

Gliding over to pull me into a searing kiss, she wrapped her arms around my waist, clinging onto me tight. Her lips crushed mine, and it was forceful at first, but I eventually caved in. Her hands roamed over me possessively as our kiss deepened.

"'re drunk.", she whispered while pulling away.

When we finally came apart for air, Anita traced a fingertip along my jawline. She had a surprised expression on her cute little tanned face. True, I almost never drank with her on the nights when she drank in the house, denying her gently. Maybe it was the fact that I subconsciously knew she'd take advantage of me, and would come onto me when I'd be drunk.

"With who...?", she curiously asked with a nervous gulp.

"Who...did you go to the bar with..?"

I gave a weak laugh, still a bit tipsy and feeling warm by the intensity of her hug.

"The usual. You know." I admitted.

Eyeing me up and down , Anita murmured,

"Well. You still have time to cook dinner. But I wanna just simply...get you out of these clothes so I can properly have you all to myself..."

She began undressing me with slow, purposeful movements as I stood there compliantly. As she finally started to take off my jeans I stopped her with a firm grip.

' understand. Right..?'

Anita stilled as I grasped her wrist, preventing her from removing my jeans. Her dark brown eyes bored into me, a mix of jealousy, desire, and sheer mania swirling in their depths. For a second there, I couldn't tell if she was going to lash out at my denial or simply dissolve into a fit of tears and start thrashing around.

"I...I understand you want sex, babe," I said carefully, giving her wrist a reassuring squeeze.

"But maybe we should..postpone it..? I'm not in the mood for it tonight, you know?"

A muscle twitched along the side Anita's face as she processed my words, but she made no move to pull away from my grasp. If anything, her gaze seemed to bore deeper into my soul, searching for any hint of a lie. She knew I was almost wasted. Hell, I bet she knows it'll be better to just have a smiling, sober and compliant Adrian who'll take the lead, than to have a semi unconscious drunk Adrian who'd be a dead fish in bed.

Finally, she exhaled a shuddering breath and relaxed her stance somewhat, while standing up.

"You're right, of course. Yeah. You're drunk. And tired. A-And it'll be bad if I just didn't respect your consent. Boundaries, right?"

Maybe she really did learn from her past mistakes, huh?

"I can be patient for your sake, honeybee. At least for tonight.", she purred while her free hand drifted up to caress my cheek tenderly.

Leaning in, she brushed her lips ever-so-lightly against mine, filling my lungs with her intoxicating vanilla fragrance. It smelled so nice, that I started to wonder if candles of its kind were sold anywhere.

"Why don't you go draw a bath while I start getting dinner prepared? I'll cook tonight, okay? You're in NO shape to hold a knife, much less cook food.", she giggled while making sure I didn't fall over or anything by holding me.

"We can...catch up properly once you've sobered up a bit."

The way Anita's voice soothed my ears with those last few words made it abundantly clear she had no intention of letting me off easy later. But I nodded gratefully, relieved to have evaded her, at least temporarily.

"Sounds perfect, babe. A nice relaxing soaking bath is just what I need after being drunk..", I pulled her close for another lingering kiss, trying to project an air of utter devotion.

"You always know just how to take care of me."

As the tub filled with steaming water and fragrant oils, I forced myself to embrace the tranquility in the bath. Drawing a large breath, I sank my entire body except my head, beneath the surface and let the soothing heat envelop me. This felt nice- almost protected. I stared at the bathroom door as I laid still in the giant bathtub. Only the sounds of water sloshing away by my movement filled up the room. I felt like I was at peace.

If only I could remain submerged forever, shielded from the inevitable toxic desire of Anita on the other side of that door.

My Yandere wife won't leave me alone!!~Where stories live. Discover now