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The cafe door chimed shut, the sound echoing in the silence. Adrian, bless his clueless heart, gave my hand a squeeze under the table. A useless attempt to cool down a volcano, that's about to erupt.

"So, honeybee,", I drawled, the sweetness in my voice, enough to kill a horse.

"Gym..buddies, huh?"

He flinched, a nervous tremor running through his hand that I held tight.

'I can..explain.', he mumbled, his gaze refusing to meet mine. Pathetic.

"Go on, then," I continued, my smile widening, like a predator showing its fangs before the kill.

"Because the look in her eyes were practically screaming out for you. Oh, I'm sorry did I ruin your date, honeybee?~", a sarcastic giggle escaped my mouth.

Adrian shook his head dismissively as he started speaking.


Adrian coughed, finishing off his words with a big sip of his drink.

"That's the whole story, Anita.", his grip tightened on my hand. "It's no big deal."

His stupid assurance hung heavy in the air, as thick as the bitter scent of stupid cappuccino.

"Not a big deal, Adrian?", I pressed, my voice dropping to a low, dangerous whisper.

"Because the way she was looking at you... it wasn't just friendly workout vibes, was it?"

A bead of sweat trickled down his temple, betraying his growing anxiety. He still wouldn't look at me, a cowardly tactic that only fueled my brimming rage.

"There's nothing going on, Anita. We're just friends."

Friends. The word tasted like cigarette ash in my mouth. Friends didn't steal lingering glances or brush shoulders with such ease. Friends didn't look at you with those seductive little homewrecker eyes of hers. Friends don't giggle and touch you without my permission!

"Friends." I repeated, the word turning bitter on my tongue.

"Then why did she practically jump out of her skin when I walked in?"

The silence continued, broken only by the clatter of distant dishes. Finally, Adrian mumbled something about coincidence, his voice barely a whisper. Coincidence my sweet ass. This little "workout session" felt like it was testing the boundaries of my sanity.

I masked my disdain temporarily as I started sipping on my drink with a wide innocent looking grin.

"Oh, she seemed so enthusiastic, you know?", I said, my voice a bit too high.

"Just trying to be friendly," Adrian mumbled, his grip loosening in mine. A flicker of something – fear? - surprise by seeing my attitude change in a split second?– crossed his face before he plastered on a placating smile.

"Friendly, huh?" I mimicked, my voice dripping with joy.

"That's a convenient term for someone who just tried to fucking steal my love right out in daylight."

He flinched from the vulgar words coming from such a sweet innocent mouth, his smile faltering for a second.

"Anita, come on. We were just working out."

"I really do hope so.", I pressed, leaning closer until my lips brushed his ear.

"Then why the weak attempt at a cover story, honeybee?", I purred the nickname, the same one I knew sent shivers down his spine, hoping to remind him exactly who he belonged to.

He shifted in his seat, uncomfortable, but didn't meet my gaze.

"It's not a cover story," he mumbled.

I giggled as I swiped at his arm playfully, and he practically jumped out of his seat as a consequence.

"I know, babe!", I squealed, "It really was a coincidence, I know. And you did so soo good not to flirt back with her!"

My gaze turned violent and the happy-girlfriend demeanor vanished for a split second,

"I just don't like that whore. Truth be told, I was just testing if you'd actually speak the truth or try to meet her behind my back.",
I sighed as I sinked into his side

"I apologize that I even doubted your intentions.", I cooed into his ears.

I swear I could feel Adrian's pulse increase as I leaned on his shoulder. This was practically a confession- that I had my eyes on him, wherever he went. And an indirect threat.

A surge of possessiveness, hot and primal, tightened its grip around my heart as finished our drinks.

Adrian is mine.

He might be too dense to see it, too busy studying, but that didn't change the truth. He belonged to me, and this little "friend" of his was about to learn a very valuable lesson about messing with what wasn't hers.

A slow, chilling smile spread across my face. I was done playing games. It was time to show Jessica exactly who Adrian belonged to, and make sure she never forgot it.

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