2. Bride To Be

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I have to go to the city again today because the market is only available on certain days of the week. Traders who travel from city to city will take turns stopping by the neighboring city to trade. The earth is now divided into four parts with four alien generals. Humans are placed in several parts to rule, but they are said to be like puppets steered by alien. That's why this wedding program can take place, even though it has received a lot of opposition from various parties.

I looked for a new store to buy bread with a hood that never comes off the top of my head and my mother's scarf that never comes off my face. I plan to come, buy, and leave as soon as I get it. Then I can eat with my mother at home.

Easy. It should be. If I don't come back and find a lot of people in front of my house. Shouts were heard from afar so I had to run through the forest only to find my mother lying on the ground with many people around her.

My heart has never beaten faster than it is now. My body's response takes over by making my body a protector for my mother. There is no clear regulation regarding beating, especially against women, so violence often occurs. Even rape and murder can be done in the middle of nowhere with many people watching without helping.

"W-what's wrong?" I'm scared for sure. Being around people who hate you is sure to evoke fear. But, my body posture is much larger than humans, so I stand up and act brave. My eyes never stare at one person long enough for them to read the fear I'm hiding.

"Our city lacks prospective brides. That means we lack food and energy.

I frowned at the word 'we'. We never described our relationship with others. It's just been me and my mother all this time. But I kept quiet and listened to one of them continue to speak on behalf of the others.

"You have to participate so that the quota can be fulfilled."

Anger boiled inside me. They only acknowledge me and my mother when it benefits them. I swallowed a lump of anger that was pressing on my throat. I remembered the scene in the city yesterday. "Many people are old enough in the city. Why don't you ask them to join this program? I saw some of you with your children who are old enough." My eyes ran to the seller yesterday who pointed his finger at me. "There is also a girl in your store who is old enough for this program."

The old man's face turned pale and his eyes immediately fell to the ground. They were looking for a scapegoat so that their child or sibling did not have to participate in this year's program. They bought themselves one year to find a way out rather than being with creatures they hated with the risk of never meeting again.

"You've been running away from this program for years. You should be in this year!" shouted one person who immediately received approval from others. "If you don't want to, we'll use various ways to force you."

After that sentence entered my eardrums, my mother was pulled in the opposite direction without me being able to hold her back. My oxygen was forced out of my chest cavity as I saw my mother's condition.

In fear and tears that didn't stop flowing, she still shook her head. A punch flew towards my mother's face. Right on her cheekbone. I screamed loudly until my face suddenly turned to the side and my ears rang loudly. My cheeks felt hot, but I ignored the pain. Two people held my mother's hands. Another person swung his hand towards my mother again and another kicked her stomach.

I am not much better. Both of my hands are held and punches continue to be directed towards me. No matter how hard I try to break free and run towards my mother, they won't let me.

"I will participate in the program!" I shouted loudly. I couldn't bear to see my mother's face or body that would surely turn blue tomorrow. The people's grip loosened and I immediately ran towards my mother before her body touched the ground.

My mother hung limp in my arms with tears that never dried. I covered my ears. Letting invisible bubbles envelop me and my mother. Something I do when fear is near other humans.

At times like this, I hate my biological father with all my heart. I hate some of the humans in my body, and the alien blood mixed within it. I shook my body and my mother's. Releasing my pent-up anxiety while occasionally checking her breath because her eyes were already closed.

My feet were too weak to carry both of us into the house that I believed would also need repairs after many people came. "Sorry, Mom." I repeated that sentence. My eyes kept looking at my mother's reddened face. There was blood on the corner of her lips. Guilt swallowed me whole. Giving a sensation of pain that was worse than when the punches hit me. I shouldn't have provoked those who were cornered. I should have just agreed from the beginning. Even if I fought back, I couldn't win against them who were in a group. I took a deep breath when a long time had passed and no one was around us.

The sun had also rolled away and the moon ruled the sky. Their threats still played endlessly in my head: "Come to the city center tomorrow morning. If not, we will come back." The unspoken threat made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I was more afraid if something happened to my mother than myself.

The healing process of my wounds is much faster than that of humans. Wounds like this will completely disappear in two or three days, but not for my mother. Imagining more injuries on my mother's body with her protruding bones made my fear penetrate the roof. I laid my mother down on our bed. Then I took a deep breath when I saw the very messy house.

I will spend time cleaning it up so that my mother won't have trouble tomorrow. Tears filled my eyes as I thought about how my mother could be alone here when I leave tomorrow. Who will fetch her water? Who will go to the city to sell the garden produce and buy bread? Who will take care of my mother if she gets sick? Then a sob escaped me when I thought about the most important thing: what if I miss my mother later?

My hands covered my mouth so that my sobbing wouldn't get louder. My lips were already between sharp teeth so I could feel blood coming out of there. Ignoring the pain in my heart and body, I prepared all of my mother's needs as best as possible before I left.


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