27. Collided Part 2

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I try to think even with my heart beating between my ears. It's very loud up there, and it takes time to collect my logical thinking after I've free-fallen from the cliff Xander just pushed me off.

Not that I have a problem with that. In fact, I kind of want to feel that again.

My thighs don't have any strength to hold his head anymore. Both of them turned to jelly after my body shook.

I hear Xander say something, but my brain is too fuzzy to connect every word and form a sentence. I just let him do everything he wants when my chest is against the bed and my ass is high up. I can feel Xander's hand on both of my buttocks, kneading them before holding me in place and my vagina can feel the head of his dick.

My body instantly froze.

Xander put both of his hands beside my head, his body looming over my back and whispered right to my ear. "I will stop if you want me to. Just tell me anything, even a hand sign."

I nodded my head, trying to relax my body while Xander just slid his monster outside my vagina, coating himself with my juice. His lips sucking and licking my neck down to my back help me to relax.

"Breathe for me, Cookie Monster," he kept saying between kisses. I don't even remember holding my breath until he reminds me to, and my lungs protest for air. "How about this?" He suddenly moves to place me above him. Both of my hands instantly fall on his chest. "You can stop whenever you want to. You can set the pace. You make the rules, and you're the one with power."

I'm still dizzy when he said again with a strangled voice, "Put me inside you."

I lift myself and put his dick in me inch by inch. My eyes focus on how Xander tightens his jaw, and his eyes never leave the part of our bodies that collide. Both of his hands stayed beside his body; he didn't try to coax me to do what he wanted, even though he looked like he could snap something in half. I'm glad I'm not the only one in agony.

It takes a lot of long breaths and a lot more from Xander that grunting in anguish until he is fully sheathed inside of me. I don't even trust the deity, but I want to thank anything that gives me strength.

Another deep groan coming from Xander, "You feel so good. Such a good girl"

Never knew being called a good girl gives me power to move, but I did. I tried to lift my hips and slam down to him until his hand held my tights. I tried to move my hips slowly then a little faster then rolling it until my bundle of joy also sang in happiness with every fricktion.

My head falls back as I move uncontrollably. I did feel a little discomfort in our first sex, but desire caught up a moment later when I rolled my hips a little. I want to reach the high that he gave me before. Xander helped me by sealing his lips on my nipple. Bite and suckle to hightens my desire to the point of no return.

I'm doing a free fall and happily doing it. Xander chases his own by positioning my ass up high and pistoning me hard and fast. He filled me while moving slowly. Xander rolled beside me and pulled me to his body.

This one feels so good. I'm tangled up in his chest with a lot of emotions clouding my brain: lust, fear, and other emotions I can't describe because I'm too overwhelmed

"You need to clean up. Do you want me to carry you to the shower and wash you up?"

I can't bring myself to reject that offer as I nod. My legs still haven't found any strength to hold my weight. I let him wash me and put me to bed with one of his shirts he never wears.

"Is Zorion man always doing this for their woman?" I ask between my yawns. "You know, do things for her after sex. If yes, I might want one after we divorce."

I don't hear him answering, he just holds me tighter as I drift away. 

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