18. His Lips

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I thought Xander would leave after Lilith and her husband were no longer home, but instead he joined lunch, and there was no sign of him leaving either. So I stayed in the room and spent the time sleeping until I woke up to the darkening sky. I'm sure I've missed dinner time, and tomorrow morning I'll hear Xander's grumbling.

However, I feel much lighter and fresher. Maybe I truly need a long break and someone to talk to. I reminded myself to thank Xander for Lilith.

My stomach growls loudly, reminding me to fill it up. I left the room and went straight to the kitchen, but stopped when I saw the light in the dining room was still on. I peeked in, and there, at the head of the table, was Xander, still sitting with his arms folded across his chest. As soon as the door opened, his sharp gaze immediately fell on me.

I rubbed my eyes to make sure that it was really Xander there, not a ghost or a strange image because all day my conversations had revolved around him. I peeked again into the living room where there was a digital clock. It read nine o'clock in the evening.

"You were waiting for me?" I asked as I walked into the dining room. I sat in my usual chair with Xander's gaze continuing to stare at me. I'm starting to get used to the intense stare he gives, even though it sometimes makes me nervous in certain situations—like my current one.

Xander didn't answer until I took my third breath. "Yeah, we're having dinner together, remember?"

"I've just gotten up. Sorry."

"Feed me then."

"I don't want to."

"I've been waiting here for you for two hours."

I wanted to answer that I didn't tell him to wait, but I remembered his kind gesture that brought Lilith. So I pulled the plate in front of him, started cutting the meat into bite-sized pieces, and shoved the one I had cut into Xander's mouth.

Instead, he moved the chair back and shifted his position to the left so that I could see his long legs. "You sit here," Xander patted his thigh, directing my attention to his jeans-covered legs. Again, his upper body was naked. I couldn't say that I had gotten used to the curves of Xander's muscles that were always visible at home. Every time he moved, my eyes would automatically steal glances at his muscles.

"I can sit here perfectly fine," I replied.

'You need to feed me," Xander insisted.

"I can do it from here," I countered

But Xander repeated that sentence, and I realised he wouldn't be swayed by my words.

I moved Xander's dinner plate back to its original place and sat on his thigh, legs together on the right side.

"This position is uncomfortable," I murmured.

Xander effortlessly lifted me up so that my legs were now straddling him, and my shins pressed against the chair where he sat. "Now, feed me," he said.

My wits were scattered by our super close proximity. Usually, we kept each other at arm's length. Our closest interaction had been that first night and when he applied medicine to my wound.

My breath caught in my throat as I struggled to tear my eyes away from his green gaze. This was a new perspective; usually, Xander looked down at me, making me feel dwarfed despite being above average height. For the first time, I could look at him from above, and I quite liked this angle—it allowed me to see his face clearly. His nose was high, lips thick, and cheekbones prominent. His thick eyelashes cast shadows on his blue-tinged skin.

Xander clearly falls into the handsome category even though he adores many scars on his body. I have to remind myself to breathe.

"Feed me," Xander repeated again. This time he was a little more impatient. Both hands rested on the arm rest. He didn't touch me, other than with his hard thigh that I was sitting on. I don't know if this was worse or better than our previous two physical interactions.

I fed Xander a piece of meat, and my stomach reminded me that it wasn't stuffed yet. Embarrassing.

"Now you eat." Xander took the fork from my hand and stabbed the meat into it. He thrust it in front of my mouth which automatically opened and Xander's eyes focused on my lips as they opened and closed. Fire ignited in places he puts his attention and burns the skin around it.

Usually at night it's very cold, but why do I feel hot now, huh?

We didn't stop taking turns eating until the meat on mine and Xander's plate was finished. Throughout that time his eyes kept moving to my eyes or to my mouth which was chewing. As for me? I tried to focus on finishing both of our plates so I could get out of here quickly and scolded myself for my body's reaction, which seemed to think about what Lilith said.

His gazing caused the hairs on the back of my neck to bristle

"That's it," I said, "now I'm going to sleep again."

"Not yet. You and I haven't had a drink yet."

I hurriedly took the glass and drank it. It doesn't matter if my drink is messy and water is running down the side of my lips. I just want this to end quickly so I could return to the peace of my room without Xander around.

My whole body stopped moving, including my brain whose circuits were suddenly cut off when Xander stepped forward and landed his lips on my wet chin. His tongue brushed the water that fell and moved up to the edge of my still lips, but the water continued to flow.

Xander didn't stop. He keeps lapping at the dripping water. Either he sucks or his tongue follows the flowing water.

My stomach swirls with nerves and something I don't recognize.

His lips graze the corner of mine, gently like a feather and in that fleeting moment, air rushes out of me.

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