25. Shower Session Part 2

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I step inside his zone. I know he knows, but he continues to wash his hair.

The water dripping over my skin does nothing to tame the fire ignited by Xander's touch. My heart won't stop beating against my chest as if it wants to escape my body. Something inside me yearns for more, and I feel that it has just been met. But now it begs for even more.

I lather his back, letting the tips of my fingers linger a little too long on his sculpted body. I trace the muscles hidden behind his tattoos. My intention to soap Xander's body doesn't go smoothly because I find myself preoccupied with touching every scar on his back and waist.

I'm mesmerized by every detail of his body. It's like a testament to the many wars he has endured up until now and how all of them shaped him into the man he is. I try to imagine scenarios for each scar in my head. The one I'm looking at now stretches across his right shoulder to his left waist. It must be an old scar, acquired during his first battle.

I was so wrong when I thought I had seen the biggest scar on his body yesterday. I hadn't paid enough attention to notice the one on his back.

"How did you get this scar?" I whisper softly. I touched the scar to let him know which one I asked him about.

"My father gave me that scar."

My heart sinks. Of all the people I can think of, his dad inflicted the scariest scar? "Why?"

"Being a parent in Zorion is vastly different from on Earth. Zorions' first battle is against their own fathers, shaping their mental toughness for the battlefield. The first lesson I learned was because I hesitated. I didn't want to swing my sword at him, and it cost me a lot of blood and the scar on my back."

I can't imagine having to wield a sword against my own mother. No wonder he hesitates; he must feel conflicted. "Because every male born in Zorion is destined to be a warrior," I mumble to myself. "Which one is your first scar from the battlefield?"

He takes my hand to his chest, to the very first scar I touch. I trace the ragged skin with my finger tip. "Enemy ambushed us."

I eat the space between us. My forehead touches his back and the fresh smell of soap tickles my nose. And my breast flush against him

I take soap and leather the front part of Xander's body, I earn a ragged breath and a guttural groan from him when I deliberately touch his nipples. I love this. Feels like he is completely under my touch.

And when I finally grip his monster, his head falls back and his long hair falls to my face. He moaned loudly. "Aira, you need to stop." His voice is harsh and dripping with needs.

Ignoring him, I stroke along his penis experimentally. Soap makes it easy to do this.


"I don't want to waste my jizz anymore."

"You often masturbate?"

"Only after you came here."

Oh? "Why didn't you ask me? You also miss the high fertility date."

My strokes become faster. I use my other hand to play with his balls. Both of Xander's arms rest on the wall and his head falls down. I don't know if he is watching or closing his eyes, but his moan becomes louder and I become bolder. I planted a small kiss on the scar from his father. Dragged my lips from one end to the other and his body became very still like he didn't see that coming.

How he manages to keep answering my question is still a mystery for me. "I don't want to force you. You will cry again like the first time." His breath is heavy but his words are clear.

Xander words dance on my skin, sending tingles on my lower abdomen when realization is drawn upon me: He is worried about me. Warmth blooms on my chest.

Xander is chanting my name like a spell under his breath. His self control is admirable, but I'm pretty sure I don't like that side of him right now. I want to unravel the sides of him that not everybody knows.

"Come for me, please?" I ask softly and with that the dam was broken. Xanders moans loudly while he is coming and I keep stroking to prolong his sensation.

Xander didn't miss a beat. He turned around to pick me up. My legs wrap around his hips without him asking me to. His monster nestled between my centre and his stomach making both of us groan. And it is still hard.

"You got wet from stroking me." Xander looked at me straight in my eyes. I don't feel an ounce of embarrassment after I know the effect I have for him. "You need to eat first. Then I will eat you."

I chuckled because he still says it like a war strategy. "Sounds like a perfect plan."

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