14. Courage

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I blinked once, then twice but Xander's eyes didn't stop looking at me. This motherfucker just destroyed my ability to walk straight last night then he wants sex again? Oh, more precisely what he wants is to procreate. Making babies.

"I'm sore."

"So you're telling me that you cry because you are sore? Not because you don't want to have sex with me?"

My brows furrowed. "I'm keeping my end of the bargain. But sex for the first time hurts." Moreover, your penis is a monster, I continued to myself.

"But you are dripping wet. Isn't it supposed to make you feel good?"

Why is this alien suddenly asking so many questions? Does he think that by having sex once, I can immediately become an expert? "I don't know. I just had sex for the first time last night."

Xander's eyes dropped to his saucer again. He seemed busy with something in his head. I don't know what book he was reading, but I don't think he read it in its entirety. He looks lost and I almost want to pity him.

"Does it still hurt?"

"I can't stop winching when I pee."

"That bad?"

Sir, you have a monster cock. Have some mercy on me. I just nodded in response. Actually, the pain isn't that bad anymore, I just don't feel like doing it tonight. If I have to face Xander again in bed, I want my body to be in tip-top shape. Also, did I hear some concern in his voice or am I just imagining it?

I continued my meal. Enjoy the meat that melts on your tongue. This is so good I almost want to moan.

"Let me take a look."

Then I choked on the meat I was chewing. It took time for my cough to disappear and my eyes to stop watering to answer Xander's question. "Not gonna happen."

"I wasn't asking." Xander's voice was firmer, but this time I wouldn't back down.

"I'm not negotiating. This is my body, I decide who can see it."

"In case you forgot, you have exchanged it for money, food and energy. For you and your mom."

Jerk. Xander won't let me forget that. "In case you forgot, I also helped you have children because you can't produce it yourself. So it's a win-win, I'm not the only one who benefits from this arrangement." I don't know where my courage came from, but after thinking clearly, I'm not the one who needs help the most right now. I can continue living as before, without the help of Xander or anyone else. I'm here because I was forced by the system to help him and he offered something in return for help. So, he should be nice to me which helps prevent his extinction, right?

Armed with that thought, I straightened up and began to dare to answer questions in a normal voice. My eyes were no longer on his forehead, but straight on Xander's green eyes.

If he wants to have children, he better treat me damn well.

The corner of Xander's lips twitched, his eyes didn't look angry, instead he looked... amused? I don't know, I can't read people well but I'm pretty sure he isn't angry. "Your loss, I have medicine that can heal wounds quickly."

I snorted. "The longer it takes to heal, the better." Because that means he won't come to my room at night. I thought he would protest, but he just remained silent for a long time. His face contorted to something serious like he just snapped off something.

Xander stood up quickly until the squeak of his chair hitting the floor filled the room. "Go to sleep after you finish eating. Don't go out of the house after dark." He left immediately after saying that.

There is still a lot of food on this table, some of which has not even been touched. Same thing happened this morning, but I can't get my head around it because of the happiness I got when Xander told me I could go anywhere I want. But now, seeing this food going to waste will make me feel guilty.

Hunger is a common thing in the suburbs or slum areas. Seeing the amount of food on this table, enough to feed at least five adults, I was curious what was going on with this leftover food. Wasting food isn't something I do. I will clean up my plate before I wash it. Food is the luxury not every person has but is often taken for granted.

Can I keep it and give it to someone else tomorrow? I remember clearly there are a lot of children in the slum area. I can give the food to them.

I immediately moved to the kitchen, looking for anything I could use to store food for tonight. Xander has nothing to lose by feeding five extra people, besides I'm pretty sure he needs the good deed to stay alive so I'm doing this for his own good too.

The voice in my head snorted and taunted, Xander didn't need good deeds to get to where he was now.

True, but I'll still take this food and distribute it to the slump tomorrow. It's just food, no one will get hurt by sharing or getting food, right?

After storing everything in the refrigerator and writing a note so that no one would touch it, I went into my room and went to sleep with a big smile.

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