6. Bargaining

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I took a step back until my back hit the door. Xander was still standing where he was and the aura that surrounded him as he watched me walk away made his jaw clench. He looks like a predator and I am the catch that will become his meal.

Xander took one wide step which caused my heart to beat fast. I racked my brain to avoid his anger resulting in my body being six feet under.

"I would like to make an offer." My eyes opened wide, staring at the toes of Xander's shoes who stopped two steps right in front of me. He stopped. Xander stopped and my eyes returned to his chest moving as he took a breath and exhaled. I didn't dare look the man in the eye, so chest became the most appropriate choice; There's no need to look into the green eyes that would definitely make one's skin crawl with fear, but I can still see the expression from the periphery.

Xander's furrowed brows were the only sign for me to continue with a shaky voice. "I want you to send money and groceries to my mother." I have made a list of what you need. I've been practising since last night, but everything fell apart. "Also energy." Energy is a commodity that is difficult to obtain. Being in the middle of the forest was a disturbing problem and Mother had difficulty getting an electric heater so we relied on wood for heating and oil as lamp fuel.

Both require more effort to obtain; wood requires felling trees, oil needs to go to the city and the price is not cheap. Both were difficult for my mother to do.

"I know what I'm asking for is not little, but marrying you is also not an easy thing. My mother is sick and too old to do everything herself anymore." Every word that came out of my mouth was racing with ragged breath.

"You have to look me straight in the eye when you talk to me." Xander's voice was demanding and my stomach churned with nervousness and fear.

My breath was ragged, but I dared to raise my head and look at Xander. My breath caught in my throat when I saw us meet.

How I dare demand anything from someone who is leading a war is beyond my own sanity, but even if I do anything, I will die. It's just a matter of when the angel of death approaches me in the form of Xander. Even if I die, I at least know whether Xander granted my wish or not.

I tried to repeat the sentence I said earlier in a complete sentence without being cut into pieces in the middle of my brain whose focus was scattered. I filled my lungs with air and my every word was filled with the courage I pretended to have. "I want my mother to get money, energy and groceries."

"Then what do I get?"


"I've got you whether you agree or not."

I closed my eyes and released the one breath I had been holding while waiting for Xander to answer. I didn't even realise I was holding my breath. "A wife who is willing to have sex. According to the rules, you can only have sex with me if I agree."

I couldn't sleep all night. Looking for the smallest loophole in anything in the long rules that all prospective brides and grooms hesitate to read. Too many articles and not everyone can read and write. This is the only loophole I found.

"I can replace you with another human."

I had already predicted this answer, therefore I was able to answer it smoothly. "But it doesn't necessarily match the criteria you need, right? For now, your chance to have children is only with me." My tongue itched to ask about the fate of the other five brides, but I restrained myself. I don't want to hear what kind of death is coming my way. It's better to just get a surprise for that matter.

Xander's brow furrowed deeper. My legs would almost turn to jelly if I didn't remember my mother's face and her old body. From Xander's many ex-wives, I know he is quite desperate to have children. If I am the biggest opportunity, then I can make an offer and what I offer is quite reasonable, even it is the smallest thing that he can definitely grant.

Xander took another step forward and what I wanted was to dig down to the bottom of the earth. Even then I'm not sure he can't find me. "I—I need to know you're going to send what I asked for to my mom."

"Women, strip and spread your legs first."

I tried to stand strong. Convincing Xander that I would stand my ground until he finally let out a long sigh. "Your mother will have everything you ask for in the morning."

"As long as I'm your bride?"

"As long as you can give me children."

Relief washed away my fears about Mother's future.

However, my calm only lasted for a moment. I caught the plural form in the answer. How many children does Xander really want?

My thoughts were disturbed when two large hands were on the sides of my head and a large body right in front of my face, imprisoning me with a large body and making me even smaller both physically and mentally. The dominant aura around Xander was so thick that I had difficulty focusing on what was going on in my head. That man's presence was enough to suck up not only my attention, but also the oxygen around me.

Xander lowered his head until his lips ghosted over her skin. "I have agreed to your request, now you have to do your part." Every word made his lips brush against my earlobe.

I was scared, but there was a strange feeling that I had never known also appeared. It twists and turns in my stomach and makes me restless.

Xander didn't do anything after that. He was still standing over me, waiting for me to do as we agreed.

With shaking hands, I unbuttoned my blouse, but it took a lot of effort to do it when Xander's sharp eyes wouldn't stop watching every movement of my fingers. As if I were an object to be researched. I know he enjoyed every little moan I let out as I opened just one button like the work of thousands of people. He definitely enjoys my agony.

One button, two buttons, until all the buttons are open. Just one gentle push until the blouse became a puddle on the floor and my white bra could be seen clearly because it contrasted with the blue color of my skin.

I heard a too low groan from Xander's chest before a second later I was on the man's back. One hand wrapped around my thighs and the other landed a blow on my buttocks.

"You will get punished."


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