3. Bye Mom

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The sound of my mother's sobbing accompanied me as I stuffed some clothes into a bag. I only brought a small backpack that Mom had a long time ago. I left behind thick clothes so that Mother could wear them during the uncertain and very fierce winter. One moment it can be very bone-chilling, then the next day the two suns can burn the earth.

"Aira, we still have time to escape. I saw another house deeper in the forest that was no longer occupied. Or we go to another city and live there."

If Mom has mentioned my name, it means she is seriously discussing this. I turned my body so I could face Mom who was sitting behind me, cross-legged on the floor. I held her shaking hand. Her hands were as cold as the first snow that fell until I almost agreed to her suggestion because I thought how could Mother survive the uncertain weather without me? But I also couldn't possibly take my mother away. I heard there will be money sent to the bride's family as remuneration, if this alien wants it. I cringed at the word remuneration, as if humans had a price.

However, Mother needed the money. It's just that I can't discuss it.

"Even if I want to run away, I'm too conspicuous to hide," My stature is too big for a human female. There is zero chance of not attracting attention. "If we go to another city, we will be caught and I am forced to join this program. The risk is also too high. We can't keep running." And I can't watch Mom get beaten again, I continued to myself.

Mom knows I'm right. We have no other decision. The government would definitely know if I was old enough, but not enter the system and become a fugitive. Going into town wouldn't be something we could do. What about coins? What about bread or other foods? What do I do when Mom need medicine for her joints?

Mother's lips trembled, followed by her body. The sobs turned into ear-piercing, chest-wrenching roars.

I deliberately didn't leave at dawn so I could say goodbye to my mother, but I didn't take into account how difficult it would be every step I had to take to get out of this house.

I hugged Mom one last time while whispering a promise that I didn't know if I could keep it or not. But I need it now to calm Mom and myself enough to go.When Mother's hug let go, I immediately turned around and didn't look back. I was afraid that the intentions I had gathered since yesterday would evaporate and I would agree to Mother's advice to run away and become a fugitive.

Mother's sobs could no longer be heard as I walked further and further until I finally reached the city. I went straight to the government office. There are already twenty people, including me, who are waiting for our fate to pass through the portal and what we end up with. The look of anxiety and panic was clearly visible on everyone's faces, even the woman next to me was crying. Some could still glance at me and whisper to the person next to them. I ignored the probing gazes. This isn't the first time and I'm sure it won't be the last.

As far as the eye could see, this all-white room with benches lined up in the middle was guarded by four armed men. A blue-skinned woman walked into the room with a big smile as if we were going to win the lottery."You are the chosen ones," she said.

I snorted and whispered "More like unlucky people."

"I am Troia who will lead you to a future husband who you cannot afford. You will get it for free." She clapped once. Her eyes did not seem sympathetic at all with our situation, which was not enthusiastic about participating in this program. "Come on, you won't get married if you don't go through this program. You guys don't have money to propose to any man. The dowry is too high."

I rolled my eyes. The marriage system on earth now means that women, in greater numbers, have to pay a dowry if they want to marry a man. That was one way to avoid being sent to this program, and it was also why I didn't see a single girl without shabby clothes in the same room as me. We were all poor and marriage was not an option in our dictionary. One way to have children is to have sex outside of marriage or pay someone to do it with you. Having children is also one of the two ways to avoid being included in this program list.

That and it also doesn't register births so it's off the radar like mine.

Compared to winning the lottery, it's like we are being sacrificed so that rich people can get food and energy.

"You will clean yourselves before leaving tomorrow. Your future husband will choose you directly using the data we have sent. Also by calculating the compatibility rate for reproduction through the blood we will take now."

Five people came back through the door and immediately took blood from the front to the back. Everything is done effectively and quickly. It doesn't matter whether someone is still not ready or is still busy crying. In less than ten minutes, everything was done.

"As you may have heard, this program is for life. Or when you can't have children, which is very unlikely. We don't have many rules, but apart from energy and food, your partner is obliged to send money, although the amount depends on your husband."

I bit my lip, praying that my husband wouldn't be stingy considering that I had to bear his child.

"Your clothes," the blue-skinned woman with stones adorning the most beautiful clothes I've ever seen, pointed at us with a look of disgust, "need to be changed. Everyone will get clothes according to your body size in the designated room." the woman waved her hand at us, "Now you go."

The girl next to me still didn't stop crying and her hands immediately hooked onto my arm. I've only ever calmed a crying Mom, so I didn't know what to do for the stranger next to me, so I let it be.

We both ended up in the same room. There were two beds I had never seen before; soft and clean. There are no fabrics that are torn and patched with other fabrics of different colors. The room also has large windows with hanging white curtains. Just like the room where we were waiting, this room is also white.

I opened the door in the room and found a bathroom with a tap. Another thing I never saw with my own eyes. Mother and I have to fetch water from the river for our daily needs and also water the plants.

My jaw dropped to the floor as I saw for the first time the bathtub and the rows of soap and other toiletries near the body-sized mirror.

"I want to take a shower first," I said to the girl whose crying had now turned to sobs. He nodded.

"I'm Lilith," she said as she reached the door. The girl didn't leave until I realized that Lilith was waiting until I told her my name.



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