17. Lilith Part 2

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My back was against the closed door. Lilith had run and flopped onto the bed like a starfish.

"You sleep in a separate bedroom?' Lilith guessed immediately. I didn't have time to say anything when she answered her own question. "I didn't see any of Xander's things. Everything is too feminine."

The decoration of the room I live in does seem feminine even though the color is plain white. The white curtains on the French door and windows have a white floral pattern too. Each side of the pillow on my bed has lace to give it a soft touch. There were white lilies that remained in the vase by the window. The green stems and leaves provide another touch of color.

"Why are you here?" I asked in surprise. It's not that I'm not happy with Lilith being here. I even wanted to ask Xander several times if I could contact her, but I either forgot or got annoyed with the guy.

"Xander contacted Zaran, he said there was something he wanted to discuss."

"Xander talks about work at home too?"

Lilith giggled, "No, silly. If he wanted to talk about work, I wouldn't be here." Lilith used her elbows to prop up her upper body so she could see me who was still pressed against the door. "Xander and my husband don't get along, so Zaran said he might want me to come."

My husband? Euh, I still don't call Xander that term. Maybe Lilith and Zaran have agreed to last a lifetime. "What for?"

"It's you, who else here do I know? Zaran never took me to other public places, we usually just went out on dates."

I've never dated before. I've never even held hands with a man in my life. So I'm a little curious about the idea of dating. Then a second later I'll wince in disgust at the thought of it.

"So, this is for a lifetime?" I couldn't help but be curious. I have no friends to discuss this marriage with other than Lilith. Of course, I couldn't talk to my mother because I didn't want to worry her. I was made into a baby-making machine and then separated without being able to meet the three children I was carrying.

"We never talked about it, but we also never talked about children. How about you?"

I approached the bed and lay down on it, next to Lilith. "Three kids later I could have walked away with money to last a lifetime. Not a bad deal. I can be free from this prison." I told her about Xander who forbade me from leaving his house after what happened a few days ago. I added spice to my annoyance to attract sympathy so that I would have someone to gossip with.

Lilith furrowed her eyebrows as if she was trying to remember something then tilted her body and folded her arms so she could see me. "Sounds to me like he is worried about you. You know a lot of people hate aliens, moreover you are half of them and you are also married to the general. Some people would find you an easy target, especially since you provide food for the children before they go to work. Making those kids work is part of how they earn money."

My fingers intertwined over my stomach. I've heard about this, and occasionally see children working in the market; begging, transporting goods, selling, even scavenging through rubbish to look for something. I'm grateful I didn't have to go through that period, even though my life wasn't easy either. But I still have crops to eat or rabbits to hunt.

Lilith grinned broadly. "Then what about the process of making the baby?" She raised and lowered her eyebrows suggestively. "Is it as big as we talked about yesterday or is it much bigger?" A mischievous smile crossed her lips.

"It hurts." I didn't give the answer that Lilith wanted to hear to satisfy her curiosity.

Lilith hummed, "Interesting. According to gossip I heard before entering the facility, Xander was one of those who wanted to rush into having children. Therefore he does not stop looking for a partner on earth with the highest level of compatibility."

"Where do you get this gossip?"

"People in the red district talk a lot, you know. Gossip won't stay with one person for long, especially in the last few months, many warriors have come and quite a few enjoy talking about their superiors while drunk."

The red district is a famous prostitution area and is only entered by people with money or aliens. Different from those encountered on the street, even though their work is the same; prostitution.

"So... you used to work there?"

"Yep. Therefore I know a few things and I can offer help in the area of sex for you."

I shuddered in horror when I saw Lilith's face, which now had a perverted expression. "I don't think I want to hear."

"Oh come on. Three kids is a lot, you might as well enjoy the process of making it with Xander. You never know when you'll get an alien with packaging like that again."

"Not interested."

"Even if you're not interested, it still has to be done. You might as well enjoy it. Even if after this you don't want to be with another man, at least you have the experience to remember with the cats you rescued from the streets to accompany you in your old age."

"That sounds sad."

Lilith lay down again and took a deep breath as her back touched the bed. "That's sad. Therefore you have to enjoy the moment." The corners of her lips were tugged upside down, but the small smile didn't reach her eyes.

I don't know why, but it sounds sad coming from Lilith, so I don't say anything else.

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