13. The Thing He notices

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I'm not used to human gazes. Not even those who try to be friendly with being called madam. Or with their heads lowered without daring to look at me with bodies shaking in fear as if I held their lives between my fingers.

I'm used to it, even though I don't like it, with their gazes probing me from head to toe. Look further to find out if I'm Zorion or a demi-human they rarely encounter. After that, insulting glances and curses entered my eardrums without pause.

I'm used to it and I've learned to turn a deaf ear, even though I can't filter out everything and sometimes it has a bad effect on my heart. I used to cry in the forest before returning home when I heard the word bastard. Gradually, my crying lessened every time I heard that word or other insults, until now I no longer cared what other people said.

"Madam, the car can't go into the forest. Let's stop here and just keep walking."

"No need, I can walk alone." I hurriedly got out of the car before the driver followed me. I want to enjoy walking in the middle of the forest that I know by heart.

My feet met a carpet of moss. Not as soft as the one at Xander's house, but I prefer the forest smell to something artificial. Although this means I have to be extra careful when walking because it is slippery.

The furrows appear because the trees are still not too dense, creating a magical atmosphere that I like, especially when I see the small particles flying there.

My fingertips touched the rough tree branches as I walked. My lungs breathed in fresh air that was different from the smells in Xander's unfamiliar house.

I walked in silence until I could no longer see sunlight because it was covered by dense trees. The light gradually grew darker as I walked deeper until I found a house with no trees around it. Mother and I cut them down to grow vegetables and fruit.

The burden on my chest disappeared as my feet walked closer and stopped in front of the house door. I was unsure whether to knock or just enter as usual and my choice fell on the former.

Mother was eating bread and drinking something. She tried to smile even though her face was filled with worry. I stood next to Mother and hugged her with one arm until I could see what was in Mother's glass: milk.

"You're already divorced even though you've only been married for one day?" Mum mocked, to which I gave her a slightly tight squeeze on her arm.

"Xander said I was free to go anywhere as long as seven in the evening. I was home for dinner and leaving after breakfast." My eyes wandered around while answering Mother's question. One foreign object that I found was in the corner of this cabin. It looks like a generator, but without electricity. Maybe this is what Xander calls technology from his planet. I just need to know if it works at night when the temperature is low or when both the sun is hiding and a sudden snow storm is coming.

"Are you alright?" Mother asked very carefully. Her eyes scanned me for wounds.

"Okay mom." I don't need to tell you about Xander's monster and my crotch that stings when I pee, right? "Have your food supplies been delivered?"

Mom pointed to the refrigerator, which was still shiny next to the stove, which I had never seen. In fact, I saw her for the first time at Xander's house this morning. Everyone arrived at Mom's house this morning?

"There is a lot of meat and fruit in there." Mother continued to explain many things which I only half-heartedly listened to while my mind was focused on other things.

I only asked for food and energy, but Xander went miles. I made a note in my head to say thank you later.

I had lunch with Mom and went home in the afternoon so I could shower before dinner. I needed to be on time so as not to lose the opportunity Xander gave me.

My body was wearing a t-shirt and trousers made of cloth for dinner. I don't need to wear the dresses in the wardrobe, right? This cotton material, which I rarely wear and falls on my body, is more comfortable for moving and everyday use.

My butt is already sitting on the dining table chair. Ten minutes faster than the specified time. While waiting, I saw a lot of food coming in, the amount was too much for two people to eat. My stomach didn't care if I had eaten fruit at Mother's house before going home, but when I saw the meat on the plate, my stomach couldn't stop growling with hunger.

Xander came at exactly seven o'clock. He immediately sat in a chair like this morning and started eating.

I put together sentences in my head since the trip home, but all that came out was "Thank you for the things at my mother's house."

"You can thank me when you don't tremble anymore when we have sex. I feel like I'm forcing you to do things you don't want to do, even though we already have an agreement."

I swallowed a big lump in my throat. "I'll try." My voice was thick with shock and fear.

"You can try tonight."

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