20. His Anger

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Xander annoyed me, so I did the opposite of what he said last night—I went to the usual place of distributing food and teaching children under a big tree in the slum area.

However, when he arrived there, the lush trees that used to provide shade from the heat of the two suns were no longer standing there firmly. Only the roots and a few large stems are still attached to the ground. My eyes darted around, making sure I wasn't in the wrong place. But I'm sure I'm right. I come here almost every day, so my feet already know the way without me needing to pay any more attention.

I didn't find any children around the rickety houses. As if this place had not been inhabited for a long time, even though I came here less than a week and it was bustling with children and families who lived there.

Cold sweat appeared on my back and soaked the t-shirt I was wearing. My thoughts couldn't help but turn to Xander and the possibilities he could do for the people here. I know he doesn't like humans and I know he did this to eliminate danger to his son's vessels.

Anger gnawed at me from within and I was ready to burn anything in front of me without mercy. But what I was focused on now was Xander and I confronted him without thinking.

I got back into the car and immediately said to the driver, "To Xander's place."

The old man sitting behind the wheel looked at me from the rear view mirror, he was a little surprised. "Master won't like you coming to him at the training ground."

I can still go there myself, even if you don't take me," I said curtly. I was too angry to care about friendliness, even though I knew my anger shouldn't be directed at the driver. I took a deep breath. "Please take it to Xander's place," I repeated, more politely this time.

I let my anger continue to flare until I reached the field where Xander was practicing. His tall, imposing figure made him stand out, always barking orders. Kaikuku hurried alongside me, as if competing to get there first. But when I stood next to Xander, trying to appear imposing myself, it was futile. He was simply too big for me.

Xander glanced at me briefly, then returned his focus to his warrior. Determined, I tugged on the alien's hand, trying to redirect its attention toward me, but it remained unmoved.

"Xander," I called, every word dripping with anger. "We need to talk."

"Just wait until we're home. I'm still working."

His dismissive tone fueled my frustration. "No. We have to talk now." I stepped in front of Xander, pointing repeatedly at his chest with my index finger. "What did you do to the children in the slum area? Why aren't they there anymore? Even the people who lived in those houses have vanished." My voice rose, competing with the clamor of screaming aliens and clashing swords behind me.

Ignoring the chaos, I locked eyes with Xander. His furrowed brows met mine. The expression on his face was like he had bitten into a very sour lemon.

"We'll talk at home."

My frustration grew; he kept using the same dismissive tone. "No. I want to talk here." Akut wouldn't budge until he got an answer, and I despised this alien general who consistently pushed my limits.

In an instant, Xander's sour expression transformed into anger. A few seconds later, my vision blurred, and all I could see was Xander's blue back. Not long after, my butt stung from the impact, making me gasp.

Xander's steps were long and fast. "You don't question me in front of my warriors," he hissed, his emotions palpable even without seeing his face.

The training ground felt dangerously close to Xander's house, and my head spun as he increased his pace. My position shifted rapidly until my body lay across Xander's thigh. Another blow landed on my buttocks, hitting the same spot as before and intensifying the pain.

"You can't hit me!" I shouted, but it seemed he couldn't hear my words. I struggled, but he easily immobilized my legs and body with just his two hands, rendering me powerless. The vast difference in our strength left me exhausted from futile resistance.

My screams remained trapped as Xander struck my butt again, continuing for the fifth time.

"Don't ever, ever question me in front of my people. Do you understand?" Xander emphasized each word, ensuring I heard him.

I merely nodded. My voice had vanished, and unshed tears blurred my vision.

He deposited me on the bed and stormed out of the room. Alone, I could only cry, not because my buttocks throbbed—though they did—but because I realized I couldn't match Xander's strength. It was painfully clear he held all the power.

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